LoL Patch 14.15 is here and it brought lots of changes to the Summoner's Rift. This also means there is a lot to unpack when it come to the new game mode in League of Legends - Swarm. In this article we will take a look at the patch notes for it:

Swarm System Changes in Patch 14.15
Boss Enrage
- Old Enrage: After 5 minutes bosses would enrage (invisibly) causing all damage to (invisibly) one-shot players. After 7 minutes bosses would (invisibly) kill all players who somehow managed to survive.
- New Enrage: After 5 minutes bosses will visibly enrage and start to glow red. For the next 30 seconds they deal 20% increased damage, after which they will unleash a nova that kills all players. Enrage timers on Aatrox reset when he transitions to his second phase.
Swarm Buffs And Nerfs in Patch 14.15
Boss Changes

Aatrox has realized that some COWARDLY champions have found areas where his flying swords cannot reach during phase two. NO LONGER.

Briar has been working out for her boss fight. Everything deals more damage.

Rek’Sai no longer shotguns champions with missiles while knocking them up, resulting in unclear “funshots”.
Decreased Rek’Sai’s missile hitbox to match the visuals.
- Untargetable champions can now res allies and pickup cards, health, bombs, and vacuums.
- Removed a small window where reviving champions were not invulnerable (allowing them to be killed/damaged the instant they got up).

- Savage Slice (weapon evolve) no longer permanently loses its ability to apply bleed when Briar dies.
- Fish Frenzy (E) damage reduction is now doubled from 25% to 50% when Briar is below 50% health. This effect previously occurred when Briar was below 30% health and wasn’t included in the tooltip due to an oversight.

- E now detonates existing hex marks on cast.
- Now gains Untargetability during R casts.
- Fixed a bug where Aurora would sometimes remain targetable while teleporting between sides of her ultimate

- Tentacle length now scales with Area Size.
- Area Size now makes Tentacles visibly larger.

- Wandering Storms (weapon evolve) tornado zones now scale with Duration and Area Size.
- Base Area Size: 250 ⇒ 200
- Base duration: 4 ⇒ 2.5

- Now properly multicasts Cyclonic Slicers, Ani-mines, Battle Bunny Crossbow, and Searing Shortbow.
- No longer permanently loses her ability to slow enemies when she dies.

- Passive move speed is no longer multiplicative (at higher MS values she would lose control of her character by going TOO FAST)

