With World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 3 introducing Dual Talent Specialization, some players will be eager to get their hands on this option to save a lot of back and forths to trainers and gold as well.
With that being said, we will quickly go over where you can find Grendag Brightbeard, the NPC that offers you the option to freely switch between two talent specs without giving away gold every time.
Some players think that Blizzard should have added this feature in Phase 2 to help with the sudden healer drought the community experienced during the first weeks of raiding Gnomeregan.

Dual Talent Specialization Alliance Location

You can locate Grendag Brightbeard in Ironforge near the pool in the Forlorn Cavern. Dual Talent Specialization will cost you 50 gold and your character will need to be at least level 40 to be able to purchase it.
Dual Talent Specialization Horde Location

You can locate Grendag Brightbeard in Orgrimmar at the end of the Valley of Strength. Dual Talent Specialization will cost you 50 gold and your character will need to be at least level 40 to be able to purchase it.
And that covers everything you need to know about how you can get Dual Talent Specialization in Season of Discovery Phase 3. Best of luck leveling up and may the RNG Gods be ever in your favor, Champions of Azeroth!