Infinite Craft challenges players to discover thousands of crafting combinations starting from just the basic elements of fire, water, earth, and wind. With new recipes being uncovered daily, keeping track of every single formula can be an endless task. To aid your crafting experiments, we've compiled the most comprehensive recipes list to date.
While advanced creations are exciting, it all start with the essential building blocks. Combining water + wind makes waves. Fire + earth crafts lava. Identical elements can also produce new ones e.g. water + water makes lakes.
Once you have these foundation ingredients, creativity can run wild. Plant + plant will get you trees. Mixing mountains yield mountain ranges. Lakes blended with fog create the mysterious Loch Ness!
Table of Contents
- Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (A-B)
- Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (C-D)
- Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (E)
- Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (F-G)
- Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (H-I)
- Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (J-K)
- Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (L)
- Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (M-N)
- Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (O-P)
- Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (Q-R)
- Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (S)
- Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (T-U)
- Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (V-Z)
Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (A-B)
Result | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
Abominable Snowman | Water | Yeti |
Adam | Mud | Venus |
Alfred | Batman | Wisdom |
Alligator | Swamp | Trump |
Amazon | Jungle | River |
Amber | Cologne | Fossil |
America | Rainbow | Continent |
Ammonite | Fossil | Roll |
Ancient | Ruins | Town |
Android | Software | Planet |
Anime | Japan | America |
Anniversary | Birthday | Marriage |
Apple | Fruit | Adam |
Apple Pie | Fruit Tree | America |
Ariel | Whale | Vase |
Arsonist | Stalker | Fire |
Art | Drawing | Mountain |
Asia | Ash | Continent |
Ash | Fire | Tree |
Athens | Ancient | Town |
Atlantis | Island | Ocean |
Atlas | Titan | Earth |
Avalanche | Wind | Mountain |
Baby Dinosaur | Dinosaur | Egg |
Baby Lovebird | Lovebird | Lovebird |
Bacon | Pig | Fire |
Baconator | Volcano | Bacon |
Bank | Money | Zombie |
Bat | Black | Vampire |
Batman | Bat | Bat |
Battle | War | War |
Big Bang | Time | Universe |
Bigfoot | Golem | Loch Ness Monster |
Birthday Cake | Cake | Cake |
Bitcoin | Coin | Pop Tart |
Beauty and the Beast | Beauty | King Kong |
Black Hole | Galaxy | Galaxy |
Blizzard | Snow | Wind |
Blockbuster | Movie | Explosion |
Blog | Internet | Vampire |
Blood | Heart | Water |
Bloody Mary | Wine | Tomato |
Blue | Indigo | Politician |
Blue’s Clues | Game | Blue |
Blueberry | Grocery | Blue |
Boat | Ship | Ship |
Bog | Swamp | Swamp |
Bonsai | Japan | Tree |
Book | Paper | Paper |
Bookshelf | Book | Book |
Bookworm | Library | Surfboard |
Boss | Moss | Celebrity |
Boulder | Stone | Stone |
Bowser | Super Mario | Rock |
Brawl | Mario | Fight |
Brazil | Rio | Earth |
Breakfast | Dinner | Day |
Breakfast Taco | Taco Bell | Breakfast |
Breeze | Life | Wind |
Brick | Clay | Clay |
Bride | Wedding | Beauty |
Bridge | Ladder | Ladder |
Brienne | Game of Thrones | Knight |
Brienne of Tarth | Game of Thrones | Brienne |
Brinner | Breakfast | Dinner |
Broken | Gamer | Rage |
Browser | Internet | Opera |
Brownies | Mud | Chocolate |
Bruce Banner | Hulk | Broken |
Bruce Lee | Celebrity | Kung Fu |
Brunch | Brinner | Breakfast |
Bubble | Soap | Water |
Bubblegum | Gum | Mud |
Buddha | Philosophy | Enlightenment |
Buffy | Vampire | Slayer |
Buffy the Vampire Slayer | Buffy | Super Smash Bros |
Bug | Millennium | Windows |
Builder | Carpenter | Engineer |
Bull | Picasso | Stake |
Bullet | Glass | Train |
Bullet Train | Train | Rice |
Bully | Geek | School |
Bunny | Rabbit | Garden |
Burnt Toast | Toast | Fire |
Butter | Toast | Oil |
Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (C-D)
Result | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
C-3PO | Lightsaber | Robot |
Caboose | Train | Hut |
Cactus | Desert | Plant |
Cake | Butter | Egg |
Calendar | Year | Sun |
Campfire | Wood | Fire |
Candy | Halloween | Food |
Candy Cane | Candy | Lollipop |
Candy Crush | Candy | Game |
Candy Crush Saga | Candy Crush | Candy Crush |
Captain | Pirate | Pirate Ship |
Captain America | Ant-Man | America |
Captain Beefheart | Captain | Electric Zombie Orchestra |
Captain Hook | Pig | Pirate |
Captain Sushi | Captain Beefheart | Sushi |
Car | Oil | Engine |
Card | Football | Red |
Carpenter | Lumberjack | Engineer |
Carrot | Orange | Park |
Cartoon | Drawing | Mickey Mouse |
Castle | Fortress | House |
Catch | Fish | Net |
Catholic | Jesus | Christianity |
Cave | Rain | Rock |
Caveman | Gorilla | Time Travel |
Cavewoman | Caveman | Caveman |
Celebrity | Star | Newspaper |
Cemetery | Grave | Grave |
Centipede | Millipede | Bug |
Central Park | New York | Zoo |
Century | Year | Year |
Ceramic | Pottery | Vase |
Cereal | Breakfast | Food |
Chai | Tea | Fire |
Chair | Table | Wood |
Chameleon | Lizard | Blue |
Championship | Lebron | Ball |
Chaos | Destruction | Explosion |
Charizard | Pokemon | Fire |
Cheater | Tom Brady | Player |
Checkers | Chess | Chess |
Cheer | Cheerleader | Fan |
Cheerleader | Touchdown | Fan |
Cheese | Milk | Milk |
