Route 66 is one of the first maps in Overwatch from 2016. It hasn't been changed much since then. But in Season 7, they're making some updates.
According to a post about Season 7, they're making the environment better so attackers can move through tight spots easier. They're also changing the third area by taking away some cargo.
The team said in the post: "For Route 66, we're making changes so attackers can leave their starting area more safely."
A big change is about the doors after the first point is taken. When attackers take the first point, the main doors won't close all the way. This lets attackers have more ways to deal with tight spots in the next part of the map.
The post explains: "When the cart goes past the first point, the doors won't close all the way. This gives attackers more ways to get through tight spots."

They're also changing the third area. They're taking away some boxes and cargo. This makes it easier for defending players to stop attackers from taking the last point. The post says: "Defenders will have more ways to stop attackers at the last point because we're taking some cargo away."
There are also small changes. They changed the lighting and the first starting point for attackers, the diner, is now open.
Players can check out the new Route 66 map on October 10 when Season 7 starts.