Given the massive changes in League of Legends, a lot of players are wondering which champions are best for their respective roles. Not only is Riot Games looking to shake things up every year gameplay-wise, but there also seems to be a shift in terms of balancing and overall design philosophy overhauls.
With that in mind, we will take a look at the best top lane champions you can pick in 25.S1.1 (15.1) and start off your Ranked climb appropriately.
Table of Contents
Tier List Explanation

This tier list will examine some of the most-played League of Legends champions in the top lane. Keep in mind that this is for Emerald+ divisions.
- S-Tier: The best champions you can use to ensure you are always victorious.
- A-Tier: Great options but lacking just slightly either in terms of damage or utility.
- B-Tier: Viable and reliable in most situations, you can manage rather decently.
NOTE: Although this tier list strives to be as objective as possible in terms of viability, you should not limit yourself to strictly adhere to this list, but rather experiment and see which champion feels fun to play with.
S-Tier Top Lane Champions

Irelia is stronger than ever, given her incredible lane pressure, dueling potential and overall ability to contest objectives, once you master her, almost nothing can stop you. Except tanks.

Darius is a very strong juggernaut that bullies almost any enemy standing in his way, and with his powerful execute ability, you can easily shred carries to bits.

Ambessa is a snowball-heavy champion which will require you to gain advantages early on so you can become an unstoppable rampaging machine. Keep in mind that your mobility is tied to hitting your abilities, so you will also need to manage your Energy usage.

Riven has been the go-to OTP pick for players wanting to stomp games and if you are to play her in lower ELO, you can almost always guarantee an easy kill even if you have not mastered all of the tricks and combos she has to offer.

Warwick is a cheese pocket pick that can catch enemies by surprise, and his built-in sustain can make you easily go for favorable trades, pushing your advantage and giving you priority.

Fiora is an incredible duelist that can bully any squishy champ daring to oppose her. Coupled with her great side lane pressure, you can quickly accrue advantages over the course of the game.

Mordekaiser is still doing great in the top lane, being able to zone out a carry or tank in a team fight can win you most games and skirmishes, as neutral objectives have become even more crucial.

Teemo is an absolutely annoying champion to play against, and if you are able to get an early lead, you can steadily snowball your advantage and place shrooms around crucial objectives to help your team further steamroll the game into your favor.

Poppy is amazing not only as a strong flex pick but also a great counter to engage-heavy teams.

Vladimir is a scaling champion that can have a very easy laning phase due to his sustained harass and easy getaway tool via his W. Although Vladimir needs a couple of items to get going, you can still carry a lot of games should your team have a scaling win condition.

Gragas is a great pick if your team is lacking AP damage, as your built-in sustain and anti-engage kit can help you lane easily until you can pick up 1-2 items.

Tahm Kench is a great tank option for players wanting some Heartsteel stacks as well as to bully your enemies due to his insane passive damage. Keep in mind that his wave clear is terrible, so you will need to properly space yourself to trade and win your lane.

Cho'Gath is a terrific tank champion that can scale absurdly well given how tank-favorite the meta is currently. Health right now is a very valuable resource in League and the more you have, the better your chances are of winning.

Gwen is an amazing AP option for players wanting to utilize her insane damage in team fights. She is known to counter tanks and if you are able to

Kennen is a potent AP champion that can offer a lot of value in team fights, and with the shifting to fighting over objectives, you can expect a lot more skirmishes in your games.

A lot of players are sleeping on Urgot, and for no good reason, he offers some great damage and with the health-centric meta, you can utilize your tankiness to space out enemies and chunk squishier targets should they get too close.
A-Tier Top Lane Champions

Tryndamere is a powerful Beyblade that can overwhelm enemy champions during the laning phase. Although you will need to spend more time grouped with your team, you can also utilize your split-pushing power to accrue more tempo for your team.

Olaf is a beefy engage champion that can find a lot of success against CC-heavy teams that lack the proper frontline to defend carries. Although your laning phase might struggle against some top laners, you should do rather decent.

Singed is the king of proxy, and given how much more durability champions will have, you will shine as you maniacally run circles around the enemy carries. The new item also might be worthwhile on Singed, if the enemy team has a lot of resistances.

Kayle is doing fairly alright, although her scaling-focused playstyle might hinder your team's chnaces of winnning neutral objectives.

Trundle's sustain is optimal for top lane, allowing him to easily scape up and trade even with most top laners. His abilities also help him in prolonged fights and even push down enemy turrets in the blink of an eye.

Ryze is seeing moderate success, and given his new tank build that makes him virtually unkillable, you can still deal a lot of damage. Make sure to pick him against immobile teams as your short range can sometimes hinder your chances of winning fights.

Kled has been a great pick for most matches recently, and with the new meta focusing on tankier champions, he will have enough time to make full use of his passive.

Gangplank has made a comeback, and although his kit is difficult to master, having access to a global ult will allow your team to keep map pressure when going for neutral objectives.

Zac's sustain is crucial for his success, making him a great engage tank with some serious damage when it comes to prolonged team fights.

Pantheon is a great pick if you want to constantly outtrade your opponent so you can then ult into a neutral objective.
B-Tier Top Lane Champions

Although Quinn has a lot of mobility with her ultimate, she can struggle to keep up with most top lane champions. However, her map pressure should not be underestimated, especially given the importance of neutral objectives.

Gnar is an alright pick if you are looking for a somewhat easy laning phase and team fight impact. Although not terrible, his damage and utility can be hit-or-miss, given the fact that his passive management can be tricky to make sure you are prepared for skirmishes.

Shen is not much of a bully in this patch, but his global ultimate can help you easily contest objectives and save your teammates.

Ornn has a great ultimate for team fights, and his passive generates value for your team, however, he can be rather slow and clunky, especially against more agile champions.

Similar to Ornn, however, your ultimate has a very long cooldown, making you useless without it.

Jax has seen better days, and there seems to be an AP build that is doing rather decent, you can rarely make use of your split pushing due to the Teleport changes.

Aatrox can struggle against the tank-heavy meta, so it is best to use him only when playing against squishier comps.

Swain is a fairly good spot when it comes to his top lane gameplay, but you will need to scale to become relevant in the game. His ultimate is simply not as strong in the early-to-mid game where you will see a lot of fights around objectives.

Udyr is not a very efficient team fighting champion, making it quite hard to utilize his abilities efficiently.

Sett needs resources and time to scale properly, making him rather useless in the early-to-mid game.
Best Top Lane Champions Tier List
All in all, this League of Legends tier list is surely to change based on balance changes the devs implement but it should give you a general idea of which champions are strong and which might need some additional tuning to become more viable.
S-Tier Champions

- Irelia
- Darius
- Ambessa
- Warwick
- Fiora
- Urgot
- Mordekaiser
- Camille
- Teemo
- Poppy
- Aurora
- Kennen
- Gwen
- Vladimir
- Gragas
- Tahm Kench
- Cho'Gath
A-Tier Champions

- Tryndamere
- Olaf
- Singed
- Maokai
- Kayle
- Wukong
- Vayne
- Zac
- Trundle
- Gangplank
- Ryze
- Kled
- Pantheon
B-Tier Champions

- Quinn
- Jax
- Aatrox
- Malphite
- Swain
- Udyr
- Gnar
- Shen
- Ornn
C-Tier Champions

- Garen
- Illaoi
- Sett
- Volibear
- Rumble
- Yorick
D-Tier Champions

- Nasus
- Sion
- Dr. Mundo
- Renekton
- K'Sante
- Jayce