A lot of massive changes will arrive in Patch 11.1, and many World of Warcraft players can't wait to try out the new raid, Mythic+ dungeons and score some new tier sets, given the new approach by the devs in terms of tuning and balancing.
With that in mind, we got a huge batch of changes from the TWW PTR so we will take a closer look at all of the Shaman changes.
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WoW TWW Shaman Changes 11.1

- The initial shield from Stone Bulwark Totem is no longer dispellable. The repeating shields will continue to be dispellable.

- Ascendance now requires a target to cast. Flame Shock and Lava Burst from casting it will always hit your primary target.
- Lightning Rod’s visual has been updated.

- Lava Lash damage reduced by 20%.
- Doom Winds damage now scales with Mastery: Enhanced Elements.
- Voltaic Blaze damage now scales with Mastery: Enhanced Elements.
- Lightning Rod’s visual has been updated.
- An issue causing Maelstrom Weapon spenders to remove a stack of Winning Streak! has been resolved.
- Conductive Energy now causes Primordial Wave to apply Lightning Rod to its targets.
- When Conductive Energy is talented, Chain Lightning will apply Lightning Rod to one of the secondary targets if the main target is already affected by Lightning Rod. If all secondary targets are already affected, the duration of Lightning Rod on the main target will be refreshed.
- Tremor damage reduced by 25%.
- Searing Volley damage reduced by 20%.
- While active, Surging Totem is replaced with a relocation spell that summons your Surging Totem nearby. This spell has a 6-second cooldown and does not trigger the global cooldown.

- All healing increased by 5%.
- Acid Rain damage increased by 25%.
- Fixed an issue that caused Therazane’s Resilience to not function correctly with external Earth Shields.
Developers’ notes: This baseline healing adjustment is aimed at keeping Restoration Shaman’s overall throughput similar to their level before Ancestral Guidance was removed.
And that covers all of the changes so far. As more and more players test out the Patch 11.1 content on the PTR, we can expect the next major update to The War Within might look very promising in the long run. You can also check out the official notes, here.