Unlocking champions in League of Legends can be difficult, especially if you're just starting a new account. Getting blue essence isn't always as easy as it seems. LoL has over 160 champions to choose from, and you'll need tons of BE to test out all of them. The good news is that League of Legends has a weekly free champion rotation, allowing you to try out a new set of champions every week. Here are the ones that are available this week.
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What is the Free Champion Rotation?

Each week, the League of Legends team selects 20 champions from the game's massive roster to be available for free. This allows players to test out champions they might not own yet, helping them make informed decisions before they commit to buying a LoL champion with blue essence.
- The free champion rotation refreshes every Tuesday and the selection can varies from week to week.
This Week’s Free Champions in LoL

As of this week, 20 fresh champions are available for you to try out in unranked matches. There's a champion appropriate for each role on the Summoner's Rift. Here’s the full list of champions you can enjoy for free from January 21st till January 28th:
- Cho’Gath
- Fiddlesticks
- Hwei
- Irelia
- Jinx
- Kog’Maw
- Lucian
- Nidalee
- Renata Glasc
- Riven
- Shyvana
- Singed
- Taliyah
- Taric
- Veigar
- Vex
- Xerath
- Xin Zhao
- Zoe
- Zyra
If you're a support player, don't miss out on lane bullies such as Zyra and Xerath. Veigar shines bright in mid lane thanks to his infinite scailing, meanwhile Jinx is one of the best ADCs the game has to offer. Vex is an underrated LoL champion who can absolutely destroy opponents who rely on mobility, such as Yasuo.
When is the Next Free Champion Rotation?
The free champion rotation is updated every Tuesday, so it’s worth checking back regularly to see what new champions are available. There will be a new selection very soon. Riot also makes sure any newly released champions are included in the free rotation three weeks after their debut, giving players the chance to try them out before deciding whether to invest in them.
On January 28, the next batch of 20 free champions will be released. Don't forget to check out this article for the updated list.