One of the main selling points of Path of Exile 2 is its campaign, with tons of areas to explore, unique bosses to defeat, and an engaging story that keeps your interest from beginning to end. The campaign is quite lengthy, and for players who are not used to the souls-like genre, it might take dozens of hours to get through each act, as the game is very punishing when it comes to mistakes. Some quests are also a bit vague and might leave you wondering where you need to go to progress the story. One such quest is in Act 3 and requires you to find the Jiquani's Machinarium zone, which can be a bit tricky to locate. In this article, we are going to show you where you can find Jiquani's Machinarium in Path of Exile 2!

Path of Exile 2: Jiquani's Machinarium Location
The entrance to Jiquani's Machinarium can be found in the same area as Xyxlucian, the Chimera, in the Chimeral Wetlands. Once you enter the Chimeral Wetlands, you will encounter three main things: the Toxic Bloom event with the purple plants, the entrance to the Temple of Chaos (which leads to one of the Ascendancy trials), and the Xyxlucian, the Chimera boss fight. After defeating the Chimera, make sure to search the same area, as the entrance to Jiquani's Machinarium will only trigger if you get close to it. Many players defeat the Chimera and leave the area thinking there is nothing left to find, only to end up running in circles unable to progress the story.

Make sure to continue exploring the map, as finding the Temple of Chaos will also save you time later. Inside, you will find one of the Trials of Ascendancy, which, upon completion, will allow you to choose your subclass or gain more points for that subclass. These trials are extremely challenging, and we suggest overleveling them and coming well-prepared in terms of gear.
That is everything you need to know to find the Jiquani's Machinarium zone in Path of Exile 2. Hopefully, this guide has helped you locate the area so you can continue progressing through the story. While most of the zones in the game are relatively easy to find, this one has definitely stumped a lot of players, as it requires you to be very close to the entrance to access it. For more Path of Exile 2 news and guides, make sure to check out the rest of our website!