Enshrouded: Best Clay Farming Locations on the Map

This Enshrouded guide covers all the best Clay mining hotspots in Enshrouded so you can level fast and farm even faster!

Enshrouded: Best Clay Farming Locations on the Map
Keen Games

Rivalling combat, mining is one of the fastest ways to level your character in Enshrouded during the early game. Copper and Clay are also crucial resources for a ton of early crafting recipes. As such, this guide covers some of the best Clay farming hotspots (many of them also featuring bonus Copper) marked on the map.

Enshrouded Clay Locations on Map:

These early game spots are all located to the north of your starting position on the Enshrouded map.

Enshrouded Best Clay Farm Locations
Enshrouded Best Clay Farm Locations



Location 1: Here you'll find a decent-sized Clay node of about 40 Clay. It's not the best spot, but it is the closest to your starting location and is therefore worth a mention!

Location 2: This spot has a good amount of both Clay and Copper poking out from the cliff sides. There's also a bit of extra clay slightly to the northeast, as marked by the smaller circle on our map image above.

Location 3: This is probably the richest Clay (and Copper) cliffside mining spot you'll find outside of the Clay Mine itself!

Location 4: It doesn't get better than this. The 'Small Clay Mine' is great once you're high enough level to get there.

For more Enshrouded guides, check out some of the write-ups below!
