League of Legends Patch 14.13 has been released and you might be wondering what's the next OP pick for solo queue in Ranked. There are a lot of changes in the meta, especially when it comes to bot lane. In this article, we will be taking a look at the best of the best when it comes to Jungle champions so you can start climbing up the ranked ladder.
We will give several examples of champions per tier, so you can decide for yourself which pick fits your play style and which Jungler will give you the best chances of carrying your team to victory.
Table of Contents
- Tier List Explanation
- League of Legends 14.13: D-Tier Jungle Champions
- League of Legends 14.13: C-Tier Jungle Champions
- League of Legends 14.13: B-Tier Jungle Champions
- League of Legends 14.13: A-Tier Jungle Champions
- League of Legends 14.13: S-Tier Jungle Champions
- LoL Best Junglers in Patch 14.13 Summary
Tier List Explanation

This tier list will examine some of the most-played League of Legends champions in the Jungle.
- D-Tier: You should avoid playing these champions as much as possible.
- C-Tier: Although they can be somewhat decent, you are better off with other picks.
- B-Tier: Viable and reliable in most situations, you can manage rather decently.
- A-Tier: Great options but lacking just slightly either in terms of damage or utility.
- S-Tier: The best champions you can use to ensure you are always victorious.
NOTE: Although this tier list strives to be as objective as possible in terms of viability, you should not limit yourself to strictly adhere to this list, but rather experiment and see which champion feels fun to play with.
League of Legends 14.13: D-Tier Jungle Champions
LoL Patch 14.13 introduced a nerf to her bonus monster damage which definitely doesn't work in Taliyah's favor.
- Good burst and DPS
- Hard to play well
Seems like the D-tier hasn't changed a lot, with Sylas still here since the start of Season 14. He's performing way better in the mid-lane and we suggest opting for it if you main this champion.
- Versatile
- Duelist
- Very short range
- Predictable
- High ban rate
Rengar is still the jungle with the lowest win rate. Remember the days in which he was a nightmare to play against? They are long gone!
Keep this one in mid as well! Not only that but Zed's high ban and pick rate will make it almost impossible for you to play him in the jungle.
- High burst
- Decent jungle clears
- No sustain
- No hard CC
- Doesn't feel good in the jungle
League of Legends 14.13: C-Tier Jungle Champions
Skarner is not a good choice in the current 14.13 meta, due to the nerfs to Shattered Earth and Upheaval.
- Decent damage
- Great scaling
- High ban rate
- Long cooldowns
Cho'Gath is still in the C-Tier. Definitely not a good choice but it might work out if you main him.
- Great CC
- Weak late game
- Dependent on stacks
Weird, right? Some people love jungler Morgana, claiming it works miracles for them. In our opinion, it's definitely an odd choice and an especially bad one for low elo players. It takes skill!
Other C-Tier Junglers to consider are Poppy, Wukong, Maokai, and Pantheon.
League of Legends 14.13: B-Tier Jungle Champions
The recent League of Legends patch buffed Grave's bonus armor per E stack, which made him a good choice but not an OP one.
- Lots of damage
- Kiting
- Duelist
- Weak in team fights
- No CC
Gragas was targeted by nerfs, related to his passive's maximum health heal. Thankfully, you can nearly feel the change in the Summoner's Rift.
Talon has returned to the meta, both as a jungle and a midlaner. He doesn't shine brightly but he's a decent choice, especially with Hail of Blades.
- Good in the early game
- Easy to pick up
- Hard to master
- Weak in late-game
Bel'Veth used to be one of the strongest junglers just a few patches ago but the glory days are over. However, the good thing is she's still a somewhat decent choice you should consider.
- Decent damage and burst
- Snowball potential
- You're basically throwing the game if you're behind
- Dependent on True Form
Other B-Tier Junglers to consider are Udyr, Rammus, Sejuani, Jax, and Evelynn.
League of Legends 14.13: A-Tier Jungle Champions
LoL Patch 14.13 introduced a slight adjustment to Zac, with his passive healing scaling differently. He's a good choice in the current Jungler meta.
Karthus is no longer dominating the jungle. The recent patch nerfed his Q magic damage.
- Great AoE
- Very useful in team fights
- Squishy
- Mana-hungry
- No crowd control
Shaco is an amazing jungler pick, capable of making your opponents rage quit. Be aware of his high ban rate! He's currently the most banned jungler.
- Great ganks
- Fun outplays, annoying to play against
- Huge ban rate, high pick rate
- You'll need to actually be good with the champion and have the right skills in order to NOT be a nuance to your team
- Good vision counters him
LoL update 14.13 hit Brand with some pretty rough nerfs. He's not as insanely OP as he used to be, but you should still consider him for your Ranked games.
- Amazing AoE damage
- Easy to pick up and master
- Bad utility
- Easily out-sustained
A reliable choice both as a midlaner or a jungle, thanks to her amazing mobility, which allows for easy ganks.
- Mobility
- Roaming
- One combo and the enemy is a goner
- Great in team fights
- No easy way out once you go all in
A classic and reliable jungler choice which will never let you down if you have the skills.
- Great sustain
- Insane damage
- Needs Ult for optimal ganks
- Single target damage
Ekko has been in the A-tier for a few patches now and he's going strong. An absolute menace in the right hands!
Other A-Tier Junglers to consider are Xin Zhao, Fiddlesticks, Vi, Hecarim, Kindred, and Jarvan IV.
League of Legends 14.13: S-Tier Jungle Champions
Shyvana is the breakout star of LoL patch 14.13. She's performing exceptionally well with Fleet Footwork.
- Easy to play
- Farms fast
- Low pick and ban rate
- Gets kited easily
- Relies on ult
A buff to his W and base stats health growth has skyrocketed Lee Sin to the S-tier among all Junglers.
- Versatile kit
- Mobile
- Good ganks
- Really weak if he falls behind
Nocturne is one of the jungles with the highest win rate and he hasn't been out of the S+ tier since Season 14 started. With amazing ganks, he has turned into a menace on the Summoner's Rift.
- One of the best gankers in LoL
- Duelist
- Reliant on Darkness Form
Viego is currently a better jungler than a midlaner. With some insane damage and versatility, you can rely on him to carry you out of the low elo ranks.
- Good in mid and late-game 1v1
- Good CC
- Weak in the early game
- Countered by anti-heal
Nidalee is making the best out of the recent Dark Harvest buff, finding her place in the S-Tier, among the best junglers in LoL.
Briar has been killing it since patch 14.8. With insane damage and easy ganks, she's definitely one of the strongest junglers in the current meta.
- Amazing crowd control
- Easy jungle clears
- High ban rate
When hasn't Master Yi been an OP pick and a fan favorite? He's definitely killing it in the recent League of Legends update.
- High mobility
- Easy to pick up
- Huge carry potential
- Great jungle clear
- High pick and ban rate
- No CC
Other S-Tier Junglers to consider are Lillia, Kha'Zix, Kayn, and Volibear.
LoL Best Junglers in Patch 14.13 Summary
All in all, this list is surely to change based on balance changes the devs implement but it should give you a general idea of which champions are strong and which might need some additional tuning to become more viable.
League of Legends can be quite challenging at first, but once you master your favorite champion and try out these picks, you should excel in your games a lot more!
D-Tier | Sylas, Zed, Taliyah, Rengar |
C-Tier | Cho'Gath, Skarner, Morgana |
B-Tier | Graves, Bel'Veth, Gragas, Talon |
A-Tier | Shaco, Diana, Zac, Karthus, Brand, Ekko, Warwick |
S-Tier | Briar, Nocturne, Lee Sin, Master Yi, Viego, Nidalee |