Cheesehead | Cheese | Football |
Chef | Cook | Food |
Chelsea | Football | Blue |
Chemistry | Science | School |
Chess | Game | Book |
Chessboard | Chess | Stream |
Chest | Pirate | Treasure |
Chicken | Bird | Game |
Child | Baby | Life |
Chili | Soup | Fire |
Chili Dog | Chili | Hotdog |
Chill | Netflix | Movie |
China | Beijing | Earth |
Chocolate | Mud | Rainforest |
Choo Choo | Jack Sparrow | Star |
Christianity | God | Jesus |
Christmas | Green | Red |
Christmas Tree | Pine | Battery |
Chuck Norris | Serial Killer | Vomit |
Church | Temple | Farm |
Cinderella | Disney | Princess |
Cinema | Movie | Movie |
City | Town | Town |
Civil War | Captain America | Iron Man |
Clark Kent | Superman | Gossip |
Class | Student | Student |
Classroom | School | Room |
Clay | Mud | Mud |
Clean | Soap | Mud |
Clementine | Christmas | Orange |
Clock | Football | Orange |
Cloud | Wind | Steam |
Clownfish | Fish | Coconut |
Club | Caveman | Fight |
Coca-Cola | Soda | Human |
Coconut | Palm | Palm |
Coconut Milk | Coconut | Coconut Tree |
Coconut Tree | Coconut | Coconut |
Coffin | Vampire | Room |
Coin | Mud | Metal |
Coke | Coca-Cola | Soda |
College | University | Classroom |
Colosseum | Stadium | Stone |
Colossus | Statue | City |
Comedy | Divorce | Romance |
Comet | Wind | Space |
Comic | Story | Artist |
Comic Book | Comic | Comic |
Computer | System | Fire |
Conductor | Train | Captain |
Confucius | Book | Chinese |
Continent | Island | Island |
Cook | Recipe | Food |
Cookbook | Food | Story |
Cooking | Cook | Chef |
Corn | America | Farm |
Cornfield | Corn | Corn |
Corruption | Money | Politician |
Cowboy | Lasso | Club |
Crane | Origami | Paper |
Cranky Kong | Donkey Kong | Robot |
Crash | Accident | Car |
Crayon | Red | Pencil |
Creeper | Minecraft | Monster |
Creepypasta | Creeper | Fanfiction |
Crime | Mafia | Murder |
Crimson | Paint | Red |
Crocodile | Lizard | Water |
Crop Circle | Stonehenge | UFO |
Crown | King | Gold |
Cruise | Boat | Ship |
Crypto | Bitcoin | Toast |
Cryptozoology | Loch Ness Monster | Bigfoot |
Cucumber | Grocery | Green |
Cult | Religion | Internet |
Cure | Sick | Disease |
Curse | Tomb | Mummy |
Cyan | Blue | Green |
Cyberman | Doctor Who | Robot |
Cybernetic | Robot | Cyborg |
Cyberpunk | Internet | City |
Cyberpunk 2077 | Cyberpunk | Pixel Art |
Cyberspace | Internet | Space |
Cyborg | Monster | Robot |
Daenerys Targaryen | Game of Thrones | Dragon |
Dalai Lama | Celebrity | Buddha |
Dank | Meme | Trash |
Dark | Time | Night |
Darkness | Dark | Dark |
Darth Vader | Jedi | Lightsaber |
Dash | Sprint | Sprint |
Date | Meal | Romance |
David | Artist | Statue |
Day | Twenty-Four | Clock |
Dead | Ice Cream | Death |
Death | Life | Vampire |
Death Note | Anime | Nightmare |
Death Star | Star Wars | Planet |
December | November | November |
Defenestration | Vomit | Window |
Democracy | Liberty | Knowledge |
Delivery | Amazon | Prime |
Dengue | Mosquito | Egg |
Derek Jeter | Yankees | Celebrity |
Desert | Sand | Star |
Destruction | Tornado | Tsunami |
Detention | Judge | Homework |
Diamond | Gem | Gem |
Diamond Block | Diamond | Diamond |
Diarrhea | Taco Bell | Destruction |
Diddy Kong | Donkey Kong | Donkey Kong |
Diddy Kong | Diddy Kong | Car |
Dinner | SpaghettiOs | Hot Dog |
Dinosaur | Fossil | Amber |
Dirt | Earth | Pluto |
Disaster | Tornado | New York |
Disease | Sick | Sick |
Disney | Mickey | Mouse |
Disney World | Disneyland | Disneyland |
Disney+ | Netflix | Mickey Mouse |
Disneyland | Disney | Disney |
Diva | Opera | Celebrity |
Divorce | Marriage | Passion |
Dixie Kong | Donkey Kong | Diddy Kong |
DJ | Party | Player |
Doctor | Sick | Patient |
Doctor Who | Tardis | Time Travel |
Donkey Kong | King Kong | Mr. Peanuts |
Donkey Kong Country | Donkey Kong | Mario |
Dovahkiin | Dragonborn | Knowledge |
Dracula | Celebrity | Vampire |
Dragon | Swamp | Fire |
Dragon Ball | Goku | Asia |
Dragon Ball Z | Fight | Anime |
Dragon Ball Z Kai | Dragon Ball Z | Time |
Dragon Egg | Dragon | Dragon |
Dragonborn | Dragon | Celebrity |
Drama | Comedy | Tragedy |
Drawing | Pencil | Paper |
Drug | Chemistry | Money |
Druid | Stonehenge | Amber |
Drunk | Grape | Wine |
Dumbledore | Pope | Harry Potter |
Dust | Tornado | Earth |
Dwayne Johnson | Moana | Ice Cream |
Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (E)
Result | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
E-Book | Kindle | Book |
E.T. | Celebrity | Alien |
Easter Bunny | Bunny | Santa |
Easter Island | Alien | Statue |
Eclipse | Moon | Earth |
Eevee | Pokemon | Stone |
Eeveelution | Eevee | Hagrid |
Egg | Farm | Chicken |
Egypt | Pyramid | Sphinx |
Eiffel Tower | Paris | Earth |
Eight | Four | Four |
Eighty | Seventy | Ten |
Einstein | Genius | Wisdom |
Election | Democracy | Funeral |
Electric Guitar | Lightning | Music |
Electric Zombie Orchestra | Zombie Orchestra | Tesla |
Electricity | Windmill | Wind |
Elephant | Zoo | Trash |
Elf | Christmas | Movie |
Emerald | Diamond | Green |
Emperor | Herd | Penguin |
Empire | Jedi | Republic |
Empire State Building | New York | City |
Encyclopedia | Wikipedia | Governor |
Endgame | Avengers | Thanos |
Energy | Force | Power |
Engine | Fuel | Fire |
Engineer | Human | Steam |
Engineering | Math | Science |
Enlightenment | Knowledge | Sun |
Envy | Money | Green |
Eon | Century | Millennium |
Epic | Story | Rage |
Epidemic | Plague | Plague |
Error | Microsoft | Windows |
Eruption | Volcano | Tiki |
Escape | Bridge | Ladder |
eSports | Olympics | Gaming |
Essay | Paragraph | Paragraph |
Eternity | Time | Europe |
