The Dota 2 meta is ever-evolving, and players should keep in mind good hero choices. In this article, we will pick two OP heroes for each role in Dota 2 Patch 7.37. We hope this will help you climb MMR quickly. You can also find the information from this article on our GameLeap Dota 2 YouTube Channel:
Table of Contents
Safe Lane Patch 7.37 Picks

Medusa received significant changes in patch 7.37, making her a top-tier carry in Dota 2. The biggest change is that Mana Shield is no longer a levelable ability, allowing you to focus on her other skills. Mystic Snake and Gorgon’s Grasp give her strong nuking potential. Although Mystic Snake was nerfed, it's still effective, and Gorgon’s Grasp adds much-needed crowd control. Medusa’s facet, “Engorge,” boosts her attack damage significantly, making her a formidable late-game presence.

Slark has been quietly buffed over several patches. His ultimate’s cooldown has been reduced, and his innate health regeneration has increased. With recent damage and talent buffs, Slark scales incredibly well into the late game. He’s particularly OP against meta carries like Medusa and Sven, thanks to his ability to steal stats and disrupt their gameplay. Utilizing his shard and level 15 talent for increased regeneration, Slark becomes even more dangerous.
Mid Lane Patch 7.37 Picks
Ember Spirit

Ember Spirit has an insanely high win rate, especially in higher MMR games. Despite minor nerfs, he remains one of the best mid heroes due to his ability to control the mid lane with ease. Mage Slayer is a particularly powerful item on Ember, adding significant magic resistance and amplifying his damage output. His innate burn damage and ability to push waves make him a dominant force in mid.

Sniper is exceptionally OP in patch 7.37. Keen Scope grants him an extra 160 attack range at level one, making his laning phase much easier. Headshot, combined with the extended range, allows Sniper to harass enemies effectively. At level two, taking Take Aim or Scattershot provides him with either guaranteed headshots or a powerful nuke. His talents and abilities make him a formidable opponent, capable of dealing significant damage from a safe distance.
Off Lane Patch 7.37 Picks
Death Prophet

Death Prophet has received multiple buffs, making her a top-tier offlaner. The 7.37 patch increased her movement speed via Witchcraft and added significant health and cooldown reduction talents. Her new facet, Mourning Ritual, allows her to take damage over five seconds instead of instantly, which can be partially dodged with Eul’s Scepter. This makes her incredibly resilient and hard to burst down, allowing her to get off her Spirit Siphon and ultimate reliably.
Centaur Warrunner

Centaur Warrunner remains a stable pick due to his high health and strength gain. Despite Crimson Guard being slightly nerfed, Centaur’s synergy with it remains strong. Building items like Blink Dagger, Pipe, and Shiva’s Guard, Centaur becomes a tanky initiator who can control team fights and soak up damage effectively.
Position 5 (Support) Patch 7.37 Picks
Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter may have been nerfed, but he remains a strong pick in pubs. His Track ability now grants significant bonus gold and damage amplification, making him a valuable asset in turning around games. His ability to capitalize on enemy mistakes and earn extra gold from streaks makes him a game-changing support, especially in late-game scenarios.

Tusk is a sleeper pick due to his powerful initiation and crowd-control abilities. Snowball and Ice Shards can isolate and pick off enemies, while his ultimate, Walrus Punch, provides a reliable stun and burst damage. Tusk’s ability to save teammates and disrupt enemy formations makes him a versatile and impactful support hero.
Position 5 (Hard Support) Patch 7.37 Picks

Disruptor excels as a hard support with his ability to control and zone enemies. Glimpse can catch retreating heroes, and Static Storm combined with Kinetic Field can silence and trap multiple enemies. His abilities to control the battlefield and punish out-of-position opponents make him a staple pick in the current meta.
Witch Doctor

Witch Doctor is a strong sleeper pick due to his versatile skill set. Paralyzing Cask can stun multiple enemies, while Maledict deals significant damage over time. His healing ability, Voodoo Restoration, provides sustain in team fights. With his ultimate, Death Ward, Witch Doctor can deal immense damage if left unchecked, making him a valuable asset in team engagements.
And there you have it - the top heroes in the current Dota 2 meta. Don't forget to check out the original video!