With the release of Cataclysm Classic coming ever so closer, players are trying out the pre-patch content as they try to re-ignite the passion when they first booted up Cataclysm. Blizzard is actively working on ironing out the bugs, and issues so that the official launch greets the players as they traverse the new and torn-asunder Azeroth.
Given how small the World of Warcraft Classic Team is, we can expect frequent hotfixes and updates to Cataclysm Classic so that the experience remains fun and balanced for everyone involved. Despite the massive success WoW Classic has achieved over the years, it seems the community is not as excited about Cataclysm as they were for the previous expansions.
With that being said, we will review all of the hotfixes and changes that were added to the game so you can get a better understanding of what to expect should you want to try out the beta before WoW Cataclysm hits live servers on May 20, 2024.

WoW Cataclysm Hotfixes May 15, 2024

General Changes
Darkmoon Faire Island is now set to open on May 26 through June 1.
The Stratholme Main Gate entrance should now place you in the correct location when queued through Random Dungeon Finder.
Exhaustion, Sated, and Temporal Displacement will now be cleared from pets when they are cleared from their masters.
WoW Cataclysm Classic Class Changes

Fixed an issue where dispelled Ignite effects were increasing the damage done by future Ignites. Dispels from the Glyph of Polymorph and duels ending will also now clear the damage done.

Fixed an issue with Deadly Momentum that caused its increased critical chance to be consumed by auto attacks that did not benefit from that increased chance. This is a true-to-reference 14-year-old bug, but was clearly unintended, so we fixed it.

Fixed an issue with Healing Stream Totem where it was not benefitting from the Shaman Restoration Mastery ability Deep Healing.

Fixed a problem with the values shown in the Warlock Molten Core talent. It will now correctly state that it reduces cast time by 10/20/30% at 1/2/3 talent points.

Deep Wounds damage will now be reduced by effects that reduce damage taken by a percentage.
And that covers all of the recent hotfixes that were added to World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic. We will make sure to keep an eye out for any other important changes.