Europe | Continent | Fjord |
Eurovision | Japan | Europe |
Eve | Adam | Venus |
Everything Everywhere All at Once | Movie | Multiverse |
Excalibur | Mud | Sword |
Exorcist | Movie | Priest |
Explosion | Destruction | Destruction |
Experiment | Science | Class |
Excalibur | Mud | Sword |
Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (F-G)
Result | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
Flying | Wind | Kite |
Flying Fish | Sushi | Wind |
Flying Saucer | Wind | Space Ship |
Fog | Water | Smoke |
Food | Farm | Farmer |
Football | Stadium | Fan |
Force | Jedi | Love |
Forest | Mountain | Tree |
Forest | Tree | Tree |
Forever | Eternity | Infinity |
Fort | Army | Army |
Fortress | Superman | House |
Fortress of Solitude | Superman | Palace |
Forty | Twenty | Twenty |
Fossil | Fish | Stone |
Four | Two | Two |
Four Hundred | Three Hundred | One Hundred |
Frankenstein | Swamp | Electricity |
Frankenstein | Vampire | Thunder |
Fred Flintstone | Cowboy | Caveman |
Freedom | America | Democracy |
Friend | Player | Player |
Friendly | Player | Friend |
Friendship | Legolas | Frodo |
Frog | Fish | Swamp |
Frog Prince | Kermit | Cupid |
Frogger | Frog | Truck |
Frosty | Snowman | Celebrity |
Fruit | Peach | Orange |
Fruit | Sun | Tree |
Fruit Tree | Fruit | Fruit |
Fuel | Oil | Fire |
Funeral | Flower | Coffin |
Future | 2025 | Time |
Galaxy | Star | Star |
Galileo | Astronomer | Telescope |
Game | Football | Stadium |
Game of Thrones | Sopranos | Dragon |
Gamer | Game | Addiction |
Gaming | Gamer | Game |
Gandalf | Lord of the Rings | Elrond |
Garden | Lawn | Stone |
Garden | Love | Earth |
Garnet | Amethyst | Ruby |
Gasoline | Fuel | Oil |
Gazpacho | Soup | Tomato |
Gecko | Lizard | Rock |
Geek | Nerd | Student |
Gem | Shards | Shards |
General | War | Soldier |
Genius | Human | Knowledge |
Ghost | Celebrity | Campfire |
Ghostbuster | Celebrity | Ghost |
Gift | Present | Time |
Gimli | Earthquake | Elrond |
Girlfriend | Best Friend | Love |
Glass | Sand | Fire |
Glass | Obsidian | Steam |
Glory | Trophy | Victory |
Goal | Soccer | Player |
Goblin | Ogre | Troll |
God | Universe | Eternity |
Godzilla | Dinosaur | Japan |
Godzilla | King Kong | Elephant |
Gohan | Goku | Mountain |
Gold | Treasure | Engine |
Gold | Yellow | Yellow |
Golem | Movie | Clay |
Golem | Swamp | Zombie |
Golf | Arnold Palmer | Lawn |
Golf Ball | Golf | Orange |
Golf Course | Mini Golf | Mini Golf |
Golf Story | Super Mario Bros | Golfing |
Golfing | Golf | Surfing |
Goliath | David | King Kong |
Gorgon | Medusa | Mythology |
Gorilla | Ape | Ape |
Gossip | Love | Newspaper |
Gotham | City | Batman |
Gotham | Batman | Castle |
Governor | Arnold Schwarzenegger | Politician |
Grandfather | Time Machine | Paradox |
Grandpa | Movie | Grandfather |
Grandson | Time Machine | Grandfather |
Grape | Grocery | Purple |
Grass | Moss | Moss |
Grave | Dead | Dead |
Graveyard | Cemetery | Cemetery |
Great Wall | China | Earth |
Greatsword | Longsword | Longsword |
Greed | Money | Envy |
Green | Paint | Blue |
Green Bay Packers | Green Bay | Green Bay |
Green Bay | Packer | Football |
Greg Norman | Sydney | Golfing |
Grill | Barbecue | Barbecue |
Grilled Cheese | Toast | Cheese |
Grilled Cheese Sandwich | Grilled Cheese | Grilled Cheese |
Grim Reaper | Death | Death |
Grim Reaper | Reaper | Death |
Grizzly | Bear | Celebrity |
Grocery | Supermarket | Money |
Gum | Mud | Kung Fu |
Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (H-I)
Result | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
Hacker | Cyberpunk | Library |
Hagrid | Hermoine | Monster |
Halloween | October | Christmas |
Halo | Xbox | Gaming |
Hamlet | Shakespeare | Paper |
Happiness | Disney | Money |
Happy Feet | Movie | Penguin |
Hare | Rabbit | Rabbit |
Harley Quinn | Joker | Angelina Jolie |
Harry Potter | Hogwarts | Book |
Harry Potter and the Curse of the Black Pearl | Pirates of the Caribbean | Hogwarts Express |
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets | Harry Potter | Valentine |
Hatsune Miku | Android | J-Pop |
Hawaii | America | Island |
Hawaii Five-O | Napoleon Complex | Hawaii |
Health | Sick | Cure |
Heart | Love | Love |
Heat | Fire | Intensity |
Hera | Zeus | Divorce |
Hero | Fight | Monster |
Hero | Zeus | Hercules |
Hex | Curse | Curse |
Hexagon | Hex | Hex |
Hexagram | Hexagon | Drawing |
Hercules | Hydra | Zeus |
Hero | Fight | Monster |
Hero | Zeus | Hercules |
Hex | Curse | Curse |
Hexagon | Hex | Hex |
Hexagram | Hexagon | Drawing |
Hole | Golf | Wind |
Hole in One | Golf | Golf Ball |
Hollywood | Movie | Money |
Holystone | Holy Water | Stone |
Homerun | Baseball | Home Run |
Home Run | Baseball | Ball |
Homework | Book | Essay |
Honey | Bee | Plant |
Honeycomb | Wall | Honeymoon |
Honeymoon | Marriage | Room |
Hook | Captain Hook | Peter Pan |
Hope | Shawshank Redemption | Movie |
Horror | Movie | Halloween |
Hospital | Heart | Sick |
Hot Dog | Chili Dog | Game |
Hotdog | Bacon | Ketchup |
Hourglass | Time | Time |
House | Wall | Brick |
House | Brick | Wall |
Hulk Smash | Hulk | Explosion |
Hulk | Mutant | Radiation |
Human | Life | Earth |
Human | Rebirth | Zombie |
Human | Adam | Eve |
Humanity | Humans | World |
Hurricane | Wind | Speed |
Hydra | Dragon | Monster |
Hydra | Snake | Snake |
Hypothesis | School | Theory |
Ice | Snow | Snow |
Ice | Lightning | Iceberg |
Ice Age | Zoo | Mammoth |
Ice Cream | Mars | Snow |
Ice Cream Cone | Ice Cream | Ice Cream |
Iceberg | Titan | Water |
Iceland | Greenland | Continent |
Idea | Light Bulb | Fire |
