There’s no doubt that the most prestige we get when playing MLBB is when we manage to achieve a new rank and show it off to our friends. However, sometimes ranking up can be a pain, and honestly, not all that fun. You might get bad teammates, or you might just be using the wrong Heroes!
This guide will show you the best Hero for each lane so that you can raise your rank to the max before the end of Season 33!
Table of Contents
Best Heroes
Below you will find a list of the best five Heroes to solo rank up with. We’ve divided it so that each lane receives 1 hero for you to maybe consider learning if you want to push the ranks fast before the season’s end.
EXP Lane

When it comes to the EXP Lane, the best Hero you can pick right now is Gatotkaca.
Gatotkaca has everything you may want from a powerful Fighter/Tank. He can CC, deal damage, and is practically unkillable if you build him right and manage to get a good early lead.
Picking Gatotkaca will help you get into fights, protect your team, and allow you to carry hard so that you may win even in solo queue.
Roam Lane

If you’re looking for an amazing Roam Hero, then you don’t have to look further. The best Hero for this role is Hylos. Ever heard of Hecarim? If yes, then Hylos will feel just like home for you.
He is a great initiator and tank who can initiate countless fights thanks to his mobility, while also managing to stay alive and CC the heck out of enemies.

When it comes to Jungle Lane, the best Hero to pick right now is Ling. Although he’s a bit tricky to play with, Ling can become a nightmare for your enemies thanks to his constant wall jumping and ridiculous damage output.
He takes a bit of practice to get the hang of, but once you do, he’s practically unkillable. His outstanding mobility makes it so that he can rush to any lane and objective in a matter of seconds, allowing you to have constant map presence.
Gold Lane

When it comes to the Gold Lane, the easiest Hero to rank up with now is Moskov. He’s a powerhouse when it comes to dealing damage and staying healthy, thanks to his first skill that lets him reposition on a short cooldown.
His second skill is also a great CC tool if you manage to land it, and his Ultimate is a great way to catch enemies off guard or simply to initiate alongside your team. Moskov offers a ton of damage and survivability, and although he takes some getting used to, once you master him, you’ll be climbing fast!
Mid Lane

When it comes to the Mid Lane, then there’s no better Hero to pick in S33 than Zhask. He is a nightmare to play against thanks to his annoying ultimate that not only deals ridiculous damage but also makes Zhask practically unkillable.
His ability to CC, deal damage, and control the whole map with his Ultimate makes him a great Hero to pick when climbing solo.
Closing Remarks
All of the 5 Heroes mentioned above can help you climb the rankings fast right before S33’s end. Each of the five has ridiculously high win rates, and masting them might just help you reach the rank you’ve been aiming for!