Diablo 4 Loot Reborn is live now, and it’s introduced a few new systems for itemization. Along with reworking Helltides and the Tempering system, Blizzard has introduced the new Masterworking system, which lets you further improve your stats to face the hardest content in the game.
Diablo 4 How Does Masterworking Work
Masterworking is a system in Diablo 4 accessible at the Blacksmith in the end-game that enables players to improve the quality of their equipment's affixes (including Tempering Affixes). By presenting a Blacksmith with rare materials earned from The Pit of Artificers, players can greatly upgrade their fully-tempered Ancestral Legendary and Ancestral Unique items.

Diablo 4 Masterworking Bonuses
Usually in Diablo 4, improving a piece of equipment's Masterworking Rank increases all of its affixes by 5%. However, at Masterworking Ranks 4, 8, and 12, just one of the item's affixes receives a bonus, which is 25% rather than 5%. This larger bonus is referred to as the Masterworking Crit.
All Masterworking bonuses are accumulative to one another, as is the 50% boost associated with Greater Affixes. Affixes with whole-number values are rounded down once the bonuses are applied.
A single affix may gain the Masterworking Crit bonus numerous times. Affixes that have received this bonus once are blue. Affixes that gain this bonus twice appear yellow. Affixes that gain this benefit three times appear orange. At Rank 12, an affix has the following total benefit based on the number of times it has received a Masterworking Crit:
- 0 Masterworking Crits: +45%
- 1 Masterworking Crit: +70%
- 2 Masterworking Crits: +95%
- 3 Masterworking Crits: +120%

Diablo 4 Resetting Masterworking Bonuses
In Diablo 4, an item's Masterworking Ranks can be reset. You may wish to reset an item's Masterworking Rank if the Masterworking Crit boost gained at rank 4, 8, or 12 was randomly applied to a less valuable affix.
If rolling a Masterworking Crit bonus on a specific affix is critical, you may choose to reset Masterwork Rank to Rank 4 if they do not receive the desired proc. Very determined players may also reset their ranks to Rank 8, but this can be exceedingly costly. Resetting at Rank 12 is not recommended.
Diablo 4 Masterworking Materials
Masterworking in Diablo 4 requires materials that are only available by completing The Pit of Artificers. Obducite is collected from Pit Tiers 1–29 and is used to improve equipment from Masterwork Rank 1 to Masterwork Rank 4. Ingolith, earned from The Pit Tier 30-59, can enhance equipment from Masterwork Rank 5 to 8.
Alchemists can transmute Ingolith into Obducite Caches, which contain several Obducite. Neathiron, gained from The Pit Tier 60–200, may enhance equipment from Masterwork Rank 9 to Masterwork Rank 12. Transmuting Neathiron at the Alchemist yields Ingolith Caches containing numerous Ingolith.

Higher ranks have higher material costs. In addition to the rare materials listed above, Masterworking requires other materials, including Gold, Iron Chunks, Rawhide, Veiled Crystals, Abstruse Sigils, Baleful Fragments, Coiling Wards, and Forgotten Souls.
All in all, the new Tempering and Masterworking systems have brought a lot of new options and improvements to character gearing in Diablo 4. They’ve greatly improved Diablo 4 and added a lot of new goals when it comes to the endgame. Here are some of the main points from the article:
Masterworking is a system accessible at the Blacksmith.
Masterworking can only be performed on Ancestral equipment. Additionally, the item must be either Unique or fully-tempered Legendary equipment.
The maximum Masterwork Rank is 12.
Most Ranks give every affix a 5% bonus. Ranks 4, 8, and 12 give a 25% bonus to a single random affix instead.
An item’s Masterworking ranks can be reset.
- The required materials are obtained by completing The Pit.