Super Mario RPG is finally out and it's brimming with a staggering amount of side quests and mysteries. On your journey through the Mushroom Kingdom, you will find many new faces, puzzles and riddles, which will lead you to amazing awards. One of these encounters in the game is with the Three Musty Fears, the adorable ghosts who appear next to Mario while he is sleeping in Monstro Town. They come to play a game with you - if you find all three hidden flags throughout the world, you will receive a prize. Here are the locations of these flags:

Greaper's Flag Location:
First lets talk about Greaper's Flag. His hint about the location of the flag is 'I hid my flag...behind a wooden flower'. In order to find this wooden flower, you should travel to Rose Town:

Upon entering Rose Town, you will be greeted by this wooden flower right next to the entrance. When you go behind the flower, you will be able to see a 'Look' prompt. Press the A button and you will receive Greaper's Flag.

Dry Bones's Flag Location:
Next up, lets find where Dry Bones has hidden his flag from you. The hint he gives you while you are sleeping is 'I'm hooooome... My flag is under a green bed'. In order to find his flag you should travel back to Mario's Pad:

Upon entering Mario's Pad, head north and enter your home - Mario's House. Inside, you will find the green bed from the hint provided to you. Go next to the bed and you will see the prompt, which will let you pick up Dry Bones's Flag.

Boo's Flag Location:
Finally, it's time to find the last flag missing from our collection. Boo's hint regarding the location of his flag was 'I'm back! You'll never guess my spot! It's between 'O' and 'A'. In order to find the last flag, you will need to travel to the Yo'ster Isle:

Upon entering the island, go north and past the race track and you will find the word GOAL written in the grass. If you stand between the 'O' and 'A' letters, you will get the prompt to pick up Boo's Flag.

After you have found all three of the flags you can return back to Monstro Town and sleep in the same bed. Once asleep, the three ghosts will come back and reward you with the Ghost Medal. This accessory item will reduce the damage you take from hits by half and it will be automatically equipped by Mario, once you have woken up from you sleep.

That is everything you need to know about the Three Ghost Flags quest and how to complete it. Hopefully this guide has helped you reach a satisfying conclusion to this mystery, with a shiny new trinket on top of it. For more guides and news, check out the rest of our resources, right here on Gameleap.