Fortnite 'The Spirit Realm' Story Quests Guide - Chapter 6 Season 1

Here's a quick guide that will show you how to complete every story quest in the 'The Spirit Realm' questline in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1.

Fortnite 'The Spirit Realm' Story Quests Guide - Chapter 6 Season 1
Epic Games

Every new Fortnite season delivers an epic storyline, and Chapter 6 Season 1 is no exception. This time, we’re diving into the thrilling Magic is Awakening! saga, where you'll team up with Hope and Kendo to protect the island from the looming threat of Demons.

The final chapter of this adventure is the Spirit Realm questline. In this stage, Kendo sends us to invetigate the true nature of the comet that began everything. This guide will walk you through every step, helping you easily complete the Spirit Realm quests in Fortnite Chapter 6, Season 1.



How to Complete the Spirit Realm Quests in Fortnite

The Spirit Realm questline consists of six stages, just like previous story quests. Most of the challenges are pretty straightforward and can be completed in a single game. However, some may require a little extra insight. That’s why we’ve put together this step-by-step guide to help you complete them with ease!

How to Place Spirit Charms to Investigate the Mysterious Crater

For the first stage, you need to place three Spirit Charms to investigate the mysterious crater. You can find the crater just north of Twinkle Terrace. Once you’re there, interact with any three of the six available Spirit Charms to complete this stage.

How to Place Spirit Charms to Investigate the Mysterious Crater
Epic Games

How to Hit Opponents at Different Named Locations to Hone in on the Comet's Location

The next stage requires you to hit opponents at three different Named Locations. You don’t need to eliminate anyone—simply landing a hit at a Named Location will count. Repeat this process at two more Named Locations; it doesn’t matter which ones.

How to Hit Opponents at Different Named Locations to Hone in on the Comet's Location
Epic Games



How to Track Traces of the Comet in the Mountains

This task sends you to track traces of the comet in the mountains. It can be a bit tricky since the traces aren’t very visible on the map. The best spot to find them is the snowy mountain west of the Masked Meadows Named Location, where three traces are close together.

How to Track Traces of the Comet in the Mountains
Epic Games

Once you're in the area, look for a white magnifying glass icon. It’s very faint, so you may need to zoom in to see it. Interact with three of them to complete the quest.

How to Track Traces of the Comet in the Mountains
Epic Games

How to Speak to Kendo About Daigo and the Portal

After finding the traces, return to Kendo and speak with him. Choose the Spirit Realm conversation option to proceed.

How to Speak to Kendo About Daigo and the Portal
Epic Games



How to Damage Shogun X to Make His Essence Appear and Collect It

The next quest requires you to fight Shogun X. You don’t need to defeat him—just dealing damage will make him drop an essence. Once you see the essence, grab it, and you’re good to go. You can find Shogun X by checking the map for his icon.

How to Damage Shogun X to Make His Essence Appear and Collect It
Epic Games

How to Give Hope Shogun X's Essence to Learn About the Comet's True Nature

Once you have the essence, head to Hope at Hopeful Heights and talk to her. Choose the Spirit Realm conversation option to complete the quest.

And that’s how you complete every stage of the Spirit Realm questline in Fortnite Chapter 6 Season 1! Each stage rewards you with 25,000 XP, so be sure to finish them to level up your battle pass. If you need help with more Fortnite quests, check out our full guides below.







Fortnite is a battle royale game developed and published by Epic Games. Released in 2017, the game features up to 100 players fighting to be the last person standing on a shrinking map. Fortnite is known for its vibrant graphics, unique building mechanics, and regular updates that introduce new content, events, and collaborations with popular franchises. The game includes various modes, such as Solo, Duos, Squads, and Creative, offering diverse experiences for players. Fortnite has become a cultural phenomenon, attracting millions of players worldwide and hosting virtual concerts, movie screenings, and other in-game events.

Battle Royale
PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, Android, iOS
Release Date
Jul 25, 2017
Epic Games
Epic Games
ESRB Rating