Igloo | Snow | House |
Illusion | Story | Mirage |
Immortality | Life | Forever |
Incredible Hulk | Hulk | Chaos |
Incredibles | Superhero | Family |
India | British Empire | Continent |
Indiana Jones | Cowboy | Whip |
Indigo | Purple | Violet |
Infinity | Eon | Eternity |
Infinity Gauntlet | Thanos | Stone |
Infinity War | Avengers | Endgame |
Insect | Bug | Wings |
Internet | Meme | Photoshop |
Internet Explorer | Microsoft | Browser |
Invention | Idea | Idea |
Invisible Jet | Plane | Wonder Woman |
Invisible Plane | Invisible Jet | Invisible Jet |
iPad | Tablet | Apple |
iPhone | Smartphone | Apple |
Iron Age | Metal | History |
Iron Chef | Iron Man | Food |
Iron Man | Tony | Stark |
Iron Man 2 | Iron Man | Iron Man 3 |
Iron Man 3 | Iron Man | Destruction |
Ironman | Iron Chef | Time |
Irony | Story | Iron Man |
Island | Stone | Ocean |
Island | Ocean | Earth |
Island | Ship | Earth |
Itch | Malaria | Ice Cream |
Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (J-K)
Result | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
Jedi | Star Wars | Lightsaber |
Jedi | Knight | Celebrity |
Jedi Pig | Lightsaber | Pig |
Jellyfish | Fish | Ghost |
Jesus | God | Angel |
Jet | Plane | Plane |
Jetpack | Jet | Jet |
Jobs | Steve | Human |
Joffrey | Game of Thrones | Laughter |
Johnny Depp | Sirius Black | Jack Sparrow |
Joke | Story | Comedy |
Joker | Batman | Clown |
Joker | Knight | Comedy |
Jon Snow | Game of Thrones | Knowledge |
Jordan Peterson | Book | Fame |
Joy | Happiness | Happiness |
Judge | Law | Order |
Judge Judy | Judge | Celebrity |
Juice | Orange | Fruit |
July | Summer | Month |
June | May | Month |
Jungle | Amazon | Forest |
Junk | Wreckage | Truck |
Jupiter | Planet | Orange |
Jurassic Park | Story | Dinosaur |
Jurassic World | Jurassic Park | Story |
Justice | Liberty | Wisdom |
Justice League | Batman | Superman |
Justin Bieber | Music | Celebrity |
Kaleidoscope | Mirror | Mirror |
Kamehameha | Goku | Water |
Kangaroo | Animal | Jump |
Kermit | Miss Piggy | Fight |
Kindle | Amazon | Computer |
Kindle | Internet | Amazon |
King | Kingdom | Castle |
King | Palace | Stupid |
King | Prince | Prince |
King Kong | Gorilla | Monkey |
King Kong | Godzilla | Dinosaur |
Kingdom | Palace | Castle |
Kite | Invention | Wind |
Kite | Wind | Invention |
Knight | Dragon | Princess |
Knight | Girlfriend | Sword |
Knight Rider | Lightsaber | Car |
Knowledge | Library | Book |
Komodo Dragon | Dragon | Lizard |
Kong | Atlantis | Gorilla |
Kraken | Island | Monster |
Kraken | Sea Serpent | Pirate |
Kryptonite | Superman | Poison |
Kung Fu | Goku | Chinese |
Kung Fu | Monkey | Panda |
Kung Fu Panda | Celebrity | Panda |
Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (L)
Result | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
Labor Day | Hard Work | Holiday |
Laboratory | University | Science |
Ladder | Rope | Rope |
Lake | Water | Water |
Lambeau Field | Green Bay Packers | Stadium |
Lamp | Light Bulb | Glass |
Land | Earth | Continent |
Landing | Airplane | Earth |
Language | Words | Communication |
Lara Croft | Tomb Raider | Mario |
Laser | Lightning | Bullet |
Laser | Electricity | Lens |
Lasso | Whip | Whip |
Laughter | Comedy | Comedy |
Lava | Fire | Earth |
Lava | Volcano | Fire |
Lavender | Life | Purple |
Law | Justice | Order |
Lawn | Grass | Rock |
Lawsuit | Lawyer | Lawyer |
Lawyer | Law | Letter |
Leaf | Tree | Wind |
Lebanon | Religion | Controversy |
Legend | Story | Epic |
Lego | Star Wars | Brick |
Legolas | Elf | Lord of the Rings |
Lemonade | Soda | Yellow |
Lens | Glass | Fire |
Leonardo | Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | Blue |
Letter | Postman | |
Leviathan | Sea Serpent | Sea Serpent |
Library | Bookshelf | Book |
Liberty | Statue | Metropolis |
Life | Venus | Steam |
Life | Earth | Mars |
Light | Lamp | Fire |
Light Bulb | Glass | Energy |
Light Saber | Laser | Sword |
Lightning | Fire | Cloud |
Lightning | Power | Storm |
Lighthouse | Light Bulb | House |
Light Saber | Laser | Sword |
Lightning | Tesla | Tornado |
Lightsaber | Jedi | Sith |
Lightsaber | Laser | Sword |
Lime | Green | Yellow |
Lincoln | America | Caesar |
Lion King | Lion | Celebrity |
Liquid | Solid | Gas |
Lizard | Dragon | Swamp |
Loch Ness | Swamp | Island |
Loch Ness Monster | Swamp | Monster |
Log Cabin | Abraham Lincoln | Forest |
London | Olympics | 2012 |
Longsword | Sword | Sword |
Lord of the Rings | Ring | King |
Love | Venus | Mars |
Love | Mermaid | Prince |
Lovebird | Parrot | Cupid |
Luigi | Mario | Green |
Lumberjack | Woodcutter | Farmer |
Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (M-N)
Result | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
Madden | Super Bowl | Game |
Mafia | Boss | New York |
Magenta | Red | Pink |
Magic | Wizard | Spell |
Magnifying Glass | Lens | Fire |
Magmar | Pokemon | Volcano |
Delivery | Delivery | |
Mailman | Human | Postman |
Malaria | Mosquito | Human |
Mall of America | Minnesota | Earth |
Mammoth | Elephant | Squirrel |
Manga | Book | Japan |
Manhattan | Soup | New York |
Marathon | Run | Sprint |
March | February | February |
Mardi Grass | Football | Parade |
Margarita | Apple | Lime |
Mario | Race | Donkey Kong |
Mario Golf | Golfing | Mario Kart |
Mario Kart | Mario | Internet |
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe | Mario Kart | Twitch |
Mario Tennis | Mario Golf | Mario Kart |
Market | Money | Garden |
Marriage | Wedding | Love |
Mars | Planet | Brick |
Mars | Elon Musk | SpaceX |
Marsh | Swamp | Water |
Marsh | Swamp | Ocean |
