Roccia is finally out, and this means that it’s time to discuss whether you should pull for this 5-star character or not. For this piece, I’ll start off by sharing my thoughts on Roccia and what I think of her kit, and then I’ll discuss whether you might want to consider getting this character or skipping. So, let’s not waste any more time and get started!
Table of Contents
Is Roccia Strong?

Roccia is definitely a strong unit. She is the second 5-star limited unit that we’ve gotten and also the second 5-star limited Gauntlets character. While she may seem like a main DPS unit at first, Roccia’s main role is actually a sub-DPS/buffer. She is a great unit to pair with other Havoc main DPS units such as Camellya, Havoc MC, or even Danjin. Roccia mostly excels when it comes to grouping enemies, and she’s also able to give out a decent ATK buff if you manage to get her to 70% CRIT Rate, that is.
Her kit and rotation are simple, and she only requires close to 7 seconds of on-field time to complete her whole rotation. Couple this with the fact that her Resonance Liberation buff stays with your other characters for 30 seconds, and you have a decent sub-DPS unit that can deal damage, buff, and then leave in a very short amount of time, allowing for all of your powerful buffs to transition to your main DPS. I already mentioned that her kit is simple, but I really do have to touch upon how much of a breath of fresh air that is. All you have to do with Roccia is build up her Forte, then go into the air, slam three times, press your Ult, and then you’re out. There are no huge walls of texts that push my reading comprehension to its limits, and she’s honestly just fun.
While Roccia’s damage is not the best, it is still great for a sub-DPS unit; however, her damage is not the main thing in her kit. It’s her ability to group enemies. Both Roccia’s Resonance Skill and her plunge attacks can group enemies. In addition, she has a unique talent that allows her to replace your active character’s gadget with a unique version of Roccia’s skill. This allows you to group enemies even if Roccia isn’t on the field, which is just a nice gimmick to have and something I think we’ll be seeing more of in the future.
All in all, Roccia is a great sub-DPS unit for Havoc teams. Until now Havoc teams have been missing a dedicated sub-DPS unit, and while Sanhua is great, Roccia’s grouping and buffs make her just a bit of a better choice when it comes to Havoc teams, and more importantly, Camellya.
Should You Pull?

Honestly, I’ve been going on about how much of a great sub-DPS unit Roccia is, but I don’t think I’ll be pulling for her. This is mostly due to the fact that I do not have Camellya, and I don’t like using either Danjin or the Havoc MC. You should generally consider pulling for Roccia if you have Camellya or are a fan of using the other Havoc DPS units and are looking for a support for them. While Roccia might become better with the release of more Havoc DPS units, right now I find it hard to recommend pulling for her. This is due to the fact that Havoc DPS units are scarce and also because she is not easy to build. Apart from her signature weapon, Roccia doesn’t have any great Gauntlets she can use. This means that you’ll want to pull for both Roccia and her weapon, which is just a huge amount of pulls to invest in a unit that you may not even use. So, what’s my verdict?
Do you love Havoc DPS units and want an amazing support for Camellya > PULL
Do you not have Camellya and aren’t a fan of the other Havoc DPS units > SKIP
This covers my breakdown into Roccia and whether you should pull for her or not. I’m looking forward to seeing you in the future when even more characters are revealed, so until then!