Manor Lords is here and our long wait is at an end. There are going to be some unknowns along the way but we can start our rule. Starting only with a few settlers, we will build our villages into bustling cities. We all look forward and dread the moment we have to deal with invading lords and bandits attacking our settlement but something far worse is coming.

When winter hits, we will have to figure out how to keep our villagers warm and fed through the snowy months. Building a decent fuel supply and making sure your villagers have cloaks to wear will go a long way to making everyone survive winter. To get started on cloaks, you will need wool and for that, you want sheep.
How to Get Sheep in Manor Lords
Before you get your hands on some sheep, you are going to need a few things.
- A Sheep Farm
- A Pasture big enough to hold your sheep
- A Livestock Trading Post

You will not find any sheep just walking around the countryside so you will need a Livestock Trading Post. Do not mix this up with a normal trading post. You cannot buy oxen, sheep, and horses from a normal trading post any more than common items from a Livestock Trading Post. Each sheep will cost you 30 regional wealth and we recommend buying around five to begin with.
Before you go and purchase any sheep, you are going to need somewhere for them to live. Build a Sheep Farm first and then a pasture. You can make the pasture as large as you like in Manor Lords and the bigger the better. This will give you room to breed more and not have them escape. Now you have a place for them to live, you can purchase your sheep.

Don’t forget to assign a family to watch over and sheer the sheep. This will be done automatically but not in the winter because the animals are going to need the wool to survive. Unlock the Sheepbreeding perk in Manor Lords to have your sheep slowly multiplying. You could sell the wool to make some money but you would be better off turning it into clothes and cloaks to maximize your profit.
How to Turn Your Wool into Clothes and Cloaks in Manor Lords
Build a Weaver’s Workshop and get a family to move in. They will slowly turn your wool into yarn. One family member will start selling the yarn at the marketplace as long as you have one established. This will generate some wealth but you do better in Manor Lords.

Build a Tailor’s Workshop and a Dyer’s Workshop to turn the yarn into cloaks. Make sure you have a constant supply of berries for the dye and everything else will take care of itself. You will soon have cloaks for your villagers in the winter and whatever you have extra, you can sell for some extra cash.
That’s everything you need to know about getting sheep and turning wool into cloaks in Manor Lords. While there is an initial investment, rearing sheep can be a great way of keeping your people warm and making a nice profit. You are on your way to being a very prosperous lord. Keep it up. Check out our guides on making ale for the tavern and increasing your population in Manor Lords.