World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4 is in full gear as many players are busy exploring the entirety of Azeroth. Whether you are gathering new runes, leveling up, or simply partaking in open-world PvP, SoD offers you tons of opportunities to make the best out of your character.
With that in mind, you will need to gear up and prepare for the endgame content as the raids have been tuned according to the many powerups and changes that were introduced in this seasonal version of WoW Vanilla. Luckily, we have gathered the most important information you need to enhance your Restoration Druid build.
Table of Contents

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 4 Resto Druid Guide
In this quick guide, we will go over the best buffs, consumables, runes, talents, and BiS gear for Restoration Druids in WoW SoD Phase 4 so you can clear any PvE content with ease.
WoW SoD Phase 4 Best Restoration Druid Talents
Here are the best Restoration Druid Talents you can use to maximize your healing:

Here are the talents for each tree:

- Improved Wrath - 5 points
- Natural Weapons - 5 points
- Natural Shapeshifter - 3 points
- Omen of Clarity - 1 point
- Nature's Reach - 2 points

- Improved Mark of the Wild - 5 points
- Improved Healing Touch - 5 points
- Nature's Focus - 1 point
- Reflection - 3 points
- Insect Swarm - 1 point
- Tranquil Spirit - 5 points
- Improved Rejuvenation - 3 points
- Nature's Swiftness - 1 point
- Gift of Nature - 5 points
- Improved Regrowth - 5 points
- Swiftmend - 1 point
WoW SoD Phase 4 Best Resto Druid Runes
Here are the best Restoration Druid Runes you can use to maximize your healing:
Rune | Slot |
Improved Barkskin | Head |
Tree of Life | Back |
Fury of Stormrage | Chest |
Efflorescence | Wrist |
Wild Growth | Hands |
Eclipse | Waist |
Lifebloom | Legs |
Survival Instincts | Feet |
Defense Specialization | Ring |
Nature Specialization | Ring |
WoW SoD Phase 4 Best Resto Druid Consumables
Here are the best Restoration Druid Consumables you can use to maximize your healing:
Consumable |
Flask of Distilled Wisdom |
Nightfin Soup |
Major Mana Potion and Demonic Rune/Dark Rune |
Brilliant Mana Oil or Brilliant Wizard Oil |
Gizzard Gum |
Flask of Restless Dreams |
WoW SoD Phase 4 Best Resto Druid Buffs
Here are the best Restoration Druid Buffs you can use to maximize your healing:
Buff | Effect |
Sayge's Dark Fortune of Damage | +10% Damage |
Rallying Cry of the Dragonslayer | +10% Spell Crit |
Songflower Serenade | +5% Crit, +15 Attributes |
Warchief's Blessing / |
+300 HP, +10 MP5 |
Slip'kik's Savvy | +3% Spell Crit |
Mol'dar's Moxie | +15% Stamina |
WoW SoD Phase 4 Resto Druid BiS Gear
Here are the best Restoration Druid items you can use to maximize your healing:
With this guide, you will be able to maximize your healing as a Resto Druid in WoW SoD Phase 4.