League of Legends Patch 14.14 is finally here and you might be wondering what's the next OP pick for solo queue in Ranked. There are a lot of changes in the meta, especially when it comes to mid lane. In this article, we will be taking a look at the best of the best when it comes to Midlaner champions so you can start climbing up the ranked ladder.
We will give several examples of champions per tier, so you can decide for yourself which pick fits your play style and which Midlaner will give you the best chances of carrying your team to victory.
Given how much the LoL meta can shake things up, you should pay attention to each patch as your favorite champion might be hit with the nerf hammer, as Riot unleashes a new broken mid lane champion.
Table of Contents
- Tier List Explanation
- League of Legends 14.14: S-Tier Mid Lane Champions
- League of Legends 14.14: A-Tier Mid Lane Champions
- League of Legends 14.14: B-Tier Mid Lane Champions
- League of Legends 14.14: C-Tier Mid Lane Champions
- League of Legends 14.14: D-Tier Mid Lane Champions
- Summary of Best Mid Lane Champions in League of Legends Patch 14.14

Tier List Explanation
This tier list will examine some of the most-played League of Legends mid lane champions.
- S-Tier: The best champions you can use to ensure you are always victorious.
- A-Tier: Great options but lacking just slightly either in terms of damage or utility.
- B-Tier: Viable and reliable in most situations, you can manage rather decently.
- C-Tier: Although they can be somewhat decent, you are better off with other picks.
- D-Tier: You should avoid playing these champions as much as possible.
NOTE: Although this tier list strives to be as objective as possible in terms of viability, you should not limit yourself to strictly adhere to this list, but rather experiment and see which champion feels fun to play with.

League of Legends 14.14: S-Tier Mid Lane Champions

Lux is absolutely OP as both midlaner and support. She has everything you need - damage, shield, short cooldowns, lots of utility. Lux can carry you out of low elo easily, as long as you know how to play her well.
- Great burst damage
- Easy to play
- Short cooldowns late and mid-game
- Squishy
- Skillshot-reliant

Vex is definitely a champion a lot of players are sleeping on and many don't know how to counter. She's a hyper-mobile assassin, which is especially good against other mobile champions who trigger her passive.
- Insane burst
- Great wave clear
- Squishy
- Mana hungry

Fizz is a super mobile low elo monster. Definitely a champion who can cause many to rage-quit the game, due to his insane burst.
- Amazing escape
- Very mobile
- Lane Bully
- Squishy
- Dependent on items

Brand got yet another nerf to his E in LoL patch 14.14 but there's no stopping this fiery guy.
- Amazing AoE damage
- Easy to pick up and master
- Bad utility
- Easily out-sustained

Veigar is an easy-to-play champion who's absolutely been killing it on the Summoner's Rift thanks to his burst and E ability.
- Limitless AP gain
- CC
- Insane burst and damage
- Squishy
- Mana hungry
- Easily-avoidable CC

Xerath is not only one of the most annoying supports you can play against but also an insane midlaner. It seems like his abilities never stop coming your way!

Insanely mobile, decent damage, easy CC, and a classic LoL champion pick - what more can you ask for? She got adjusted in patch 14.14 but she's still doing very well.

We love seeing Diana in such a stable state. She has great mobility and insane damage. Diana's roaming is insane and extremely easy, so you'll have every situation under control.
- Mobility
- Roaming
- One combo and the enemy is a goner
- Great in team fights
- No easy way out once you go all in

Another champion who's been surprisingly stable in the last few League of Legends updates. Sylas has good sustain, shields, and amazing damage, which keep him in the mid-lane S-tier.
- Versatile
- Duelist
- Short range

LeBlanc waited patiently for her buff and she's getting the best out of it. She's still going strong in LoL Patch 14.4.
- Good damage
- Very mobile
- Squishy
- Mana hungry

Malzahar has been killing it for a few patches now. He might start off a little weak but he scales very well and it's amazing once you get good items.
- Good scaling
- Great wave clear
- Weak before level 6
- Squishy
League of Legends 14.14: A-Tier Mid Lane Champions

Zed got a huge buff to his Q and E in patch 14.14. However, it seems like this wasn't enough to boost his win rate, although his ban and pick rate are going up. We would like to think this is due to the fact that lots of low elo players pick him up without having enough practice with the champion.

Another patch goes by and, no, we won't shut up about how fun and easy it is to play Neeko. She's a really rewarding champion if you give her the time.
- Great roaming and CC
- Amazing wave clear
- Easy to play
- Falls behind easily and can't get good again

Cho'Gath's buffed Q and E gave him the much-needed boost to land him higher in the mid-lane tier list than he usually does.