Marshmallow | Candy | Fire |
Marshtomp | Pokemon | Mars |
Martian | Human | Mars |
Marvel | Movie | Universe |
Masterpiece | Art | Art |
Mastodon | Mammoth | Elephant |
Math | Science | One |
Maui | Disney | Moana |
May | April | Month |
Mayan | 2012 | Year |
Meal | Food | Food |
Mech Kong | Robot | King Kong |
Mechagodzilla | Robot | Godzilla |
Medal | Olympics | Gold |
Medicine | Chemistry | Drug |
Medusa | Snake | Curse |
Medusa | Mirror | Stone |
Megalodon | Shark | Whale |
Megalopolis | Metropolis | Metropolis |
Meme | Photoshop | Comedy |
Mermaid | Fish or Lake | Human |
Mermaid | Human | Fish |
Mew | Mewthree | Mewtwo |
Mewtwo | Pokemon | Space |
Mewthree | Mewtwo | Solgaleo |
Metropolis | City | City |
Michelangelo | Artist | David |
Michigan | USA | Lake |
Mickey | Mouse | Martian |
Mickey Mouse | Disney | Superman |
Microscope | Glass | Miniature |
Microsoft | Bill Gates | Internet |
Midas | Grocery | Gold |
Mighty Ducks | Hockey | Movie |
Milk | Farmer | Ice Cream |
Milky Way | Galaxy | Galaxy |
Milky Way | Solar System | Fjord |
Millionaire | Billionaire | Money |
Minecraft | Pixel Art | Earth |
Mini Golf | Playground | Golf |
Minneapolis | Minnesota | Lake |
Minnesota | Vikings | Football |
Minnesota United | Minnesota | Soccer |
Minnie Mouse | Mickey Mouse | Mickey Mouse |
Mint | Leaf | Coin |
Minute | Hour | Sixty |
Mirage | Desert | Water |
Mirage | Oasis | Water |
Mirror | Glass | Obsidian |
Miss Piggy | Pig | Beauty |
Moby Dick | Whale | Book |
Mocking Spongebob | Spongebob Squarepants | Sarcasm |
Mojang | Minecraft | Game |
Mold | Penicillin | Discovery |
Molecule | Atom | Bond |
Molly | Chemical | Party |
Moment | Now | Memory |
Money | Gold | Knowledge |
Money | Greed | Government |
Monitor | Screen | Computer |
Monkey | Zoo | Junk |
Monster | Godzilla | King Kong |
Monster | Loke Ness | Wind |
Monster Truck | Truck | Tire |
Monty Python | Comedy | Sword |
Moon | Earth | Reflection |
Moon | Rocket | Earth |
Moon | Rumble | Satellite |
Moonstone | Moon | Stone |
Moonwalk | Astronaut | Moon |
Moose | Deer | Maple |
Mordor | Lord of the Rings | Evil |
Mosaic | Tile | Pottery |
Moses | Flood | Statue |
Mosquito | Life | Swamp |
Moss | Cave | Green |
Moth | Fire | Night |
Mothman | Moth | Human |
Mothra | Mastodon | Godzilla |
Mountain | Earth | Earth |
Mountain | Water | Snow |
Mouse | Rat | Prince |
Move | Film | Theatre |
Movie | Animation | Animation |
Movie | Popcorn | Love |
Movie Theater | Cinema | Cinema |
Mr. Peanut | Drawing | Peanut |
Mud | Dust | Water |
Mud | Rain | Boulder |
Muddy | Mud | Pig |
Mule | Donkey | Farm |
Multi-Tool | Tool | Army Knife |
Multiverse | Universe | Universe |
Mumbo | Mumbo Jumbo | Redstone |
Mummy | Sarcophagus | Chaos |
Murder | Sword | Accident |
Museum | Art | Library |
Mushroom | Spore | Spore |
Music | Rock | Roll |
Musician | Conductor | Rockstar |
Musk | Elon Gambling | Rose |
Musk | Rose | Elon Gambling |
Musketeer | Musk | Zeus |
Mustache | Hair | Lip |
Mutant | Radiation | Human |
MVP | Player | Super Bowl |
My Little Pony | Pony | Friendship |
Myth | Story | Energy |
Mythology | History | Infinity |
Nail | Hammer | Metal |
Name | Brand | Fame |
Narwhal | Fish | Unicorn |
Narwhal | Unicorn | Fish |
Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (O-P)
Result | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
Oasis | Desert | Forest |
Oasis | Desert | Water |
Observatory | Telescope | Telescope |
Obsidian | Lava | Water |
Obsidian | Snow | Lava |
Ocean | Lake | Water |
Ocean | Water | Lake |
October | Autumn | Month |
Oil | Earth | Fossil |
OJ | Orange | Juice |
Olympics | Special | Race |
Omelette | Chicken | Egg |
One | Xbox One Xbox | Xbox |
One Hundred | Ninety | Ten |
One Million | One Thousand | One Hundred |
One Thousand | Six Hundred | One Hundred |
Online | Internet | Love |
Onyx | Diamond | Obsidian |
Opera | Rome | Drama |
Opera House | Opera | Opera |
Orange | Red | Yellow |
Orange Juice | Grocery | Orange |
Order | Chaos | Paperweight |
Origami | Sculpture | Paper |
Orlando Bloom | Lord of the Rings | Legolas |
Oscar | Movie | Angelina Jolie |
Otaku | Anime | Computer |
Ouroboros | Infinity | Stone |
Outdoors | Outside | Nature |
Owl | Bird | Flashlight |
Owlfish | Owl | Fish |
Oxygen | Air | Gas |
Paddle | Boat | Water |
Painting | Art | Canvas |
Palace | House | Oasis |
Pancake | Breakfast | Cake |
Panda | Black | Pig |
Pandora | Panda | Beauty |
Pangaea | Continent | Continent |
Paper | Tree | Fuel |
Paper Airplane | Origami | Wheel |
Paperweight | Rock | Paper |
Paradox | Future | Multiverse |
Paradox | Multiverse | Time Travel |
Paragraph | Sentence | Sentence |
Paris | Olympics | 2024 |
Park | Garden | Garden |
Party | Best Friends | Best Friends |
Passion | Love | Fire |
Pasta | Spaghetti | Noodles |
Patient | Hospital | Sick |
Patriot | America | Revolution |
Patriots | Super Bowl | Championship |
Peach | Pink | Yellow |
Peanut | Nut | Garbage |
Peanut Butter | Peanut | Nut |
Pencil | Ash | Tree |
Penguin | Flying | Chicken |
Pennsylvania | America | State |
Pepper | Spice | Spice |
Perfume | Incense | Water |
Periodic Table | Chemistry | Elements |
Peter Griffin | Baconator | Quagmire |
Peter Pan | Captain Hook | Disney |
pH Scale | Acid | Base |
Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | City |
Philosopher | Artist | Wisdom |
Philosophy | Knowledge | Wisdom |
Phoenix | Ash | Fire |
Phone | Invention | Alexander Graham Bell |
Photograph | Image | Camera |
Photoshop | Adobe | Art |
Picasso | Painter | Blue |
Pickle | Hotdog | Cucumber |
Pie | Apple | America |
Pig | Rainbow | Mud |
Pikachu | Pokemon | Anime |
Pikachu | Pokemon | Rain |
Pilgrim | Mayflower | Squanto |
Pilot | Airplane | Flying |
Pine | Smell | Forest |
Ping Pong | Table | Tennis |
Pink | Red | Pig |
Piranha | Fish | Blood |
Pirate | Ship | Dragon |
Pirate | Skeleton | Ghost |
Pizza | Cheese | Tomato |
Plague | Disease | Disease |
Plane | Flying | Bird |
Planet | Space | Space |
Planet | Earth | Dust |
Plant | Water | Earth |
Platypus | Duck | Beaver |
Player | Football | Human |
Playground | Park | Bunny |
Plumber | Pipe | Tool |
Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (Q-R)
Result | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
Quagmire | Swamp | Mud |
Quail | Bird | Egg |
Quantum Physics | Physics | Weird |
Quarry | Dwarf | Stone |
Queen | King | Castle |
Question | Answer | Confusion |
Quidditch | Broom | Wizard |
Rabbit | Garden | Carrot |
Raccoon | Rat | Mario |
Race | Competition | Finish Line |
Racecar | Car | Fast |
Racing | Speed | Game |
Racoon | Ringtail | Mask |
Radiation | Nuclear | Death |
Radio | Music | Transmitter |
Radioactive | Radiation | Nuclear |
Rage | Anger | Destruction |
Rain | Cloud | Earth |
Rainbow | Rain | Fire |
Rainforest | Rain | Forest |
Rally | Mud | Car |
Rapunzel | Princess | Ruin |
Raspberry | Berry | Sweet |
Rat | Pizza | Squirrel |
Rattata | Rat | Pokemon |
Rayquaza | Dragon | Sky |
Reaper | Death | Future |
Recipe | Cookbook | Cookbook |
Record Player | Vinyl | Music |
Red | Paint | Blood |
Redstone | Minecraft | Electricity |
Reflection | Mirror | Ghost |
Refrigerator | Icebox | Food |
Regret | Mistake | Sadness |
Reincarnation | Life | Death |
Relationship | Love | Communication |
Religion | Faith | Belief |
Remote | Control | TV |
Renaissance | Art | Rebirth |
Rent | Apartment | Money |
Resurrection | Reincarnation | Divine |
Retriever | Dog | Ball |
Return | Exchange | Policy |
Revenant | Ghost | Rebirth |
Revolution | Change | Time |
Rhino | Horn | Gray |
Ribbon | Cloth | Bow |
Rice | Sushi | Earth |
Richard Nixon | President | Disgrace |
Riddle | Puzzle | Question |
Rift | Division | Controversy |
Ring | Jewelry | Diamond |
Ringtail | Raccoon | Stripes |
Rio | Olympics | 2016 |
River | Tree | Water |
Road | Drive | Trip |
Roast | Chicken | Fire |
Robot | Monster | Junk |
Rock | Stone | Boulder |
Rock | Stone Boulder | |
Rocket | Engine | Engine |
Rocky | Rocket | Squirrel |
Rodent | Mouse | Teeth |
Rogue | Thief | Loner |
Roll | Sushi | Seaweed |
Roller Coaster | Thrill Ride | Scream |
Ronin | Samurai | Ninja |
Rose | Flower | Beauty |
Rough | Bumpy | Turbulent |
Royal | Queen | King |
Royalty | Castle | Celebrity |
Ruby | Diamond | Red |
Rugby | Football | World Cup |
Ruin | Rain | Sandcastle |
Rumble | Fight | Match |
Run | Speed | Endurance |
Rust | Oxidation | Metal |
RV | Camper | Road Trip |
Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (S)
Result | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
Sail | Wind | Ship |
Sailboat | Sail | Wind |
Salad | Cucumber | Tomato |
Salamander | Lizard | Ash |
Salmon | Forest | Fish |
Salsa | Chili | Tomato |
Samurai | Sword | China |
Sand | Dust | Ocean |
Sand | Dust | Dust |
Sandbox | Desert | Software |
Sandcastle | Beach | Sand |
Sandstorm | Dust | Wind |
Sandstorm | Desert | Storm |
Sandwich | Bread | Filling |
Santa | Christmas | Red |
Sapphire | Blue | Diamond |
Sarcophagus | Coffin | Philosopher |
Sasquatch | Bigfoot | Yeti |
Sasuke | Ninja | Sword |
Satire | Comedy | Politics |
Saturn | Planet | Ring |
Sauce | Tomato | Noodle |
Sausage | Meat | Casing |
Scandal | Celebrity | Destruction |
Scary | Horror | Movie |
School | Class | Class |
School Bus | School | Transportation |
Science | Theory | Hypothesis |
Scorpion | Desert | Sting |
Scorpion | Animal | Desert |
Scotland | Continent | Kilt |
Screen | Monitor | Display |
Scribble | Doodle | Paper |
Sculpture | Statue | Artist |
Scyther | Pokemon | Mantis |
Sea | River | Ocean |
Sea Monster | Water | Monster |
Sea Serpent | Water | Dragon |
Seatbelt | Safety | Car |
Seattle | Ocean | Sound |
Secret | Mystery | Code |
Seed | Plant | Growth |
Sentence | Word | Word |
September | August | August |
Serenade | Love | Song |
Serial Killer | Stalker | Psychopath |
Sewage | Waste | Disposal |
Shade | Shadow | Light |
Shadow | Light | Dark |
Shake | Rattle | Roll |
Shampoo | Soap | Hair |
Shark | Ocean | Fish |
Sharknado | Fish | Tornado |
Shawshank Redemption | Jailbreak | Movie |
Sheep | Farm | Graze |
Sheet | Blanket | Comfort |
Shell | Beach | Sand |
Shelter | Home | Safety |
Shield | Armor | Defense |
Shift | Work | Clock |
Ship | Water | Island |
Shipwreck | tornado | Pirate |
Shovel | Tool | Dirt |
Shredder | Ninja Turtles | Sword |
Shrek | Swamp | Donkey |
Sick | Sickness | Divorce |
Sidekick | Hero | Friend |
Sign | Billboard | Letters |
Silence | Noise | Quiet |
Silk | Cloth | Worm |
Silver | Precious | Metal |
Simpsons | Cartoon | Dysfunctional |
Simulation | Reality | Machine |
Sin | Forbidden | Fruit |
Sing | Voice | Song |
Siren | Mermaid | Bacon |
Sister | Family | Female |
Situation | Circumstance | Comedy |
Six | One | Five |
Six Hundred | Five Hundred | One Hundred |
Sixty | Fifty | Ten |
Skateboard | Tony Hawk | Game |
Skeleton | Bones | Organism |
Ski | Snow | Slope |
Skill | Talent | Practice |
Skull | Skeleton | Organ |
Sky | Atmosphere | Blue |
Skyline | Horizon | Cityscape |
Skyscraper | Building | Tall |
Slayer | Vampire | Buffy |
Sled | Winter | Snow |
Sleep | Rest | Dream |
Slimer | Ghost | ectoplasm |
