Some Escape From Tarkov players may encounter the 103003 error code in their game. Do not worry about this EFT 'Access Denied' issue, as we have a solution for the problem you've encountered. Follow this guide to resolve the 103003 error code:
What is the Escape From Tarkov 'Access Denied' 103003 Error Code:

The cause for the EFT 103003 Error could be server or file issues, preventing players from logging into the game and enjoying the gameplay.
EFT 103003 Error Code Fix:
There's an easy solution for the Escape From Tarkov 'Access Denied' issue if you follow these steps:
Check Server Status: It's possible that you're encountering this EFT error because of a server issue. To resolve the 103003 error code, check the status of the Escape From Tarkov servers online. If they're currently down or hosting too many players, you'll have to wait for a while before trying to connect again.
Restart your Device and Router: This step is a staple in fixing any game-related issue. Try restarting your computer and router, and then attempt to run EFT again. If this doesn't fix the issue, continue with the next steps.
Check Game File Integrity: Ensure your Escape From Tarkov files aren't corrupted. From the game launcher, you can run the option to verify or check the integrity of game files.
Contact EFT Support: If you followed these steps and are still encountering the 103003 Error Code, contact the Escape From Tarkov support regarding your in-game problem.
We hope this guide helps you fix the 103003 Error Code in EFT!