LoL Season 14 New Baron Nashor Changes: All 3 Variations & Void Camps

Baron Nashor is back with new changes in the upcoming Season 2024 of League of Legends. Here are all of the details.

LoL Season 14 New Baron Nashor Changes: All 3 Variations
Riot Games

Season 14 of League of Legends is almost here and Riot has showcased most of the major changes coming in January. With a wide array of map changes, item and Dragon reworks, and new mechanics such as Rift Herald Driving, we are about to enter a new era of the game. One of the big changes coming to Season 2024 is the way Baron Nashor works, with different variations of him spawning, as well as new events happening when you kill him. Here is everything you need to know about the Baron in Season 14:

League of Legends Season 14 Baron Nashor Changes
Riot Games



Three Variations When Spawning

One of the big changes to Baron Nashor in Season 14 is that he will have three different variations, one of which will be randomly selected whenever he spawns. Each of these different forms come with a new moveset and arena, which you will need to adapt to from game to game. Here is a sneak peek at how some of these variations are going to look in-game:

League of Legends Season 14 New Baron Changes
Riot Games



As you can see from the image, both his model and the arena around him have a new and updated look, similar to the one added for the Rift Herald. However, this arena around the Baron is the classic one, so lets take a look at one of the newer variants:

League of Legends Season 14 Baron Variations
Riot Games



As you can see from this image, this is one of the new variations of his arena. This arena has openings on both sides, towards the top and middle lane. Having a random chance for a different style of arena around the Baron is going to favor players, that are able to improvise and adapt on the spot. Also, here is the third arena:

League of Legends Season 2024 Baron Rework
Riot Games

One more thing to mention is that the buff received from the Baron is going to remain the same, however something new is also going to happen upon his arrival:



Empowered Jungle Minions (Void Camps)

Once Baron Nashor appears on the Rift at the 20-minute mark, the Blue Sentinel and Red Brambleback undergo a transformation during their respawn. They become Voidborn Sentinel and Voidborn Brambleback, respectively, gaining increased durability, making them more challenging to defeat. However, the additional effort is worthwhile, as once taken down, Blue and Red grant their buffs to the entire team of the player responsible for the takedown, excluding any allies who are currently dead.

League of Legends Season 14 New Void Camps
Riot Games



Additionally, following the 20-minute mark, the Rift Scuttler transforms into Voidborn Scuttler upon respawn. Upon defeat, Voidborn Scuttler triggers a substantial Scryer’s Bloom effect, revealing all champions and wards in a large surrounding area. Similar to Scryer’s, wards exposed in this manner will have their HP reduced to 1.

League of Legends Voidborn Scuttle Crab
Riot Games

That is everything we know about the changes to Baron Nashor in Season 14 of League of Legends. This is just one of the many reworks that will be added to the game in January. If you are interested in more information about the changes, click here, or check out the rest of our website.
