How To Destroy Automaton Dropships in Helldivers 2

Here's a quick guide on how to destroy Automaton Dropships and prevent their reinforcements in Helldivers 2.

How To Destroy Automaton Dropships in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios

In the Galactic War for Super Earth, you will have to face two different factions in Helldivers 2: the Terminids and the Automatons. Knowing how to deal with each enemy type from both factions is crucial for your success in liberating the invaded planets and bringing democracy to the galaxy. The Dropship is the unit that brings Automaton reinforcements to the battlefield. In this guide, we will teach you the easiest way to destroy it.

How to Destroy Automaton Dropships in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios



How to Destroy Automaton Dropships in Helldivers 2

When battling the Automaton faction, dealing with Dropship reinforcements usually isn't a big deal. A Dropship will bring 8-10 units, which you can quickly clear with a well-placed AoE (Area of Effect) Stratagem. However, there are situations where you're cornered from all sides, and you see that bot raising its hand to call in reinforcements. If you can't destroy the Dropship quickly, it could mean the death of your team. Fortunately, there are a few weapons capable of destroying the Dropship in the air, causing its reinforcements to instantly die.

Here are the best weapons for destroying Automaton Dropships:

  • EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank
  • GR-8 Recoilless Rifle
  • RS-422 Railgun

The Expendable Anti-Tank and the Recoilless Rifle are essentially the same in functionality. The Anti-Tank is a single-shot weapon but comes with two launchers and has a low cooldown. The Recoilless Rifle has the longest reload time in the game unless someone reloads it for you. To destroy the Dropship in the air, aim at one of its four engines.

How to Destroy Automaton Dropships in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios



Hitting it elsewhere might set it on fire but won't bring it down. Aim carefully; the Dropship moves very fast and only slows down just before deploying its reinforcements. This is the best moment to take your shot, which will bring it down and credit you with the kill scores of all its reinforcements.

How to Destroy Automaton Dropships in Helldivers 2
Arrowhead Game Studios

Alternatively, the Railgun can be used to shoot the engine, but one shot will not suffice unless you switch to unsafe mode and supercharge it. If you don't have any of these weapons when you encounter a Dropship, simply deploy a Stratagem like the Eagle Airstrike, which will take care of most of the Automaton reinforcements.

And that concludes our guide on how to destroy Automaton Dropships in Helldivers 2. Remember to take your time and aim at one of its four engines. For more Helldivers 2 news and guides, check the rest of our website.
