World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 3 will provide players with even more runes to discover and try out. Given the great success of runes so far, the community is loving not only the new ways they can play their classes but also figuring out new and fun ways to do PvP and PvE content.
Having said that, we will go over all of the new Priest runes for SoD Phase 3 as well as how to obtain them so you can start experimenting. Please keep in mind that we will update the guide as soon as the runes are discovered on live servers. Although Phase 2 saw a rather fast discovery process, Phase 3 might be a tad more difficult.

WoW Season of Discovery Phase 3 Priest Runes
Despair gives Shadow Priests even more damage by making their DoTs crit.
Surge of Light will give Healers some extra damage as well as more heal procs.
Void Zone gives Shadow Priests a great AoE damage spell.
Divine Aegis will add a great shield to healed targets.
Eye of the Void will be a great utility spell that will cast curses onto target enemies, presumably to replace Homunculi.
Pain and Suffering might divide Shadow Priests as Mind Blast causes a lot of threat.
WoW Season of Discovery Phase 3 Priest Rune Locations
To get the rune you will need to follow these steps:
- Channel into 4 Ley Crystals scattered around Azeroth. You will need either Worldcore Fragment found from Imp explorations or team up with a Mage can use Scroll of Geomancy. Either way, you will need 4x items to complete the rune requirements.
Crystal Locations:
- Feralas: The High Wilderness /way 57 60.

- Hinterlands: North of the Altar of Zul /way 48 59.

- Azshara: Southwestern mountains near The Forlorn Ridge /way 22 79.

- Searing Gorge /way 55 65.

Once completed, a level 47 Arcane Elemental will spawn so make sure to do this with a group as Mages and Warlocks are also eligible to receive their runes.
To get the Prophecy of the Lost Tribe you will need to find and kill an Echo of a Lost Soul. It's located at one of the following locations:
- Gadgetzan graveyard in Tanaris
Graveyard in Swamp of Sorrows /way 50.4, 61.1
Ruins of Aboraz in Stranglethorn Vale
The mob has a buff Protected by Shadows that gives it spell immunity to all schools of magic except Arcane. You can also remove the buff by casting Holy Fire on it several times.
You will need to be Friendly with the new Emerald Wardens reputation to get Nihilist Epiphany. The rune costs 1 Gold and 60 Silver. You can buy it from any of the following Quartermasters:
To get Resolute Epiphany you need to follow these steps:
- Pick up the quest The Wild Gods from Shadowtooth Emissary in Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood.
- Go to Jinth'Alor in the Hinterlands. Kill elite trolls to obtain Wildwhisper Draught.
- Go to Razorfen Downs and clear the area around Amnennar the Coldbringer. Drink Wildwhisper Draught to spawn Spirit of Agamaggan. Speak to him to get a quest and Agamaggan's Roar. Only one player needs to drink the draught to spawn him.
- You will need to kill 3 mobs in three different dungeons to spawn a ghostly mob. When you trigger it, you get a chat emote "You feel a shadowed presence". Use Agamaggan's Roar near the ghostly mob; this makes a level 52 elite called the Delirious Ancient turn hostile. Each Ancient drops 1x Wild Offering:
Zul'Farrak: Clear Gahz'rilla and spawn a Ghostly Spider to summon Delirious Ancient.
Maraudon: Clear Princess Theradras area and spawn a Ghostly Raptor in the water to summon Delirious Ancient.
Blackrock Depths: Kill all three boss encounters including the Ring of Law to spawn a Ghostly Basilisk on the Dark Iron Highway (road to Bael'gar) to summon Delirious Ancient.
Once you have collected all three Wild Offering return to Shadowtooth Emissary to collect your rune.
To get Prophecy of Awakened Chaos you need to follow these steps:
- You need to find 7 scattered throughout Azeroth to get the rune.
- Felwood: Piercing Eye /way 36.5 55.7.

- Tanaris: Oozing Eye /way 56.4 73.7.

- Feralas: Burning Eye /way 57.2 68.7.

- Stranglethorn Vale: Baleful Eye /way 33 88.

- Blasted Lands - Pulsating Eye /way 49 14. Make sure to have a Slow Fall Effect handy.

- The Hinterlands: Glowing Eye, Jinth'Alor /way 58.4 72.7.

- Searing Gorge: Vibrating Eye, The Slag Pit /
way 43.8 45.8 . There is a small jumping puzzle you need to complete to get the Eye.

- Once all 7 Eyes have been collected, head to /
way 89 33 in Azshara. There, you'll find Shrine of the Watcher nestled into a doorway in the ruins, and with all Eyes in your inventory you can /kneel before it while targeting it. The Shrine of the Watcher will then offer the quest Seven Eyes I Seek... to turn in your Eyes, granting you this Rune.
To get Prophecy of Verdant Winter you will need to follow these steps:
- Head to Tanaris and farm Wastewander mobs east of Gadgetzan. Coded Warlock Notes drops from Wastewander Shadow Mage and Wastewander Cipher drops from Wastewander Thief mobs.
- Combine these items to get Deciphered Warlock Notes.
- Head to /
way 58.0 36.0 . Look for a Cryptic Scroll of Summoning on the ground.

Stand on the Scroll and use the Deciphered Warlock Notes.
This will summon an Enraged Voidwalker. Kill it and loot your rune.
You can also do this with a Shaman as Mental Dexterity can be obtained the same way.
And that covers everything we know so far about the new Priest runes in Season of Discovery Phase 3. We will closely monitor the community for any crucial information to help you find all of the runes as soon as possible.