Phase 2 of the World of Warcraft Season of Discovery is almost here, bringing with it lots of new features to explore, prepared by the Blizzard team. We'll have the opportunity to experience new quests and face new enemies within the magical realm of Azeroth.
WoW SoD Phase 2 also introduces a new set of runes to discover. This addition to the Season of Discovery changes the game, providing World of Warcraft players with additional ways to boost and augment their characters. In this article, we'll delve into all available Priest runes and where you can locate them.
Please note that it may take some time for all runes to be uncovered in the Season of Discovery, but rest assured, we'll promptly update this article accordingly.

WoW SoD Phase 2 Priest Runes and Locations

Pain Suppression Rune (Feet)
This SoD rune instantly reduces all damage taken by a friendly target by 40%. It also increases resistance to Dispel mechanics by 65% for 8 sec.
Pain Suppression Rune Location
- This SoD rune has not been discovered so far.

Mind Spike Rune
Mind Spike blasts your target for [111 * (9.456667 + 0.635108 * Level + 0.039063 * Level * Level) / 100] to [129 * (9.456667 + 0.635108 * Level + 0.039063 * Level * Level) / 100] Shadowfrost damage. This rune also increases the critical strike chance of your next Mind Blast on the target by 30%, stacking up to 3 times.
Mind Spike Rune Location
- This SoD rune has not been discovered so far.

Empowered Renew Rune (Waist)
If you have this SoD rune, your Renew will heal one extra time when applied. It also gains 15% increased benefit each time it heals from your bonus healing effects. Renew can also be activated on targets affected by another Priest's Renew.
Empowered Rune Location
- You can get the Empowered Rune as a drop from two types of mobs - Grimtotem mobs in Thousand Needles (/
way 34.4 30.6) and Crushridge Ogre mobs in Alterac Mountains (eastern edge of the snowy area, / way 52.8 44.6).

Renewed Hope Rune (Waist)
Renewed Hope causes your heals from Flash Heal, Lesser Heal, Heal, Greater Heal, and Penance to have 10% increased critical effect chance when cast on targets with Weakened Soul.
Renewed Hope Rune Location
Head to the northwestern shoreline to defeat Nagas. You'll get Unsettling Vision. Use Mind Control on Slitherblade Tide Priestess to get the Meditation buff. Now you can use Unsettling Vision to learn Renewed Hope.

Dispersion Rune (Feet)
With this SoD rune players can disperse into pure Shadow energy. Doing so reduces all damage taken by 90%. However, you'll be unable to attack or cast spells, but you regenerate 6% mana every 1 sec for 6 sec. Dispersion can be cast while stunned, feared, or silenced. It clears all snare and movement-impairing effects and makes you immune to them.
Dispersion Rune Location
To get this rune, you'll need a rogue who already has the Master of Subtlety Rune and Jani's Charm. Use the charm to pickpocket trolls in Stranglethorn Vale (/way #1434 33 14). You'll be able to get the Mysterious Troll Scroll.
- A mage needs to cast a Comprehension Charm to decipher the scroll, turning it into Deciphered Troll Scroll.
- Get Holy Spring Water from the Holy Spring or Naga fountain in the southern part of Stranglethorn Vale (/
way #1434 28.9 62.0) . If you have two Meditation Buffs, you can take the scroll to the troll's Ruins of Zul'Kunda (Stranglethorn Vale, /way #1434 23.6 8.2) . Use the Holy Spring Water next to the fountain behind Gan'zulah. This will cause the fountain to become intractable. Loot it for the Dispersion Rune.

Spirit of the Redeemer Rune (Feet)
You can activate this SoD Rune to become the Spirit of Redemption for 10 sec. In this form, healing spells are free of cost. However, you cannot move, attack, be attacked, or be targeted by any spells or effects. This rune requires Spirit of Redemption talent to activate, and players won't enter Spirit of Redemption upon dying.
Spirit of the Redeemer Rune Location
- To get this SoD rune, head to Deadwind Pass and talk to Dalaran Agent at Ariden's Camp (/
way 52 35 ), and you'll receiveAriden's Sigil. Equip it (or get another player to equip it) and defeat 7 Dark Rider Elites after using Ariden's Sigil to Reveal Dark Rider You can be sure a Dark Rider is near if you get the Dark Presence buff. You need to collect 7 Darlan Relics (make sure you use Reveal Dark Rider to get this loot). - The relics are Odd Dalaran Relic, Whirring Dalaran Relic, Heavy Dalaran Relic, Slippery Dalaran Relic, Creepy Dalaran Relic.
- Turn in the Relics and receive the Spirit of the Redeemer.
These are all WoW SoD runes there are to find. We hope we've made the hunt easier for you. Chek out the Priest Skillbooks here.