Valorant Episode 8 Leaks: Icebox Map Changes

Discover leaked details about the latest Valorant Episode 8 leaks of all Icebox map changes in this article.

Valorant Episode 8 Leaks: Icebox Map Changes
Valorant Episode 8 Leaks: Icebox Map Changes

Please note that the information in this article is based on speculation and leaks. It is NOT officially confirmed.

Valorant's Icebox map has been out of commission since April 2023, undergoing reconstruction by Riot Games. The developer's goal with remodeling maps is to improve consistency based on community feedback. Though Icebox's removal sparked debate, especially in esports. Now with the map's return on the horizon for Episode 8, leakers have revealed the changes made during its 9-month absence. Here's all you need to know about the leaked Icebox map changes.

All Icebox Map Changes in Episode 8

Based on the leaks from a credible Valorant data miner, KOHTEIHEP, most alterations focused on condensing the middle area by adding windows and lifting storage containers. This provides fresh angles while reducing hiding spots.



Attacker Spawn

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A new container placed atop an existing one overlooks the middle from attacker spawn. Previously used to hold off pushes, this position now gives enemies an early vantage point.



Middle Tunnel

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The tunnel sidewall has a new window peering at the middle lane. Attackers used to push up safely but can now be spotted approaching.



Defender Tunnel

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The defender tunnel roof sports a window and boxes for fresh perspectives. The existing window above the snow pile also has new container protection on the right side.



B Site Access

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The lane from attacker spawn to B site saw a sizeable change. The crouch-under container was lifted, opening the view between the sides.



A Site Remains Untouched

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Despite changes across the map, Icebox's A site and surrounding area saw no updates. The entire left half of the map mirrors its predecessor.



What This Means for Icebox's Return

The leaked changes show Icebox will play faster and more aggressively.

  • New windows create additional battlegrounds in the middle for snipers and riflemen.
  • Lifted containers reduce hiding spots, forcing gunfights.
  • Meanwhile, the untouched A site retains its methodical strategy.

Overall, Icebox likely emerge more balanced and competitive. However, the A site may become even more defensive as attackers gain advantages elsewhere. Fans eagerly await the map's official return and how the meta adapts in Episode 8.



Summary of Changes

  • New attacker spawn angle overlooking mid
  • Added mid-tunnel side window
  • Defender tunnel roof window and boxes
  • Raised B site access container
  • A site and left side are unchanged