- Shield of Daybreak Cooldown: 3/2.75/2.5/2.25/2/1.75 ⇒ 2.75/2.5/2.25/2/1.75/1.5
- Armor Ratio: 2.0 ⇒ 3.0
- Sunlight damage: 75 ⇒ 300
- Light of the Lion’s Sunlight effect is now properly triggered by all weapons
- Eclipse (E) now only removes other shields on expiration
- R no longer permanently loses its ability to stun when Leona dies
Weapons & Adjustments
Weapon Buffs
- Searing Shortbow
- No longer permanently stops dealing damage on death
Gatling Bunny-Guns- Damage: 16/36/56/76/96/96 ⇒ 15/35/55/75/95/115
- Evolve damage amp vs stunned targets: 10% ⇒ 15%
YuumiBot- Cooldown now starts at the start of duration instead of end. CD and Duration have been adjusted to account for this (these are buffs).
- Cooldown: 10/10/9/9/8/8 ⇒ 20/20/18/18/16/16
- Duration: 12/14/14/16/16/16 ⇒ 10/12/12/14/14/14
- Can now spawn multiple Yuumi bots at once (she’s an AI, this makes sense)
- Yuum.AI.Hologram now properly scales with Area Size
T.I.B.B.E.R.S- Damage: 100 - 400 ⇒ 100 - 500
- Cooldown: 15 ⇒ 13
Radiant Field- Damage: 5/15/25/35/45/45 ⇒ 5/15/25/35/45/55
- Health Ratio: 3.5% maximum health ⇒ 5% maximum health
Train- Now counts as an Emotional Support Pet :3
- Damage: 150/325/500/675/850/850 (+1.0 armor) ⇒ 125/325/525/725/925/925 (+5.0 armor)
Cyclonic Slicers- Damage: 50/50/55/55/60/60 ⇒ 55/55/60/60/65/65
- Slowed down the missiles so they create less visual noise
- Fixed a bug where evolved missiles weren’t hitting as often as they should
Weapon Nerfs
- UwU Blaster
- Damage: 45/50/55/60/65/70 ⇒ 45/50/55/60/65/65
Augment Buffs
Glass Cannon
- Damage increase is now multiplicative, rather than additive
- Damage Reduction: 20% ⇒ 15%
Immobile Immolation
- No longer stacks or deals self-damage while dead, dying now resets the counter to zero
- No longer stacks or deals self-damage while in a cinematic, now resets the counter to zero
- No longer deals self-damage while invulnerable
Augment Nerfs
Cross Country
- Damage/HP/Area per stack: 4% ⇒ 3%
Ramming Runner
- Damage increase per movement speed %: 1 ⇒ 0.5
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
QoL Changes
- Improved performance of Searing Shortbow, Evolved Embershot, and Yasuo’s Wandering Storms.
- Generally improved game performance.
- Achievement progress for picking up Vacuums & Bombs now applies to the entire team.
- Added a VFX confirmation when catching the Red Dot.
- Fixed an issue where Briar’s Feeding Frenzy (E) applied additional area of effect damage from her Summoner’s Rift abilities when striking enemies with Prumbis’s Electrocarver.
- Fixed an issue where players would not be granted a speed buff after being knocked back during Bel’Veth’s boss spawn if they were too close to her spawn position or dead.
- Fixed an issue where Uptime Upgrade was not added to the Yuumi augment pool after being unlocked. This augment is now unlocked for players by default.
- Fixed an issue where “Friends? Friends. 1” and “Friends? Friends. 2” could not be completed on Story difficulty.
- Fixed an issue where “Surprise for Seraphine 2” could only be completed with Leona.
- Fixed an issue where achievement progress for killing elite enemies in multiplayer games was incorrectly attributed to only one player.
- Fixed an issue where Leona’s Solar Flare (R) tooltip stated an incorrect burn value.
- Fixed an issue where the “Fully Kitted” challenge conditions were incorrect.
- Stasis field MF reward no longer stops freezing enemies after 15s.
- Enemies frozen by stasis field at the end of its duration are no longer permanently frozen.
- Fixed a bug with Riven’s Valor (E) visuals did not scale with Area Size.
- Fixed a bug that caused “Defeat X Amount of Elite Enemies” on Hard/Extreme difficulty to only work in solo lobbies.
- Fixed a bug with [Friends? Friends] Character Story achievements being unlockable only on Hard+ difficulty.
- Fixed a bug that caused [Surprise for Seraphine 2] Character Story to only be unlocked with Leona.
- Fixed a bug with text formatting in multiple languages.
- Fixed a bug that caused the “Fully-Kitted” challenge to be tied to the wrong achievement.
- Fixed a bug with the “Uptime Upgrade” augment not being offered to players.
- Fixed a bug that caused players to lose an Upgrade when two or more Access Cards are picked up at the same time.
- Fixed a bug that caused the map texture to display incorrectly on The Beachhead.
- Fixed a bug with Aurora’s Hopped-Up Hex (Evolved Weapon) projectile count being capped.
- Fixed a bug with Seraphine’s Anima Echo (Weapon) projectile count being capped.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the Seahorse to be AFK.
- Fixed a bug where a couple of narrative barks and post-mission logs have the wrong portrait.
- Fixed a bug with players being able to run out of the Rek’Sai arena before the arena is formed. Players are now forced into the Arena if detected outside.
And there you have it - all Swarm Changes in Patch 14.15. Stay tuned for more League of Legends content.