LoL Season 14 Macro Guide: Best Tips For All Roles

League of Legends Season 2024 is coming very soon so we will be providing a very helpful macro guide so you can have a better understanding of the new map and objectives

LoL Season 14 Macro Guide: Best Tips For All Roles
Riot Games

League of Legends Season 14 is on the horizon, and with it come a lot of impactful changes to the gameplay so we will be going over everything you need to know to boost your macro game and help you navigate the new Summoner's Rift.

Although the meta will probably evolve with new strategies coming into both casual and competitive play, we will discuss the important changes to neutral objectives, how the new map terrain affects your lane priority, and how each lane has some new responsibilities. 

A completely new way of playing the game will leave some players wondering how to approach this new season, but rest assured, we have got you covered so you can win your first games once Season 2024 officially begins. Let's get started!



LoL Season 14 Macro: Voidgrubs Camp

Void Grubs Season 14
Riot Games

This is the brand new objective that will replace one of the Rift Herald spawns in the early game. The camp spawns at the 5-minute mark, and will respawn again after 5 minutes once all three of the Voidgrubs are killed, i.e. if you kill the camp at 6 minutes, then the other camp will spawn at 11 minutes. 

This camp serves as a way to give the top lane more relevancy and priority as unfortunately, most players find themselves on an island without having much impact in the game unless they opt for Teleport.

This shift will allow more top-lane players to utilize their advantage not only by dominating their opponent but helping the jungler secure more vision and a helpful buff for your team. 

Voidgrubs give you a stacking buff called 'Hunger of the Void' that will help your team destroy turrets much faster by dealing true damage to structures, and with the help of the small Voidmites that spawn once you have 5 or 6 stacks of the buff.



LoL Season 14 Voidgrubs Impact

Now that we have a better understanding of this new neutral objective, we will be going over how each role will be affected by this new camp. 

Jungle Icon



  • Junglers will have to prioritize killing this camp as soon as it spawns as it will be heavily contested due to how strong the buff can be for your team.
Top Lane Icon


Top Lane

  • You will need to pay close attention to your junglers position as most of the time, 2v2 skirmishes will break out when contesting the Voidgrubs camp.
Mid Lane Icon


Mid Lane

  • Depending on your champion, you will need to secure priority in your lane so you can be the first to go to important objectives like Dragon, Voidgrubs, and Herald.
Support Icon



  • Supports will have to prioritize going to this objective at level 3 once you have based so that you can help your jungler. Most of the time, supports will need to go mid so they can impact the map as much as possible. 
Bot Lane Icon


Bot Lane

  • Since every other player on your team will be focusing on the early Voidgrubs spawn, your role will be to stop any wave freezes so you can safely farm up and ensure that you are matching the enemy bot laner. 



LoL Season 14 Macro: Rift Herald

Rift Herald Season 14
Riot Games

Now that there will be a new objective in the early game, the Rift Herald will spawn at the 14-minute mark. Shelly also has some important changes that will affect your gameplay.

You can now jump into the Herald once you have spawned it, allowing you to steer it so you can either escape a tough situation or crash into the enemy turret to deal a massive amount of damage. You are also granted a shield upon exiting the Rift Herald and you will be able to jump back in after a short cooldown. 

It is important to note that Shelly will always collide with an enemy structure, however the damage dealt will be less than when a champion is piloting her. 

LoL Season 14 Rift Herald Impact

There won't be any major differences in how teams should approach the new Rift Herald. Supports will need to tag along with their jungler to secure vision control over the area. Top and Mid laners will have to focus on getting priority in their lanes so that they can reach the objective and ensure that your jungler can secure it.

Getting the first Rift Herald can determine your win outcome in most matches as getting a turret or two can heavily impact your game. You will need to make use of any advantage you can grab a hold of so that you can deny your opponents any chances of a comeback. 

Herald will allow more ways for your jungler to approach lanes and ganks, and you can even opt for a very aggressive push and distract the enemy team from getting dragons. 



LoL Season 14 Macro: Baron Nashor

Baron Nashor Season 14
Riot Games

The biggest changes to Baron will be that there will be three separate forms that can spawn in your games. Two of the forms alter the terrain around Baron Pit so you will need to either ward more heavily to secure more vision or change your approach to team fights. 

Other than that, in terms of macro play, you will still have to focus on getting as many dragons as possible before going for Baron as the buff remains the same as in Season 13. However, the Baron will now modify the jungle camps, mainly the Red and Blue Buffs, and the Scuttle Crab. 

The new buffs will now be granted to all players on your team, but make sure to allow for your jungler to last hit them so they can get more experience and gold. The new Scuttle Crab will also grant a lot more vision once taken down so your team will need to prioritize it every time it spawns given how much information it can provide. 




All in all, the meta will certainly shift to a slower-paced game that will prioritize neutral objectives over aggressive ganks and leads in the lanes. The new changes will ensure that both teams have more avenues of approach to secure their lead or make a comeback as the game will drastically change the importance of top laners.

Supports will have to be even more vigilant around the map with players possibly opting for more roaming options rather than securing leads in the bot lane via 2v2 fights. Junglers will have to focus even more on clearing camps rather than ganking so we might see a return of champions that have amazing clear speeds.

If you would like to learn more, you can check out our in-depth video, here:
