Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree never fails to surprise us with all the opportunities for thrilling boss fights, weapons, and interesting storylines. However, there are even more reasons to be excited, such as the items and cookbooks introduced to the crafting system of the expansion.
Although the Hefty Cracked Pots are very difficult to find, they are definitely some of the most important crafting components in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree. Let's take a look at how to locate and use them to our advantage.
Table of Contents
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Hefty Cracked Pots

Hefty Cracked Pots are scattered throughout the Realm of Shadow in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree. However, keep in mind that they are limited in number; there are 10 components in total, and some locations hold multiple of them.
Hefty Cracked Pots are used to store crafted Hefty Throwable Pots, which deal damage and debuff enemies. After you use one of them, the Pot will return to your inventory, but it will be empty. You can always craft a new one after leaving a fight. It's important to note that you can wear the Jar helmet to increase the damage of throwing Pots by 15%.
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree All Hefty Cracked Pot Locations
Scorched Ruins

To reach the first Hefty Cracked Pot, head out of Gravesite Plain and go east until you see the main connecting road between the north and south sections. Take the path north and you'll get to the Scorched Ruins. Go south, cross the arch, turn left, and climb up to higher ground. After you defeat a few shadows, you'll see a body hanging off to the side; that's where you'll find the Hefty Cracked Pot.
Belurat Gaol

Once you enter Belurat Gaol, you'll notice a few hanging pots. Jump on one of them and carefully roll all of them down. There will be a wooden platform with a chest on it. Open the lid, and you'll have your second Hefty Craft Pot. There are two more. Walk around until you find a bridge. It will break when you step on it, but keep going; you'll reach a room full of giant Jars. There is a Hefty Cracked Pot on a corpse on top of a cluster of Jars. The last one is in the same room. Get back to ground level, and you'll find it on the outer edge.
Bonny Village

Bonny Village is connected to the Moorth Ruins by an underground tunnel. Once you get there, activate the Site of Grace and move south. When you see a bridge, turn right, and there will be a giant Jar. Climb to the top and you'll find a Hefty Cracked Pot. There is one more of those at this location. Simply cross the bridge and you'll see another one, which will take you to the Whipping Hut. Turn left and defeat the enemies there. You'll find what you're looking for below the shed.
Bonny Gaol

From the main Site of Grace, take the path south. Continue forward until you reach a cave. It will lead you to the Bonny Gaol. There are two pots near the entrance, and they are hanging from the side of the cliff. Jump on one of them and descend to an empty cell below. A corpse will be holding a Hefty Cracked Pot.
Cerulean Coast

The fastest way to reach the Cerulean Coast is from the southeast path from the Castle Front. Making it to the bottom of the ravine will open up the area, and you will be able to head south. Once you reach the Site of Grace, keep going south-southwest, past the Ghostflame Dragon, until you see a Troll throwing pots. Defeat him, and you can collect your reward.
Lamenter's Gaol

The Lamenter's Gaol is located northwest of the Cerulean Coast. It requires you to go to the dungeon and walk through it. You'll find yourself in a big room full of Living Jars. There is a raised platform in the middle, with smaller Jars standing together. They will not attack unless you do it first, so quickly pick up the Hefty Cracked Pot from between them and run.
Shadow Keep

The last Hefty Cracked Pot is in the Shadow Keep. Leave the Storehouse, First Floor Site of Grace, go left, and enter the room with the Rune Arc. Take the elevator down and go through the hallway. You'll end up in a room full of broken Jars and Living Jar enemies. Defeat them and search the beds for the Hefty Cracked Pot.
Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree Hefty Cracked Pot Locations Summary

Be aware that the Hefty Cracked Pots that you have already obtained cannot be re-obtained in New Game Plus. Moreover, if you have Throwing Pots in storage, your Cracked Pots will automatically refill when you die or rest at a Site of Grace.
Although there are only ten Hefty Cracked Pots in Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, it might be difficult to keep up with their exact locations. Let's take a look at our summary of each area and how many of those crafting components you can expect to find there.
Location | Hefty Cracked Pots |
Scorched Ruins | 1 |
Belurat Gaol | 3 |
Bonny Village | 2 |
Bonny Gaol | 1 |
Cerulean Coast | 1 |
Lamenter's Gaol | 1 |
Shadow Keep | 1 |
Have fun and good luck on your next adventure! For more information about Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, you can check out this article.