With Patch 14.19 now live, many League of Legends players are looking for their next OP pick for solo queue. Since every patch brings a lot of changes to the meta, we will be taking a look at the best of the best when it comes to mid lane champions so you can start climbing up the ranked ladder.
We will give several examples of champions per tier, so you can decide for yourself which pick fits your play style and which midlaner will give you the best chances of carrying your team to victory.
Given how much the meta can shake things up, you should pay attention to each patch as your favorite champion might be hit with the nerf hammer, as Riot unleashes a new broken champion on the mid lane.
Table of Contents
Tier List Explanation

This tier list will examine some of the most-played League of Legends champions in the mid lane. Keep in mind that this is for Emerald+ divisions.
- B-Tier: Viable and reliable in most situations, you can manage rather decently.
- A-Tier: Great options but lacking just slightly either in terms of damage or utility.
- S-Tier: The best champions you can use to ensure you are always victorious.
NOTE: Although this tier list strives to be as objective as possible in terms of viability, you should not limit yourself to strictly adhere to this list, but rather experiment and see which champion feels fun to play with.
B-Tier Mid Lane Champions

Malzahar is a very straightforward mage that excels in laning without many issues. Although you lack playmaking opportunities, you make up for consistent DoT damage and enemy lockup.

If you think you're great at landing skillshots, then give Xerath a try as this long-range artillery mage has got you covered.

The playful trickster can be quite annoying to deal with in lane, but you should pay attention to your low-health pool when engaging the enemy team.

Veigar is fairly decent, but the lack of mobility can quickly let you fall behind if you are constantly being targeted by the enemy jungler or support.

Vel'Koz has been struggling to reach the very top of the meta, as his kit has been butchered by the devs, leaving you forced to play as a support in most cases.

Although Ziggs saw a lot of play in the bot lane, especially in competitive play, Riot nerfed a lot of his passive damage, but he can still be a rather reliable mid lane champion.

Ekko has seen better days, but you can still get some priority and some skirmishing power, especially around neutral objectives.

Orianna is fantastic in pro play, but she lacks the playmaking capabilities other midlaners have, as you will need excellent team coordination to land a great ult.

Ryze has been stagnating for quite some time, with most players opting to play him in the top but you can still scale quite nicely if you are matched against a less-aggressive champion.

Viktor is a hit-or-miss as not a lot of players play him, leading to a relatively low pick rate, but you can still catch enemies off-guard with a well-landed combo, especially with the support of your team.
A-Tier Mid Lane Champions

Lux is another straightforward mage that can either pop off or slowly crumble come late game.

Neeko has a very high skill ceiling as her passive can allow you to pull off some shenanigans and deny your enemy from any item procs once you turn into a minion or creep.

Annie is great if your team needs CC or if you want to have a relatively chill laning phase, with a minion execute and a reliable stun, you can slowly build up significant advantages.

Twisted Fate has enormous potential due to his cross-map ult, but you need to be able to utilize his kit effectively to assist your team in skirmishes.

Brand is very strong, and with the meta shifting to a more durability-focused angle, your burn will be able to deal a lot of damage, especially if the enemy is stacking health.

Cassiopeia can be quite tricky to navigate, especially early into the game as to how low your damage is without items. Although Rod of Ages was also nerfed, you can still get some mileage out of her.

Although a lot of lethality items saw nerfs this patch, Naafiri is still surprisingly strong, and not many players are utilizing her kit to get a surprise kill.

Although Jayce is struggling in the top lane, you can find some success should you opt to play him in the mid lane.

Brand is very strong, and with the meta shifting to a more durability-focused angle, your burn will be able to deal a lot of damage, especially if the enemy is stacking health.
S-Tier Mid Lane Champions

Taliyah is seeing play once more, and you can heavily punish enemy comps that have a lot of engage.

The cosmic dragon is primed for this patch, given how the devs have intended for games to

Although the meta favors more durable champions, you can still get a lot of mileage out of Aurora for her constant lane harass and mobility.

Kassadin is another scaling monster that will hugely benefit from the meta shift so if you want a late-game annihilator, then look no further.

One of the most annoying champions is making a comeback this patch, with players finding success in the mid lane. Although you won't be able to pop enemies so easily, you can still provide a lot of damage and CC.

Anivia has been a staple slow-burner champion as her kit allows you to zone off the enemy team very effectively, but given how much assassins were nerfed this patch, you can give this icy bird a try.

With the return of mages, Galio can be quite the pocket pick if you want to counter AP-heavy comps.

Ahri might have found a sweet spot in the meta, and although you won't be able to solo kill champions, she excels in skirmishes.

Syndra is styling on other mid laners with the buffs to Stormsurge, making her a very terrifying mage that can deal massive damage.

Vex benefits from having a bit more health to allow her to jump in for an AoE fear. Make sure to give her a spin as she has quite an easy-to-understand kit.

Sylas is in the zone, with sustain making him quite the unbreakable melee mage that can unleash his chains unto unsuspecting enemies.

Hwei remains a rather difficult to play champ, but once you master all of his skills, you can easily carry games.

LeBlanc is another contender for the top spot of this tier list, given how much mobility, damage, and pressure she has throughout all stages of the game.
Best Mid Lane Champions Tier List
All in all, this League of Legends tier list is surely to change based on balance changes the devs implement but it should give you a general idea of which champions are strong and which might need some additional tuning to become more viable.
S-Tier Champions

- LeBlanc
- Hwei
- Aurora
- Sylas
- Vex
- Syndra
- Ahri
- Galio
- Anivia
- Zoe
- Kassadin
- Aurelion Sol
- Taliyah
A-Tier Champions

- Lissandra
- Cassiopeia
- Brand
- Twisted Fate
- Jayce
- Annie
- Neeko
- Naafiri
- Lux
B-Tier Champions

- Veigar
- Vel'Koz
- Ziggs
- Ekko
- Xerath
- Viktor
- Orianna
- Fizz
- Ryze
- Malzahar
C-Tier Champions

- Corki
- Talon
- Katarina
- Akali
- Azir
D-Tier Champions

- Vladimir
- Zed
- Tristana
- Yone
- Yasuo