With the previous success of Blizzard's take on a Battle Royale game mode, Plunderstorm is seeing some minor balancing due to feedback from the players.
Even though this limited-time event is centered around getting some pirate-themed cosmetics, you can also have some fun from all of the Mythic+ or PvP grinding in The War Within and kick back with some fast games in the Arathi Highlands. Having that in mind, we will go over all of the recent changes for Plunderstorm.
Plunderstorm Tuning

This time around, the balancing is for Celestial Barrage given how popular it has become.
Celestial Barrage travel speed reduced by 25%.
Celestial Barrage radius reduced by 33%.
Celestial Barrage initial flight distance significantly reduced.
Celestial Barrage backwards leap height significantly reduced.
Call Galefeather delay before Galefeather arrives reduced by 60%.
Aura of Zealotry’s active aura now persists for a short duration after leaving the consecration.
With these changes, it should make Plunderstorm more fun as players who are unable to pick up Celestial Barrage early into the game will not get as punished. Hopefully the devs keep listening to feedback from the community as the current iteration of Plunderstorm is a lot more fun without having to grind a Renown track.
You can check out the official changes, here.