World of Warcraft Season of Discovery has a lot of new content for players to find throughout Azeroth. One of the most anticipated features of Phase 2 was the new 10-man Gnomeregan Raid.
The instance not only offers a lot of powerful items and gear to enhance your character but also a lot of cool new recipes for all crafting professions.
We will be taking a look at all of the new recipes you can obtain in Gnomeregan so you can further benefit from your crafting capabilities.

WoW SoD Phase 2 Gnomeregan Recipes
Before you can purchase these recipes, you will need to go through a rather long and difficult quest chain. We have a detailed guide, here.




And that covers all of the available recipes you can find throughout Gnomeregan. It seems that Blizzard is looking to make professions other than Engineering more beneficial. Season of Discovery Phase 2 is looking to become an even greater experience than Phase 1.
Adding more crafting recipes to an MMORPG further enhances the overall experience as it makes it even more satisfying once you have gathered the needed materials to craft a very strong item.