Overwatch 2 Season 11 is almost here, and we've already got the first patch notes for the season! Heroes from all three groups—DPS, Tank, and Support—will be affected. Cassidy is getting the most updates, as one of his abilities is returning to his kit. Check out which characters will be buffed or nerfed at the beginning of the Super Mega Ultrawatch!
Table of Contents
Tank Hero Changes Season 11


Fusion Cannons
- Weapon spread reduced from 3.75 to 3.375 degrees.

- Impact damage increased from 15 to 25.

Junker Queen

Jagged Blade
- Now pulls tanks further.

- Startup time reduced from 0.75 to 0.5 seconds.


Javelin Spin
- Cooldown reduced from 9 to 8 seconds.

- Base health reduced from 650 to 600.

Take a Breather
- Damage reduction reduced from 50 to 40%.
DPS Hero Changes Season 11

Cassidy's Magnetic Grenade will be replaced with his well-known ability Flashbag. Although Flashbag is returning it will not stun the enemies but hinder them. This hinder will reduce the enemy movement speed by 50% and will prevent crouching movement.

- Secondary fire "Fan the Hammer" damage reduced from 50 to 45.

Combat Roll
- Damage reduction reduced from 75 to 50%.

- Magnetic Grenade ability is now Flashbang.
- Hinders enemies instead of Stunning them for 1.2 seconds.
- Movement speed reduction increased from 30% to 50%.
- Hinder now prevents crouching movement.
- 45 explosive damage.
- 12 second cooldown.

- Movement speed penalty now scales down over time, from 70% to 35%.
- Damage reduction now scales down over time, from 40% to 0%.


Endothermic Blaster
- Secondary fire base projectile size reduced from 0.15 to 0.12 meters.
- Secondary fire damage increased from 75 to 85.

Reaper is getting some great buffs for Season 11. He will be able to shoot smaller targets more precisely and will be able to surprise enemies with quicker teleportation leaving them with less time to react.

Hellfire Shotguns
- Weapon spread reduced from 6.5 to 6 degrees.

Shadow Step
- Cast time reduced from 1.5 to 1.2 seconds.


- Secondary fire damage scaling reduced from 30-130 damage down to 1-100 damage.
- Secondary fire projectile no longer requires Overclock to pierce enemy players.
- Primary fire shots per second increased from 14 to 16.

- Energy charge rate increased from 100 to 120 per second.

- Base health increased from 100 to 125 (Total health increased from 250 to 275).

Photon Projector
- Primary fire charge rate increased 25%.
Support Hero Changes Season 11


- Damage increased from 10 to 25.

Healing Pylon
- Healing per projectile increased from 30 to 40.
- Pylon healing is now only half as effective when targeting Illari.
- Max health increased from 100 to 125.


Swift Step
- Cooldown increased from 7 to 8 seconds.

Protection Suzu
- No longer cleanses hard knockdown stuns.
General Hero Updates Season 11
Developers are reducing the time of the knockdown that is caused when charging abilities collide, such as the ones of Brigitte, Reinhardt, Doomfist, Bob, etc. When an impact like that happens the heroes are stunned for a while. The developers are making this stun shorter so you can engage in the fight again quicker.
- Knockdown time when two charging abilities collide reduced from 2 to 1.7 seconds.
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