World of Warcraft Season of Discovery has hit quite the stagnation as many players have possibly fled to play Cataclysm Classic given how terrible the reception for Phase 3 was. It seems that the WoW Classic team was rather short on resources and people, given how lackluster Phase 3 was perceived after 2 weeks of active gameplay.
Many guilds complained not only about the lack of content to do besides PvP and the weekly raid which did not merit any items worth pursuing given the drastic power spikes from Phase 1's raid.
With that in mind, we will take a look at the most recent update from the Senior Game Produced Josh Greenfield as the community is still wondering how Phase 4 will pan out given the rather disappointing launches of Phases 2 and 3.
WoW Season of Discovery Phase 4 Possible PTR

Recently, Josh Greenfield stated that the Season of Discovery PTR is coming for players to test out. Previously, the devs did not share any of their plans and ideas with the community, as the core concept of this iteration of WoW Vanilla was to bring new and exciting ways for players to relive the glory days of Azeroth.
Alrighty friends, we are ramping up for Season of Discovery PTR, are finishing a few things up, and fixing a few bugs before we go live. Just wanted to give an update before EoD Monday so you know we are still working towards getting it out in the next few days, just need to finish a few things up first.
- @AggrendWoW on X
Hopefully, the feedback from the dedicated player base will result in positive changes not only to the core gameplay systems but also to the ideas Season of Discovery has brought forward. We also hope that the devs shed light on the fun aspects of the game without ultimately sacrificing the Vanilla experience, but instead freshening it up a bit.