Slingshot | Elastic | Wood |
Slipper | Shoe | Comfort |
Sloth | Animal | Slow |
Slug | Snail | Naked |
Slurry | Mixture | Liquid |
Smartphone | Cell Phone | Touchscreen |
Smash | Destruction | Wrecking Ball |
Smeagol | Lord of the Rings | Gollum |
Smile | Joy | Laughter |
Smoke | Wind | Fire |
Smog | Pollution | Cloud |
Snack | Food | Bite |
Snake | Animal | Slither |
Sneeze | Nose | Tissue |
Snow | Water | Ice |
Snowball | Snow | Ball |
Snowman | Snow | Coal |
Soap | Bubble | Clean |
Soccer | Football | International |
Social Media | Internet | Friends |
Socket | Plug | Electricity |
Soda | Sugar | Bubbles |
Sofa | Couch | Cushion |
Soft | Gentle | Smooth |
Software | Coding | Computer |
Soil | Dirt | Plant |
Solar System | Planets | Sun |
Solder | Metal | Heat |
Soldier | Combat | Uniform |
Sonic | Speed | Sound |
Sony PlayStation | Video Game | Console |
Soot | Smoke | Fireplace |
Soprano | Singer | High Notes |
Sorcerer | Wizard | Staff |
Sorcery | Magic | Supernatural |
Soul | Spirit | Body |
Sound | Noise | Wave |
Soup | Broth | Vegetable |
Sour | Bitter | Taste |
South America | Continent | Rainforest |
Soy Sauce | Sushi | Salty |
Spa | Relaxation | Massage |
Space | Stars | Exploration |
Space Invaders | Arcade | Alien |
Space Shuttle | Rocket | Astronaut |
Space Station | Satellite | Orbit |
Spaghetti | Pasta | Tomato Sauce |
Sparrow | Bird | Feather |
Spear | Weapon | Point |
Spectacle | Performance | Audience |
Spectrum | Color | Light |
Sphinx | Statue | Desert |
Spider | Web | Bug |
Spiderman | Superhero | New York City |
Spine | Back | Bones |
Spiral | Coil | Curve |
Spirit | Soul | Entity |
Spitfire | Airplane | Fighter |
Sponge | Porous | Water |
Spongebob Squarepants | Cartoon | Underwater |
Spoon | Tableware | Metal |
Sport | Game | Competition |
Spotlight | Stage | Attention |
Spouse | Marriage | Partner |
Spring | Season | Flower |
Sprite | Soda | Lemon Lime |
Sprout | Plant | Growth |
Spy | Espionage | Disguise |
Square | Shape | Four Sides |
Squash | Vegetable | Gourd |
Squid | Mollusk | Ink |
Squirrel | Rodent | Nut |
Stable | Barn | Horse |
Stadium | Arena | Sports |
Stair | Step | Floor |
Stalactite | Cave | Dripping |
Stalagmite | Cave | Ground |
Stallone | Actor | Boxer |
Stamp | Postage | Ink |
Stand Up | Comedy | Mic |
Star | Sun | Light |
Star | Universe | Gas |
Star Trek | TV Show | Enterprise |
Star Wars | Film Franchise | The Force |
Starburst | Candy | Fruit Flavored |
Stardust | Cosmos | Galactic |
Starfish | Sea | Five Arms |
Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (T-U)
Result | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
Table | Furniture | Leg |
Table Tennis | Ping Pong | Tournament |
Taco | Tortilla | Filling |
Tadpole | Frog | Egg |
Tail | Animal | Rear |
Talent | Skill | Practice |
Tank | Military | Tread |
Tape | Adhesive | Plastic |
Tarantula | Spider | Hairy |
Tardis | Doctor Who | Blue |
Tarnish | Metal | Dull |
Taste | Flavor | Tongue |
Taxi | Car | Destination |
Tea | Hot Beverage | Leaf |
Teacher | Educator | Classroom |
Team | Players | Coach |
Tear | Cry | Sadness |
Technology | Innovation | Progress |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles | Heroes in a Half-Shell | Pizza |
Telescope | Viewing | Star |
Television | Entertainment | Screen |
Temperature | Hot | Cold |
Temple | Religion | Worship |
Tennis | Sport | Ball |
Tent | Camping | Fabric |
Tepig | Pokemon | Fire Pig |
Terminator | Cyborg | Judgment Day |
Terracotta | Clay | Statue |
Terrain | Land | Feature |
Terrier | Dog | Bark |
Territory | Area | Claim |
Test | Exam | Score |
Texas | State | Large |
Text | Message | Phone |
Thalia Grace | Percy Jackson | Zeus |
Thanos | Marvel | Gauntlet |
The Hulk | Marvel | Smash |
The Office | TV show | Paper |
The One Ring | Lord of the Rings | Mount Doom |
The Shining | Horror Film | Redrum |
Theory | Hypothesis | Proof |
Thermometer | Temperature | Mercury |
Thesaurus | Dictionary | Synonym |
Thesis | Essay | Defense |
Thinker | Philosopher | Thought |
Thirst | Dehydration | Water |
Thirty | Ten | Twenty |
Thor | Norse God | Hammer |
Thought | Idea | Mind |
Thread | Fibers | Needle |
Three | One | Two |
Thrift Store | Discount | Used |
Thrill Ride | Amusement Park | Scream |
Thumb | Finger | Opposable |
Thunder | Lightning | Sound |
Thunderstorm | Rain | Lightning |
Tide | Ocean | Moon |
Tiger | Big Cat | Stripes |
Tile | Floor | Grout |
Time Bomb | Explosive | Timer |
Time Machine | Future | Past |
Time Travel | Future | Past |
Tiny House | Home | Small |
Tire | Rubber | Wheel |
Titanic | Ship | Iceberg |
Title | Name | Designation |
Toad | Frog | Fungus |
Toast | Bread | Butter |
Today | Now | Present |
Toilet | Porcelain | Seat |
Tomato | Vegetable | Red |
Tomorrow | Future | Day |
Tongue | Mouth | Taste Buds |
Tonight | Evening | Plans |
Tool | Utility | Job |
Tooth | Mouth | Dentist |
Toothbrush | Dental | Bristles |
Toothpaste | Brushing | Tube |
Top Hat | Formal Wear | Cylinder |
Tornado | Wind | Destruction |
Tortilla | Flatbread | Mexican |
Tortoise | Turtle | Land |
Totem | Symbol | Pole |
Touch | Contact | Skin |
Touchdown | Football | Score |
Tourist | Camera | Vacation |
Tournament | Competition | Prize |
Tower | Tall | View |
Town | Village | Community |
Toy | Child | Play |
Track | Trail | Locate |
Tractor | Vehicle | Farm |
Trade | Business | Exchange |
Tradition | Custom | Culture |
Traffic | Cars | Congestion |
Trail | Path | Wilderness |
Train | Transportation | Tracks |
Traitor | Betrayal | Trust |
Trap | Snare | Catch |
