World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore has been very well-received by the community and Blizzard is looking to add even more challenges to the gameplay for those players seeking even more ways to up their game and prove their skills on Azeroth.
We will be taking a closer look at what Self-Found Mode will most likely feature in its upcoming release in February 2024 as per the roadmap Blizzard recently posted. Although currently, Season of Discovery has somewhat eclipsed the Hardcore community, there are still a lot of players frantically questing by narrowly avoiding death.
Having said that, let us dive into the next chapter of WoW HC so we can see just what players should expect to see in the upcoming months.

WoW HC Self-Found Mode
This mode will restrict players from having access to items that have not been acquired by them. This means that you will be unable to trade with others and use your mailbox in any capacity, as well as the Auction House. You will be solely reliant on your own loot that you can collect throughout your adventures on Azeroth.
It seems that Blizzard is intent on allowing players to form groups, however, any gear, materials, or useful items can only come from your own loot table and professions. Not only will these limitations show just how difficult it is to play Vanilla WoW, but the lack of trading options and the inability to use the Auction House, paired with the incessant fear of your character facing death makes up for a very fun and extremely difficult journey to level 60.
The WoW Hardcore Community

Although most of the Classic players are playing Season of Discovery, there might be a resurgence with many veteran players aiming to achieve glory by surviving one of the most difficult versions of WoW so far.
With Blizzard's rather ambitious plans for 2024, we might see even more interesting and fun additions to the game so stay tuned for any additional information or updates, and most importantly, spirits guide you, Champion.