Just like in real life, weather conditions influence the way we deal with everyday tasks, such as walking around outside and hanging the clothes to dry. However, bad weather is even worse in the world of Methaphor: ReFantazio.
Although this isn't as noticeable on a lower difficulty setting, those who prefer a more challenging environment will quickly notice that dungeons are way more intense when it's raining. However, not all weather effects are bad. Let's take a look at the Dread Weather that you'll face before the point of return in Metaphor: ReFantazio.
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Metaphor: ReFantazio Dread Weather Explained
Thankfully, the Dread weather effect doesn't really influence the way you're experiencing Metaphor: ReFantazio, and it has more to do with the story itself. Unfortunately, it will cover the entire map, and you won't be able to use Edeni or anything else to clear the weather. The good news is that this isn't something to worry about, and it won't make dungeons more or less dangerous.
Of course, there are some types of weather that will affect dungeons, such as Blight. You'll recognize it by the purple icon on the screen, but you can get rid of the clouds by using Edeni. What makes Dread Weather different is the fact that it paints the sky red and adds an unsettling effect to the whole environment in Metaphor: ReFantazio.
Metaphor: ReFantazio Dread Weather Narrative Arc

As previously mentioned, there's not much you can do to avoid Dread Weather. This is a unique feature designed to enhance your experience even further and make the entire scenery feel more disturbing, which isn't a surprising approach considering that you'll be in the final stages of the game when it happens.
There is only one way to have a bit more time under the clear skies, but it will require you to start a brand-new playthrough or click on New Game Plus after you finally complete the main storyline. Have fun and good luck on your next adventure! For more information about Metaphor: ReFantazio, you can check out this article.