WoW The War Within Release Date Looms: Are You Prepared?

The release date for WoW's new War Within expansion was just unveiled! Here's all we know so far, as well as a rundown on what new features to expect. 

WoW The War Within Release Date Looms: Are You Prepared?

The War Within is just around the corner, and it means to introduce a whole new era for World of Warcraft with Chris Metzen at the spiritual helm. So, let's cover all major new features coming to the War Within expansion before revealing the all-important release date!

WoW The War Within Release Date

The War Within expansion is set to release on August 26, 2024, meaning beta testers and Blizzard Entertainment have their work cut out to balance the classes and tune the content before the big day.

WoW The War Within: New Features

Hero Talents in The War Within

Hero Talents

Hero talents are a fresh new way to customize your talent build in WoW, with every class specialization in The War Within gaining access to 2 unique hero talent trees. Players must choose only one of these trees. While you'll get enough talent points to fill out your hero talent tree completely, there will still be some key A/B choices to make along the way.




Delves are a new form of solo dungeon-like content and can be completed either alone or in groups of 3. How competitive gear rewards from Delves will be remains to be seen, though Blizzard has promised to make them a viable option for progressing your character in The War Within.

Delves are the second addition of solo content to The War Within, with solo queue rated battlegrounds (Battleground Blitz) also becoming a permanent feature after testing during Dragonflight!

Earthen Allied Race

The Earthen are a race we'll be seeing a lot of in The War Within, and they'll be unlockable as an allied race for both Horde and Alliance players. With a bunch of unique racial abilities (including literally eating gemstones), Horde players in particular might be hyped to get their first playable dwarf-style race.

World of Warcraft Earthen Race

Check out another article from the list below for more War Within news!
