Top 10 Rarest League of Legends Skins Ranked

In this ranking, we'll explore the rarest LoL skins from the game's inception in 2009 to the present day.

Top 10 Rarest League of Legends Skins Ranked
Riot Games

In League of Legends, there is a wide variety of skins available for champions on the Summoner's Rift. Some skins have rich backstories, and their exclusivity can make them rare finds. Ever wondered about those elusive skins not found in the shop? Let's delve into the top 10 rare League of Legends skins.

10. Black Alistar

LoL Black Alistar
Riot Games

Black Alistar, obtained through promotional codes in the early years of League of Legends, is a rare gem. Only 1000 accounts worldwide possess this skin, with a market value of around $550.

LoL Black Alistar Ingame
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9. Young Ryze

LoL Young Ryze
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From League of Legends' Collector's Edition, 'Young Ryze' is essentially a chroma depicting a rare human version of Ryze. Accounts with this skin are priced at approximately $160.

LoL Young Ryze In Game
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8. Silver Kayle

silver kayle skin
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Part of the League of Legends Collector's Edition in 2009, Silver Kayle is a rare find. Only 65,000 LoL players, just 1% of the community, own this exclusive skin.



7. Riot Squad Singed

LoL Riot Squad Singed
Riot Games

Sold for $150-200, Riot Squad Singed is a rare skin offered exclusively to Gamescom 2010 attendees.

LoL Riot Squad Singed
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6. Judgment Kayle

judgement kayle
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Rewarded to players for playing 10 games in League of Legends Season 1, Judgement Kayle features a unique take on Kayle in leather clothes. Accounts with this skin can fetch around $100.

judegement kayle in game
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5. UFO Corki

LoL Ufo Corki
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Given to players who created their accounts before January 14th, UFO Corki stands out with a new 3D model featuring Corki in a spaceship. It was part of a 2010 promotion.

LoL Ufo Corki IN game



4. Victorious Jarvan IV

LoL Victorious Jarvan
Riot Games

As an end-of-season reward skin, Victorious Jarvan IV is exclusive. Accounts with this skin typically sell for $200-300.

victorious jarvan in game
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3. Pax Jax

LoL Pax Jax Original
Riot Games

Available during the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) in 2010, Pax Jax accounts sell for around $250. Inspired by the Cardboard Tube Samurai from Penny Arcade, this skin is distinct from the 2023 Neo Pax Jax skin.

Pax Jax In Game
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2. King Rammus

LoL King Rammus
Riot Games

Inspired by Super Mario's Bowser, King Rammus was released during League of Legends' closed beta, making it a rarity and a collector's item.

LoL King Rammus In game



1. Pax Twisted Fate

League Of Legends PAX Twisted Fate

Perhaps the most famous rare skin, Pax Twisted Fate was a gift at the 2009 Penny Arcade Expo. Obtained via a code from a coupon, unused codes now sell for $450-500, making this recolor skin extremely rare and valuable. With only 20,000 in existence, matching the number of expo attendees, it holds a special place in the League of Legends community.

PAX Twisted Fate In-game
Riot Games




Rarest League of Legends Skins:

  1. Pax Twisted Fate
  2. King Rammus
  3. Pax Jax
  4. Victorious Jarvan IV
  5. UFO Corki
  6. Judgement Kayle
  7. Riot Squad Singed
  8. Silver Kayle
  9. Young Ryze
  10. Black Alistar
