Although it's true that most characters in The First Descendant are weak when you first unlock them, adding some Modules here and there can change the situation immensely. Whether you are looking for a massive support upgrade or a single-target burst, there will be at least one Module that can help.
The best part is that you can switch and change them however you want. However, the only restriction is that you cannot use more than one at a time. To help you choose, we made a guide with all Transcendant Modules for each character.
Table of Contents
The First Descendant Transcendent Modules Explained

Transcendent Modules enhance specific skills or passives, and they are different for each character. They allow your abilities to gain multiple charges and adjust the damage scaling. Usually, Transcendent Modules are used only by endgame players since they are relatively expensive.
Transcendent Modules are the most powerful ones in The First Descendant, and they are very rare. The drop rates are less than 5%, so obtaining them is a very grindy process. However, the more you level them up, the cheaper they become.
The First Descendant All Transcendent Modules


Void Explosion
- Stacks Expulsion, reduces Charged Sub Attack Cooldown and increases DMG

Void Charge
- Modifies Void Walk and Expulsion damage

Matrix Recomputation
- Modifies Expulsion to help allies survive

Body Enhancement
- Increases DEF and Shield

Ultimate Ajax Life Barrier
- Modifies the Orbit Barrier and Hyper Cube barrier to only be affected by the caster's HP

Ultimate Ajax Void Barrier
- Modifies Orbit Barrier to be portable


Incendiary Bomb
- Throws a projectile forward that spawns a Flame Zone

Truly Deadly Cuisine
- Increases the damage of Giant Fireball

- Increases Weak Point DMG and Firearm ATK

Classic Chef
- Increase Skill Critical Hit Rate to 5 based on the Flame Zone count


Supply Tactical Armor
- Grants Incoming DMG DOWN and Movement Speed UP effects

Supply Firearm Enhancer
- Increases Skill Critical Hit Rate, Skill Duration, and Firearm Attribute Trigger Rate

Reinforce Front Line
- Grants Firearm ATK Up effect to allies in range

Focus Fire
- Attaches a Combat Drone to himself


Electric Condense
- Changes Maximum Power into a form that causes damage

Electric Transition
- Recovers Shield continuously

- Reduces the enemy's ATK

Bionic Fuel
- Power of Life after Firearm Critical Hits

Ultimate Bunny Electric Charge
- Increases landing damage after Rabbit's Foot Double Jump

Ultimate Bunny High-Voltage
- Increases Range and Damage


Explosive Evade
- CSpawns a Guided Landmine

Cluster Bomb
- Creates additional explosives

Explosive Propaganda
- Taunts nearby monsters until destroyed and explodes

Creative Explosion
- Uses up all of the available bombs to inflict great damage


- Kills those inflicted with Room 0 Trauma

Toxic Stimulation
- Grants Plague Bodyarmor to nearby allies

Venom Synthesis
- Inflicts Poison on enemies affected with Toxic Footprint

Neurotoxin Synthesis
- Adds ATK reduction and Weaken Regeneration


Super Senses
- Increases Duration

Massive Sanguification
- Allows the absorption of Life Orbs during Non-Frenzied state

Predator Instinct
- Increases Firearm ATK while Frenzied

Blood and Iron
- Power of Life can be obtained through Firearm Critical Hits

Ultimate Gley Explosive Life
- Detonates Life Spheres and recovers Power of Life

Ultimate Gley Demonic Modification
- Increases HP Recovery through Weakpoint attacks


Turret Engineering
- Recovers the HP of all summoned turrets and extends duration

Immediate Purge Code
- Creates Lightning AoE that deals continuous damage

Medical Compulsion
- Summons a Healing Turret

Attacking Compulsion
- Summons an Assault Turret


Collision Instinct
- Inflicts Stun at the end of a Knockback after a Dash

Self-Directed Eruption
- Consumes Magnetic Force every second

Diamagnetic Bulwark
- Knocks back enemies on contact and recovers Magnetic Force

Superconductive Bombing
- Consumes Magnetic Force to drop bombs


Increased Efficiency
- Recovers MP when Unique Weapon lands a Critical Hit

Power Unit Change
- Inflicts Firearm ATK

Regenerative Braking
- Chances of recovering MP when using skills

Nerve Infiltration
- Inflicts Weaken Regeneration

Ultimate Lepic Explosive Stacks
- Modifies Grenade Throw to be charged up to 3 times

Ultimate Lepic Firearm Master
- Reloading weapon increases Skill Range. Changing weapon increases Skill Power


Nimble Footsteps
- Increases Luna's Movement Speed and Skill Range

Noise Surge
- Deals DMG and grants stackable buffs


Release Cutting Force
- Cutoff Beam can be unleased as Sword Aura

Overcharged Edge
- Consumes Shields instead of MP and increases ambush DMG

Void Domination
- Increases Flash Shortsword's Range and targeting speed

Battlesuit Melting Rounds
- Deacreases the enemy's Electric Resistance


Glacial Cloud
- Throws a projectile that spawns a Blizzard

- Inflicts Ice Needle and triggers Passive skill

Cold Snap Watch
- Creates a Cold Snap zone and inflicts Ice Shackle

- Increases Skill Power and decreases Skill Cost and Skill Cooldown

Ultimate Viessa Cold Cohesion
- Number of Ice Spheres increases by 5. Base Cooldown reduced by 5s

Ultimate Viessa Absolute-Zero
- inflicts Frostbite after a Critical Hit


Water Play
- Creates a rectangular-shaped pool of water

Supply Moisture
- Increases Skill Critical Hit Rate, Skill Duration, and Firearm Attribute Trigger Rate

Tidal Wave
- Inflicts Skill DMG and deals Burst DMG

Singing Water
- Taunts surrounding monsters and inflicts the Laundry effect

Ultimate Valby Absolute-Zero
- inflicts Frostbite after a Critical Hit

Ultimate Valby Cold Cohesion
- Number of Ice Spheres increases by 5. Base Cooldown reduced by 5s


First Aid Kit
- Grants First Aid to allies

Proliferating Allergy
- Inflicts Explosive Reaction effect

Duty and Sacrifice
- Grants HP Recovery and HP Recovery per Second to allies

Efficient Treatment
- Recovers himself after using skill to recover allies over a certain number of times
The First Descendant How To Get Transcendent Modules

You can unlock Transcendant Modules in The First Descendant by completing main story missions, finishing endgame activities, or simply crafting weapons and gear. Here is how to unlock each Module:
- Press M to open the general menu
- Click on Access Info
- Select Module
- Enter the name of the Module and Descendant in the search bar
After you have completed all the steps, select the Module and the Acquisition info. You will see a list of the methods for getting each Module. Have fun and good luck on your next adventure! For more information about The First Descendant, you can check out this article.