Just like in real life, going to work is a huge deal in The Sims 4. Unless you're using cheats to get simoleons, you'll have to find a way to pay the bills and put food on the table. In this article, you will find all TS4 career cheat codes that will help you get promoted or demoted from your job.
- Cheats are completely safe and not against TS4's policy!
How to Use Cheats in The Sims 4
Using cheats in TS4 is easy. Simmers have been doing it ever since the game first came out, so there's nothing to worry about, as cheats won't bug your game, and they're not against EA's policy. Follow these 3 easy steps:
Step 1:
- PC or Mac: Press Ctrl+Shift+C simultaneously.
- PlayStation: Press the R1+R2+L1+L2 buttons simultaneously.
- Xbox: Press the RB+RT+LB+LT buttons simultaneously.
Step 2:
The command you just input will open a bar at the top of your screen. Type one of the following cheats and press Enter:
- testingcheats true
- testingcheats on
Step 3:
Now, type in the cheat you want to use and press Enter.
TS4 Career Promotion Cheats

If you want to get a promotion in The Sims 4, simply input these codes:
- Actor: careers.promote actor
- Astronaut: careers.promote astronaut
- Athlete: careers.promote athletic
- Business: careers.promote business
- Civil Designer: careers.promote civildesigner
- Conservationist: careers.promote conservationist
- Criminal: careers.promote criminal
- Critic: careers.promote careers_adult_critic
- Culinary: careers.promote culinary
- Detective: careers.promote detective
- Doctor: careers.promote doctor
- Education: careers.promote careers_adult_education
- Engineer: careers.promote careers_adult_engineer
- Entertainer: careers.promote entertainer
- Freelancer: careers.promote careers_adult_freelancer_agency_maker
- Gardener: careers.promote adult_gardener
- Law: careers.promote careers_adult_law
- Military: careers.promote military
- Painter: careers.promote painter
- Politics: careers.promote activist
- Romance Consultant: careers.promote romanceconsultant
- Scientist: careers.promote adult_active_scientist
- Secret Agent: careers.promote secretagent
- Social Media: careers.promote socialmedia
- Style Influencer: careers.promote styleinfluencer
- Tech Guru: careers.promote techguru
- Writer: careers.promote adult_writer
TS4 Part-Time Promotion Cheats
If you want to get a promotion in your part-time job in The Sims 4, simply input these codes:
- Babysitter: careers.promote parttime_babysitter
- Barista: careers.promote parttime_barista
- Diver: careers.promote parttime_diver
- Fast Food Employee: careers.promote parttime_fastfood
- Fisherman: careers.promote parttime_fisherman
- Handyperson: careers.promote parttime_handyperson
- Lifeguard: careers.promote parttime_lifeguard
- Manual Laborer: careers.promote parttime_manual
- Retail Employee: careers.promote parttime_retail
- Video Game Streamer: careers.promote parttime_streamersidehustle
TS4 Career Demotion Cheats

If you want to get a demotion in The Sims 4, simply input these codes:
- Actor: careers.demote actor
- Astronaut: careers.demote astronaut
- Athlete: careers.demote athletic
- Business: careers.demote business
- Civil Designer: careers.demote civildesigner
- Conservationist: careers.demote conservationist
- Criminal: careers.demote criminal
- Critic: careers.demote careers_adult_critic
- Culinary: careers.demote culinary
- Detective: careers.demote detective
- Doctor: careers.demote doctor
- Education: careers.demote careers_adult_education
- Engineer: careers.demote careers_adult_engineer
- Entertainer: careers.demote entertainer
- Freelancer: careers.demote careers_adult_freelancer_agency_maker
- Gardener: careers.demote adult_gardener
- Law: careers.demote careers_adult_law
- Military: careers.demote military
- Painter: careers.demote painter
- Politics: careers.demote activist
- Romance Consultant: careers.demote romanceconsultant
- Scientist: careers.demote adult_active_scientist
- Secret Agent: careers.demote secretagent
- Social Media: careers.demote socialmedia
- Style Influencer: careers.demote styleinfluencer
- Tech Guru: careers.demote techguru
- Writer: careers.demote adult_writer
TS4 Part-Time Demotion Cheats
If you want to get a demotion in your part-time job in The Sims 4, simply input these codes:
- Babysitter: careers.demote parttime_babysitter
- Barista: careers.demote parttime_barista
- Diver: careers.demote parttime_diver
- Fast Food Employee: careers.demote parttime_fastfood
- Fisherman: careers.demote parttime_fisherman
- Handyperson: careers.demote parttime_handyperson
- Lifeguard: careers.demote parttime_lifeguard
- Manual Laborer: careers.demote parttime_manual
- Retail Employee: careers.demote parttime_retail
- Video Game Streamer: careers.demote parttime_streamersidehustle
Those were all available career chats in TS4. Check out the rest of our related content:
- The Sims 4 Base Game: All Available Cheats
- The Sims 4: All Skill Cheats
- The Sims 4: All Relationship Cheats
- The Sims 4 For Rent: All Cheats