Swain is doing way better after the most recent League of Legends update and he's got a pretty decent win rate, combined with low pick and ban rates.
- Versatile
- Lots of AoE damage
- Great in team fights
- Mana-dependent and mana-hungry
- Immobile

It's been a while since we've seen Viktor on this mid-lane tier list. It's good that he's back in the LoL meta. Viktor was definitely a forgotten champion but he's performing decently as of now.

With high poke and AoE damage, Ziggs can be very fun to play in Ranked. The best thing is that he can be strong even from behind.
- Great late game
- Amazing zoning
- Squishy
- Mana hungry

Heimer is so easy to pick up and his turrets can be so annoying to play against. Definitely an underrated League of Legends champion who needs more love. Can he carry the game 1v5? No, but he sure can do some significant damage to boost the team.
- Good wave clear
- Great poke and zoning
- Amazing AoE and CC
- Squishy
- Can't carry
- Useless without turrets

Ekko is a decent choice for mid, scaling well and having insane burst damage. He's also extremely hard to kill if you play safe.

Zoe is bringing some insane damage to the table and she's very fun to play. Keep in mind she's a little bit harder to pick up.
- Great wave clear
- Carry potential
- Squishy
- Difficult to master
League of Legends 14.14: B-Tier Mid Lane Champions

Aurora is the newest League of Legends champion and, thankfully, she wasn't broken upon release. She's not as strong as players expected but she is very mobile and versatile. Currently, her ban rate is very high, so you most probably won't even get the chance to give her a go in Ranked - 36%.

Yasuo and Yone seem to always be together in these tier lists. They're both doing decently and their performance depends on the player's skill.
- Huge carry potential in low elo
- Annoying lane bully
- Dominates team fights
- High ban and pick rate
- Low elo players don't play him well (huge feed potential)

Ryze is a versatile champion which can fit in any team comp. He's an excellent split pusher which is something important when it comes to winning.

Ahri is in an 'okay' state - not too god and not too bad either, feeling a bit weaker depending on the matchup.
- Great wave clear
- Amazing mobility
- Squishy
- Uses a lot of mana and she's heavily reliant on it

Now that there's a lot of talk about Arcane, it seems like all of the champions involved in the show are doing much better in the League of Legends meta. Jayce just got a buff to his Q in the most recent update.
- Good poke
- Unexpected pick at this point
- Hard to play
- Very weak currently

Sydra can offer amazing wave clear and insane burst, mixed with a lot of versatility.
- Great in team fights
- Lane bully
- Squishy
- No mobility
- Relies on skill-shots

Katarina is a very hard to pull of champion. She can carry like no other but it's gonna be a tough challenge to get fed enough in this meta, unless you're really good with her.
- High snowball and carry potential
- Very difficult to master, quite easy to feed with her

Similar to Katarina, Akali can be really good but only when you put time and effort into mastering her.
- Mobile
- Insane burst
- Squishy
- Difficult to master
League of Legends 14.14: C-Tier Mid Lane Champions

Smolder got his Q buffed in the recent League of Legends update but it seems like this wasn't enough to put him in the top ranks of this tier list.

Hwei has been in a weird state for awhile and Riot seems to be keeping him quite weak. He's still a very versatile champion but you shouldn't pick him up unless you main him.
- Versatile
- Good wave clear
- Squishy
- Hard to master

With each patch Karma mid is slowly losing its relevancy. We'll be keeping an eye on her performance.

Lucian is another LoL champions who's been in a weird state in Season 14. He's not that good as an ADC either. Bad news for Lucian mains...
- Amazing duelist
- Very mobile
- Short range
League of Legends 14.14: D-Tier Mid Lane Champions

Tristana used to be absolutely OP as an ADC and midlaner. However, her reign seems to be over in both lanes due to a nerf to her Q and W in Patch 14.14.

If things couldn't get worse for Corki, he just received a nerf to his base health, making him even squishier.

Azir takes the first place as the mid laner with lowest win rate in LoL patch 14.14. He's absolutely not doing well this season!

Another weak pick, both as a mid lane and an ADC. Riot Games tried to give Ezreal a chance to shine a few patches ago but it definitely didn't work.

Summary of Best Mid Lane Champions in League of Legends Patch 14.14
All in all, this list is surely to change based on balance changes the devs implement but it should give you a general idea of which champions are strong and which might need some additional tuning to become more viable.
Tier | Mid Lane Champions |
S-Tier | Lux, Vex, Xerath, Fizz, Brand, Veigar, Irelia, LeBlanc, Irelia, Diana, Sylas, Malzahar |
A-Tier | Zed, Neeko, Cho'Gath, Swain, Viktor, Ziggs, Heimerdinger, Zoe |
B-Tier | Akali, Katarina, Syndra, Jayce, Ahri, Yasuo, Ryze, Aurora |
C-Tier | Lucian, Karma, Hwei, Smolder |
D-Tier | Tristana, Corki, Azir, Ezreal |