Manor Lords is finally here and we can enjoy the city-building simulation. There will be many challenges ahead but for now, we can start our journey. Some people might think that the big obstacle will be bandits or invading forces but your first few winters might be harder to overcome.

In autumn you are going to have to make sure your stock of food and fuel is enough to last the winter. You might not even know that you are running out of firewood until it becomes a problem. Your supply tab will inform you that each of your houses or burgage plots uses one unit of fuel but that amount will double in the cold season. Some workshops will also require wood so keep an eye on your stock.
How to Gather Fuel in Manor Lords
The first thing you are going to need is a Woodcutter’s Lodge. Place it near some trees and assign a villager to chop wood. It will cost you one timber but you should have that available as long as you have a Logging Camp. Your new woodcutter will produce firewood automatically and start to build up your stock in Manor Lords. Depending on your population or need, you can assign a few people to help out.

In your development tree, you can unlock the Charcoal Kiln which will double your fuel potential. When you build the kiln, whoever you have working there will turn one piece of firewood into two charcoal. Place it near the Woodcutter’s Lodge for convenience. When you are getting close to winter make sure you have plenty in stock. Don’t forget to build extra stores so you can set aside more fuel.
That’s everything you need to know about increasing your fuel so you can survive the winter in Manor Lords. You will need more and more as your settlement grows but you will have the population to help gather the wood. I hope this helps and be sure to check out our guides on crafting clothes and making ale for the tavern.