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4. Top Tips for Off Meta Tank Heroes


The Art of Taking Space

What is 'taking space'? In this video, Highway will go over one of the most important concepts of the tank role!

Coach Highway


Made for Season 1Information checked and up to date


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exagenn 1 year ago

Hey coach Highway, surely make, please, another video about taking space. Probably, we need maybe 2 vods review from attack and defence. How to create space on every tanks? Some tanks are just better than others. We don't speak about GM or Top 500 players with their meta, but we are speaking about mid-elo (plat, diamond), about fundamentals, how to create space as "this" tank? For example: In plat I see a lot of Winston, Rein, Zarya, Hog, Orisa, but 0 Sigma, Queen, Ball. (sometimes Doom and D.va). How to use this information, this theory in real game? It would be nice to have step-by-step guide, how to create space, how to play tank role. Thank you


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exagenn 1 year ago

About "know where your team need to be", what can I do, if my team not at the place, where they need to be? How do I know, that it is the right place? Idk