Vampire Survivors: All Maps and How to Unlock Them

Discover how to unlock every map in Vampire Survivors with this comprehensive guide.

Vampire Survivors: All Maps and How to Unlock Them

Vampire Survivors is a thrilling and addictive game that has captured the hearts of gamers worldwide. With its unique blend of retro graphics and intense gameplay, players find themselves immersed in a world where survival is the ultimate goal. One of the key elements that keep the game fresh and exciting is the variety of maps available. In this article, we'll provide a comprehensive guide on all the maps in Vampire Survivors and how to unlock them.

Normal Stage Maps

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When you first start playing Vampire Survivors, you'll have access to five normal stages. These stages serve as the foundation for your journey and must be unlocked consecutively by reaching specific levels within the previous stage:

Map Name How to Unlock
The Mad Forest This is the first stage in the game that you can access right away
Inlaid Library Play through The Mad Forest and reach at least level 20 within one run
Dairy Plant Play through the Inlaid Library and reach level 40 within one run
Gallo Tower Play through the Dairy Plant and reach level 60 within one run
Cappella Magna Play through the Gallo Tower and reach level 80 within one run

You can unlock Hyper Mode in each of these stages. However, you need to kill a specific monster to unlock Hyper Mode, which is required to unlock the bonus stage maps:

  • Mad Forest: Kill the Giant Blue Venus monster
  • Inlaid Library: Kill the Nesuferit monster
  • Dairy Plant: Kill the Sword Giant
  • Gallo Tower: Kill the Giant Crab
  • Cappella Magna: Kill the Trinacria



Bonus Stage Maps with Hyper Mode

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Vampire Survivors offers bonus stage maps that are unlocked once you open up Hyper Mode. This mode introduces various changes to the game, including increased movement speed for you and your enemies, faster projectile speed, a 50% boost in gold found, and modifications to enemy health:

Map Name How to Unlock
Il Molise Unlock Hyper Mode on at least one normal stage
Green Acres Unlock Hyper Mode on at least two normal stages
The Bone Zone Unlock Hyper Mode on at least three normal stages
Moonglow Unlock Hyper Mode on at least four normal stages
Boss Rash Unlock Hyper Mode on all five normal stages
Tiny Bridge Reach level 80 on the Gallo Tower stage



Maps Requiring Inverse Mode

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Another way to open up extra stages is to play through Inverse Mode on earlier stages.

To access Inverse Mode, you need to find the relic Gracia's Mirror on the Eudaimonia Machine stage. This mode flips the layout of stages upside down and changes the modifiers on them as well.

Map Name How to Unlock
Astral Stair Reach level 80 in the Inverse version of the Inlaid Library stage
Bat Country Reach level 80 in the Inverse version of the Mad Forest stage



Hidden Maps

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Vampire Survivors also features three hidden or secret maps that can be unlocked by completing specific tasks. These maps add an extra layer of challenge and excitement to the game:

Map Name How to Unlock
Eudaimonia Machine Find and collect all the relics that can be picked up on every stage
Holy Forbidden Defeat the Trinacria monster in the Moonglow stage
Mt. Moonspell Own the Legacy of Moonspell DLC and unlock the Inlaid Library
Lake Foscari Own the Tides of Foscari DLC and unlock the Inlaid Library
Abyss Foscari Own the Tides of Foscari DLC and break the Lake Foscari seal




To sum up, here are all the maps in Vampire Survivors and how to unlock them:

Stage How to Unlock
Mad Forest First stage, no unlock is required
Inlaid Library Reach level 20 in Mad Forest
Dairy Plant Reach level 40 in Inlaid Library
Gallo Tower Reach level 60 in Dairy Plant
Cappella Magna Reach level 80 in Gallo Tower
Hyper Modes Kill specific bosses in each normal stage
Il Molise Unlock Hyper Mode on any stage
Green Acres Unlock Hyper Mode on 2 normal stages
The Bone Zone Unlock Hyper Mode on 3 normal stages
Moonglow Unlock Hyper Mode on 4 normal stages
Boss Rash Unlock Hyper Mode on all normal stages
Tiny Bridge Reach level 80 on Gallo Tower
Astral Stair Reach level 80 in Inverse Inlaid Library
Bat Country Reach level 80 in Inverse Mad Forest
Eudaimonia Machine Find all relics in the game
Holy Forbidden Defeat Trinacria in Moonglow
Mt. Moonspell Own DLC and unlock Inlaid Library
Lake Foscari Own DLC and unlock Inlaid Library
Abyss Foscari Break Seal of the Lake with Keitha

Vampire Survivors offers a vast array of maps, each with its unique challenges and modifiers. Unlocking these stages is a rewarding experience that keeps the game fresh and exciting. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting, this comprehensive guide will help you unlock all the maps in Vampire Survivors, ensuring countless hours of thrilling gameplay.
