You might be wondering why you can't play EfT or why is it down? Escape from Tarkov is currently preparing for the installation of Patch which comes with downtime. This means EFT is currently unavailable to play. The downtime starts at 3 AM EST or 2 AM EST on October 31st 2024, and it will last approximately 8 hours, according to the Battlestate Games team. Players are currently unable to access the game. Here's everything you need to know about EFT's downtime:
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Escape from Tarkov Patch Downtime & Maintenance Schedule
The maintenance window in Escape from Tarkov will happen on the October 31st, making the game inaccessible for all players. Specific EFT downtime details include:
- Servers go offline on October 31st at 3 AM EST
- It will take around 8 hours of downtime to upload Patch
- This downtime can be extended if the game's team runs into issues
Once the update is live and stability is confirmed, Escape from Tarkov servers will reopen with the new update active. Expect some early teething issues in the first few hours after launch as millions of players rush back in to explore the changes.
What Does The Escape from Tarkov Update Include?
Battlestate Games announced that the launch of Patch will bring lots of new fixes, changes, and features, such as:
- Temporarily using game servers for optimal matchmaking.
- Partial interaction with stash, profile, and Flea Market during server matchmaking.
- New features: move/sort items in stash, add sale offers on Flea Market, view character info, and group player health/equipment.
- Certain achievements now grant rewards that don’t disappear after wipes.
- Rewards for The Tarkov Mystery event achievements include a cat hologram and an Adik Tracksuit.
- The Stylish One task removed; existing rewards are retained until the end of the wipe.
- Pin Feature: Keeps items in place but allows manual movement; status lost if moved to inventory or during raids.
- Lock Feature: Prevents deletion, movement, or usage of items (except in containers).
- In-game season switched to fall; late fall will be enabled later.
- Added MPS Auto Assault-12 shotguns and new bipod mounts.
- Introduced new attachments for SCAR, G36, and AUG rifles.
- Resolved various visual and gameplay issues, including display artifacts, interaction bugs, and AI behavior.
How Players Can Prepare for Escape from Tarkov Patch
We're getting ready for the new patch to be up and running in a few hours. Meanwhile, while waiting for the EFT servers to go up again, you can check out the patch details in the dev blog info. This will give you a better idea of what to expect in the game once it launches again.
Have some patience until the downtime is over and have fun once Escape from Tarkov is live again!