One Punch Man World has recently introduced a new side quest called "The game lacks servers" that requires players to locate 20 Fresh Servers scattered across City A and City Z. These servers, which look like potatoes, are given out by various NPCs that you'll need to track down. This guide will explain where to find all of the One Punch Man World Fresh Servers to complete this secret side quest.
Table of Contents
What is the Fresh Server Side Quest?

After finishing the first side quest for Detective Tisan where you collect 57 Mystery Tokens, he will give you a new quest to locate 20 Fresh Servers in One Punch Man World. These servers are actually potatoes that are given out by specific NPCs hidden around the two cities.
Finding all of the Fresh Servers and returning to Detective Titan will reward you with:
- 1 Normal Draw Ticket
- 1 Will Chip: Mind Reader
You can track your collection progress in the Fresh Server menu under Collectibles.
Fresh Server Locations in City A
There are 11 Fresh Servers scattered around City A. Here are their locations:
No. | Location | Time of Day |
1 | Detective Tisan at Arcade Center | Anytime |
2 | Cashier at Chain Supermarket | Anytime |
3 | Drunk Man near Area Movement Terminal | Nighttime |
4 | Strolling Student near Bank | Dusk |
5 | Hide-And-Seek Boy in Civic Park | Daytime |
6 | Hide-And-Seek Girl inside Civic Park | Daytime |
7 | Big Hide-And-Seek Girl in Civic Park | Daytime |
8 | Off-duty Salaryman on bench in Civic Park | Nighttime |
9 | Angler at the Docks | Dusk |
10 | Night Runner on Riverwalk | Nighttime |
11 | Receptionist Nurse at General Hospital | Anytime |
Fresh Server Locations in City Z
City Z contains the other 9 Fresh Servers you'll need to find:
No. | Location | Time of Day |
12 | Thrift Shop Owner Granny | Anytime |
13 | Manga Shop Owner Issei | Anytime |
14 | Shiba Dog near Arcade Center | Anytime |
15 | Nighttime Gourmet in Food District | Nighttime |
16 | Girl with Grandiose Delusions in Arcade Center | Daytime/Nighttime |
17 | Rain-loving Girl in Shopping District Park | When Raining |
18 | Strolling Old Man on Station Street | Nighttime |
19 | Patrolling Police Officer on Station Street | Daytime |
20 | Wandering Drifter on Overhead Bridge | Anytime |
Tips for Finding the Fresh Servers

- Pay attention to the time of day, as some NPCs only appear at Night, Daytime, or Dusk.
- Thoroughly explore areas mentioned in the clues, like the Civic Park and Shopping District.
- Interact with every NPC you find to see if they have a prompt related to the "treasure."
- Use the Area Movement Terminals to quickly travel between districts.
- Completing this side quest will take patience, so take your time tracking down all 20 Fresh Server locations.
With this guide, you now have the location of every One Punch Man World Fresh Server to complete Detective Tisan's secretive side mission. Finding all of these mysterious potatoes will take time, but the rewards are worth it. Good luck hunting down the Fresh Servers across City A and City Z!