With Patch 14.10 now live, many League of Legends players are looking for their next OP pick for solo queue. Since every patch brings a lot of changes to the meta, we will be taking a look at the best of the best when it comes to top lane champions so you can start climbing up the ranked ladder.
We will give several examples of champions per tier, so you can decide for yourself which pick fits your play style and which toplaner will give you the best chances of carrying your team to victory.
Given how much the meta can shake things up, you should pay attention to each patch as your favorite champion might be hit with the nerf hammer, as Riot unleashes a new broken champion on the top lane.
Table of Contents

Tier List Explanation
This tier list will examine some of the most-played League of Legends champions in the top lane.
- D-Tier: You should avoid playing these champions as much as possible.
- C-Tier: Although they can be somewhat decent, you are better off with other picks.
- B-Tier: Viable and reliable in most situations, you can manage rather decently.
- A-Tier: Great options but lacking just slightly either in terms of damage or utility.
- S-Tier: The best champions you can use to ensure you are always victorious.
NOTE: Although this tier list strives to be as objective as possible in terms of viability, you should not limit yourself to strictly adhere to this list, but rather experiment and see which champion feels fun to play with.

League of Legends 14.10: D-Tier Top Lane Champions
Rengar has been quite absent in the game, given the massive map changes in Season 14, preventing him from being a good jungler and even a top laner.
- Great at taking down carries
- Weak laning phase
- Terrible team fighting
- Can fall behind quite easily
Sion has been struggling to maintain any relevancy, despite his hard scaling, his proxy play style does not bring all that much, given how the meta has changed.
Warwick has quickly fallen out of favor, given how much people have adapted to his unique playstyle.
League of Legends 14.10: C-Tier Top Lane Champions
Singed is seeing some play, however, his tricky playstyle can hinder some players from picking him up, as you will need to effortlessly proxy without giving up too many resources to the enemy team.
Teemo is in a weird spot where he can either be the most oppressive top laner or an incredibly weak and squishy Yordle.
- Annoying lane bully
- Lacks damage if falls behind
- Needs a lot of setup to be impactful
K'Sante has eaten quite a lot of nerfs, and it seems his win rate will not even budge, so Riot might tune him a bit so he becomes more viable.
Ornn can be a reliable tank, especially with his passive that grants item upgrades, but giving up a carry role might hinder your chances of winning in solo queue.
- Great laning phase
- Amazing team fighting potential
- Lacks damage
- Easily outmatched by scaling champions
League of Legends 14.10: B-Tier Top Lane Champions
Nasus is doing rather okay in this meta, however, he can be very easily counterpicked so maintaining your mental is crucial in winning your match.
- Incredible scaling
- Solid damage with tanky items
- Very weak early game
- Can struggle against lane bullies
Gangplank can be quite tricky to pilot, as you will need to invest a lot of time to learn his barrel combos as well as master his kit but once you get the hang of it, you can easily kill most of your enemies without much hassle.
Shen is a sleeper pick as his laning phase can be quite oppressive, coupled with his global ultimate that can help decide objective fights. Not only do you have carry potential but also can greatly benefit your team in the meantime.
- Good laning phase
- Great in skirmishes
- Difficult solo kill potential
- Can struggle against ranged champions
Renekton has been struggling to maintain his relevancy in the top lane, as his lack of good scaling can feel quite punishing to players if they are unable to get a good enough lead in the early-to-mid game.
If you are looking for a straightforward tank, then look no further. Dr. Mundo has got it all.
- Great sustain
- Good damage
- Picks up steam in the mid-game
- Lack of crowd control
Gnar has been doing a bit better recently, as he can struggle to maintain relevancy, given how obnoxious it can be to manage his passive in team fights to ensure you get a good stun onto the enemy team.
League of Legends 14.10: A-Tier Top Lane Champions
Aatrox can easily go into S-Tier, however, you will need to invest some time to learn his mechanics and matchups, which is why he might not be as accessible as other much stronger champions.
- Incredible damage
- Amazing snowballing opportunities
- Relies on a hard engage team to shine
Gwen has seen her ups and downs, making her rather inconsistent in regard to her top lane performance, however, she remains one of the strongest AP champions you can pilot.
- Good scaling
- Great utility
- Lacks range and CC
Garen is a very easy to pilot champion, allowing you to easily become a monster in the mid game, as well as sustain any trades you take in lane without much hassle.
Irelia is once again in fashion as her kit and damage, coupled with the new items in Patch 14.10 will make her a very strong duelist.
- Great laning phase
- Amazing solo kill capabilities
- Can feel weak against tanks
Mordekaiser has been popping off in solo queue, making him quite an annoying counter to strong carries, as his ultimate is now even more difficult to deal with.
Riven has remained at the top for quite some time, showing how much she can impact the game, especially since her buffs.
- Tons of damage
- Very oppressive laner
- Needs good setup to shine
Poppy is picking up traction as her ultimate gives her so much utility, combined with her CC and tankiness, you can't go wrong with Poppy.
- Incredible team fighting
- Good for skirmishes
- Low damage
Malphite is one of the best AD counters, as his ultimate makes him a very terrifying threat in team fights.
Twisted Fate can be a coinflip at times, given how easily you can fall behind should you get constantly ganked by the enemy jungler. However, if you are able to survive the early-to-mid-game, your ultimate unlocks a lot of opportunities for 2v1 fights.
League of Legends 14.10: S-Tier Top Lane Champions
Camille has once again become a monster in the top lane as not only do you become an unstoppable late-game threat, but your split pushing is hardly ever matched.
- Incredible laning phase
- Superb damage
- Can apply a lot of pressure on the map
- Has some annoying counters
Another amazing duelist, split pusher, and overall lane bully that can easily tilt enemies into doing bad plays, Fiora is your key to victory.
- Great sustain
- Amazing utility
- Oppressive laning phase
- Can struggle against ranged
Kayle is a scaling menace that if left unchecked, can easily 1v9 most games. You should definitely give her a try when laning against more passive champions.
- Amazing damage
- Great scaling
- Good team fight utility
- Very weak early game
Despite the nerfs in Patch 14.10, Skarner should still be an amazing pick for the top lane, following his rework.
- Built-in tankiness
- Great CC opportunities
- Great skirmisher
- His damage can fall off if you opt for a more tanky build
Many players are rediscovering Urgot as his damage and laning phase are one of the most annoying matchups you can deal with in the top lane.
- Great shove potential
- Annoying kit to deal with
- Innert tankiness
- Short range and hard to hit CC
Darius is one of the most scary juggernauts you can face currently. Not only can he easily 1v1 almost any matchup, but his tankiness makes him even more difficult to deal with.
- Oppressive kit
- Great execution damage
- Very terrifying snowball potential
- Lack of gap closers
Jax has once again become a staple pick in the top lane, given his incredible dueling and amazing splitpushing presence that will often allow your team to take control over neutral objectives.
Vayne is still one of the most annoying ranged matchups in the top lane, as not only pro play play her against tanks, but you can also harass other S-Tier champions without much hassle.
- Hypercarry
- Great tank shredder
- Very mobile
- Squishy and susceptible to CC

Summary of Best Top Lane Champions in League of Legends Patch 14.10
All in all, this list is surely to change based on balance changes the devs implement but it should give you a general idea of which champions are strong and which might need some additional tuning to become more viable.
League of Legends can be quite challenging at first, but once you master your favorite champion and try out these picks, you should excel in your games a lot more!
Tier | Top Lane Champions |
D-Tier | Rengar, Sion, Yorick, Warwick |
C-Tier | Singed, Teemo, K'Sante, Ornn |
B-Tier | Nasus, Gangplank, Shen, Renekton, Dr. Mundo, Gnar |
A-Tier | Aatrox, Gwen, Garen, Irelia, Mordekaiser, Riven, Poppy, Malphite, Twisted Fate |
S-Tier |