League of Legends: Top 5 Best Jhin Skins to Get

We're taking a look the best Jhin skins you should buy in League of Legends.

League of Legends: Top 5 Best Jhin Skins to Get
Riot Games

Jhin is a League of Legends champion with a dark backstory—he is a serial killer who views murder as an art form. Jhin's weapon of choice is his custom-made firearm, Whisper. Everything about this ADC is theatrical and dramatic, yet beautiful and elegant. In this article, we will take a look at the top 5 best Jhin skins in LoL.

5. Soul Fighter Jhin

Soul Fighter Jhin
Riot Games

Price: 1350 RP

This skin offers a fun, bright, and colorful look for anime fans. It gives Jhin a more animated appearance, not only because of the dark outlines featured in this skin but also due to his striking movements and poses. It gives off strong JoJo's Bizarre Adventure vibes.




Project Jhin
Riot Games

Price: 1350 RP

A classic in the League of Legends universe, the PROJECT skin line is one of the most beloved, offering dark and futuristic twists to champions. Jhin fits this theme perfectly, with great sound and visual effects enhancing the experience. Also, this is probably his best splash art!


3. Empyrean Jhin

Empyrean Jhin
Riot Games

Price: 1350 RP

The Empyrean skin line definitely has its hits and misses. While it doesn't work as well for champions like Lux, Brand, and Vex, it looks stunning on Jhin. The combination of darkness with neon pops of color works wonders for him.


2. SKT T1 Jhin

SKT T1 Jhin.
Riot Games

Price: 1350 RP

The Worlds 2016 skin fits Jhin perfectly. It’s truly majestic and royal, with gold, red, and purple giving him a regal appearance that's otherwise missing from his cosmetics collection. Though it’s an older skin, it holds up incredibly well on Summoner's Rift, and something about it feels theatrically canon. Fun fact: his dance is a copy of BIGBANG's choreography to their hit song "BANG BANG BANG."


1. Dark Cosmic Jhin

Dark Cosmic Jhin
Riot Games

Price: 1820 RP

We have a winner! "Otherworldly" is the best way to describe this skin. The Cosmic line is truly something special, and this one is probably the best cosmetic in the collection. With dark purple, glowing lights, and brand new animations (including two additional hands!), this is undoubtedly the most stunning cosmetic that all Jhin mains should own!

And there you have it - the best 5 Jhin skins. There's something for everyone! However, we do think Jhin needs a little more love from the cosmetics department at Riot's. 

Check out the rest of our LoL skin-related content:
