The Sims 4's latest expansion pack, TS4 Life and Death, has finally been released. Ir offers more in-depth gameplay when it comes to death - funerals, better ghosts and mourning, and everything related. Simmers can now enjoy a more realistic gameplay experience. As Sims players ourselves, we understand that the game becomes even more enjoyable with mods and cheats. Let's delve into what's available for The Sims 4 Life and Death:
Table of Contents
The Sims 4 Life and Death Cheats

- Stats.Set_Skill_Level Minor_Thanatology X [1-5] : Boost the thanatology skill of your sim. Replace the brackets with the level you want them to reach.
- careers.promote mortician: Get a promotion in the Mortician career immediately
- careers.demote mortician: Get demoted from the Mortician career immediately
- careers.promote reaper: Get a promotion in the Reaper career immediately
- careers.demote reaper: Get demoted from the Reaper career immediately
Trait Cheats

- traits.equip_trait GhostWhisperer: Add the Ghost Whisperer Trait.
- traits.remove_trait GhostWhisperer: Remove the Ghost Whisperer Trait.
- traits.equip_trait Grimborn: Add the Grimborn Trait.
- traits.remove_trait Grimborn: Remove the Grimborn Trait.
- traits.equip_trait GrimDescendant: Add the Grim Descendant Trait.
- traits.remove_trait GrimDescendant: Remove the Grim Descendant Trait.
- traits.equip_trait trait_ChasedByDeath: Add the Chased By Death Trait.
- traits.remove_trait trait_ChasedByDeath: Remove the Chased By Death Trait.
- traits.equip_trait trait_grief_anger: Add Anger Grief Trait.
- traits.remove_trait trait_grief_anger: Remove Anger Grief Trait.
- traits.equip_trait trait_grief_denial: Add Denial Grief Trait.
- traits.remove_trait trait_grief_denial: Remove Denial Grief Trait.
- traits.equip_trait trait_grief_depression: Add Sadness Grief Trait.
- traits.remove_trait trait_grief_depression: Remove Sadness Grief Trait.
- traits.equip_trait trait_Macabre: Add the Macabre Trait.
- traits.remove_trait trait_Macabre: Remove the Macabre Trait.
- traits.equip_trait trait_Skeptical: Add the Skeptical Trait.
- traits.remove_trait trait_Skeptical: Remove the Skeptical Trait.
The Sims 4 Life and Death brought lots of new content, along with lots of new traits. Explore them all with these cheats!
How to Use Cheats in The Sims 4 Life and Death
Using cheats in The Sims 4 is incredibly simple and has been a common practice among simmers for ages. These cheats won't bug your game, and they're not against EA's policy. Follow these 3 easy steps:
Step 1:
- PC or Mac: Press Ctrl+Shift+C simultaneously.
- PlayStation: Press the R1+R2+L1+L2 buttons simultaneously.
- Xbox: Press the RB+RT+LB+LT buttons simultaneously.
Step 2:
The command you just input will open a bar at the top of your screen. Type one of the following cheats and press Enter:
- testingcheats true
- testingcheats on
Step 3:
Now, type in the cheat you want to use and press Enter. Happy Simming!