Trash | Garbage | Waste |
Treasure | Discovery | Chest |
Treasure Map | Directions | X Marks the Spot |
Treehouse | Tree | Childhood |
Trend | Popularity | Social |
Trial | Court | Evidence |
Triangle | Shape | Three Sides |
Trick | Deception | Treat |
Trip | Travel | Destination |
Trophy | Award | Accomplishment |
Tropical | Paradise | Beach |
Trout | Fish | Stream |
Truck | Vehicle | Trailer |
Tsunami | Disaster | Wave |
Tub | Bathtub | Bubble Bath |
Tumbleweed | Plant | Wind |
Tuna | Fish | Sandwich |
Tundra | Snow | Winter |
Turbine | Energy | Generator |
Turkey | Bird | Thanksgiving |
Turn | Twist | Change Direction |
Turtle | Reptile | Shell |
Tutor | Teacher | Lesson |
TV Show | Entertainment | Channel |
Twig | Branch | Leaf |
Twin | Sibling | Identical |
Twist | Wind | Shape |
Social Media | Tweet | |
Two | One | One |
Typewriter | Writing | Antique |
Tyrannosaurus Rex | Dinosaur | Extinct |
Udon | Noodle | Broth |
UFO | Alien | Flying Saucer |
Ukulele | Instrument | Hawaii |
Umbrella | Rain | Protection |
Unbalance | Uneven | Tilt |
Uncertainty | Doubt | Confusion |
Unicorn | Fantasy | Horn |
Uniform | Clothing | Job |
Universe | Galaxies | Stars |
Unknown | Mystery | Question |
Unrest | Turmoil | Chaos |
Infinite Craft Recipes List: All Infinite Craft Crafting Recipes & Combos (V-Z)
Result | Ingredient 1 | Ingredient 2 |
Vacation | Travel | Relaxation |
Valkyrie | Warrior | Wings |
Vampire | Blood | Fang |
Vanilla | Bean | Sweet |
Vanilla Ice Cream | Vanilla | Cream |
Vaporeon | Eeveelution | Water |
Variety | Assortment | Mix |
Vase | Container | Flowers |
Vegan | Plant-based | Diet |
Vegetable | Produce | Healthy |
Vehicle | Transportation | Engine |
Velociraptor | Dinosaur | Claw |
Venice | Italy | Canal |
Venture | Undertaking | Risk |
Venus Flytrap | Carnivorous | Plant |
Verdict | Judgment | Decision |
Versace | Fashion | Luxury |
Vertex | Corner | Angle |
Vessel | Container | Liquid |
Veterinarian | Animal | Doctor |
Vexation | Annoyance | Frustration |
VHS | Video | Tape |
Vibe | Atmosphere | Energy |
Victory | Success | Winner |
Video | Recording | Display |
Viking | Norse | Helmet |
Village | Community | Rural |
Vinegar | Acid | Sour |
Violin | Instrument | Strings |
Virtual | Digital | Reality |
Virtue | Morality | Ethics |
Virus | Illness | Contagious |
Visa | Document | Travel |
Vision | Sight | Future |
Vitamin | Nutrient | Health |
Vodka | Alcohol | Clear |
Voice | Sound | Larynx |
Volcano | Magma | Lava |
Volume | Quantity | Size |
Volleyball | Sport | Net |
Vortex | Swirl | Hole |
Vote | Election | Decision |
Voyage | Expedition | Journey |
Vulcan | Volcano | Spock |
Vulture | Bird | Scavenger |
Waffle | Breakfast | Square |
Wage | Salary | Work |
Waiter | Restaurant | Customer |
Waiting | Patience | Boredom |
Wakeboard | Water Skiing | Balance |
Walk | Steps | Destination |
Walkie Talkie | Communication | Portable |
Wall | Barrier | Structure |
Walrus | Arctic | Whiskers |
Wand | Wizard | Magic |
War | Combat | Death |
Wardrobe | Clothes | Door |
Warehouse | Storage | Goods |
Warrior | Soldier | Weapon |
Wash | Clean | Water |
Wasabi | Spice | Sushi |
Waste | Trash | Pollution |
Watch | Wrist | Time |
Water | Liquid | Transparent |
Water Gun | Summer | Squirt |
Water Polo | Aquatic | Sport |
Waterfall | River | Cliff |
Watermelon | Fruit | Pink |
Waterslide | Water Park | Fun |
Wave | Surf | Ocean |
Wax | Candle | Melt |
Wealth | Riches | Fortune |
Weapon | Violence | Injury |
Weather | Atmosphere | Climate |
Web | Spider | Silk |
Website | Internet | Page |
Wedding | Marriage | Cake |
Weed | Plant | Unwanted |
Week | Days | Seven |
Weekend | Saturday | Sunday |
Weight | Gravity | Heavy |
Weird | Strange | Bizarre |
Werewolf | Wolf | Moon |
West | Direction | Sunset |
Whale | Mammal | Ocean |
Wheat | Grain | Field |
Wheel | Circle | Tire |
Where | Location | Place |
Whip | Dominatrix | Leather |
Whirlpool | Vortex | Drain |
Whistle | Sound | Sports |
White | Color | Pure |
Whole | Complete | Full |
Wicket | Cricket | Sport |
Widow | Loss | Mourning |
Wife | Woman | Married |
WiFi | Wireless | Internet |
Wild | Untamed | Free |
Will Smith | Actor | Celebrity |
Wind | Blow | Fast |
Window | View | Glass |
Wine | Grapes | Fermented |
Wing | Fly | Feather |
Winter | Season | Cold |
Wisdom | Knowledge | Understanding |
Wish | Desire | Dream |
Witch | Magic | Broom |
Witness | See | Report |
Wizard | Magic | Beard |
Wolf | Canine | Fang |
Woman | Female | Human |
Wonder | Amazement | Surprise |
Wood | Timber | Tree |
Wool | Sheep | Yarn |
Word | Language | Definition |
Work | Job | Effort |
Workshop | Tools | Project |
World | Planet | Countries |
Wormhole | Portal | Teleportation |
Worry | Anxiety | Stress |
Wound | Injury | Bandage |
Woven | Interlaced | Fabric |
Wrap | Cover | Layer |
Wreath | Holiday | Evergreen |
Wreck | Crash | Damage |
Wrench | Tool | Twist |
Wrestle | Fight | Pin |
Wright Brothers | Inventors | Flight |
Wrinkle | Age | Fold |
Writer | Author | Literature |
Writing | Composition | Language |
Xylophone | Instrument | Wood |
Yard | Lawn | Grass |
Yarn | Wool | Knit |
Yeast | Fungus | Bread |
Yellow | Bright | Sun |
Yeti | Abominable | Snowman |
Yoga | Exercise | Namaste |
Yogurt | Dairy | Culture |
Yoshi | Dinosaur | Mario |
Zamboni | Ice | Machine |
Zebra | Stripes | Horse |
Zelda | Princess | Link |
Zen | Peace | Meditation |
Zero | Integer | Placeholder |
Zeus | Deity | Thunder |
Zigzag | Shape | Line |
Zombie | Undead | Brains |
Zoo | Animals | Captivity |
Zoom | Magnify | Lens |