Cyberpunk 2077 welcomes its latest DLC, Phantom Liberty, enriching Night City with a slew of captivating additions: new storyline, skills, smarter AI, and a vibrant arsenal of weapons.
For RPG enthusiasts, the joy lies in tweaking character loadouts. The DLC's fresh weapon choices promise to elevate the in-game experience.
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Curious about these new armaments? Here’s your definitive guide to the weapons in Phantom Liberty:
1. Order

A modified double-barreled shotgun, Order is a menacing piece, adorned with barbed wire, red paint, and distinctive skull and spider insignia. Though gameplay remains unseen, its “Illegal” status hints at immense firepower.
Location: Black Market Vendor- As you embark on the expansion's journey, you'll venture into the Dogtown district, making your way to the EBM Petrochem Stadium. Amidst the numerous stalls there, look for the Black Market Vendor. He offers a collection of standout weapons from the original game that you might've overlooked. If you're looking for different items, consider advancing the in-game clock by a day to check for a refreshed inventory.
- Type: Tech
- Class: Double-Barrel Shotgun
- Notable Features: The Order shotgun combines cutting-edge technology with raw firepower. With +50% headshot damage and +100% armor penetration, it's a force to be reckoned with. Its unique feature lies in its charging mechanism, requiring 3 seconds to prepare for a devastating shot. Upon reaching a charge level exceeding 66%, the weapon releases its full potential, decimating all foes in its path while leaving behind a trail of electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) that disrupt enemy electronics.
2. Grit

A compact pistol, Grit boasts an extended magazine, ideal for swift enemy takedowns. The extra ammo promises an edge in intense combat. Its "Illegal" tag indicates it's not to be underestimated.
Location: Black Market Vendor
- Type: Tech
- Class: Pistol
- Notable Features: The Grit resembles an Uzi and is a rapid-firing automatic pistol with an enlarged magazine. In the game, it's labeled as "Illegal," suggesting it might primarily be accessible through the black market.
3. Warden

Warden, an SMG with a distinctive black-yellow design and battery pack modification, likely classifies as a Tech weapon. It might allow charged shots for deeper penetration, reminiscent of Arasaka Senkoh LX.
Location: This weapon cannot be found during the exploration rather you need to craft it while playing the game. You are going to need a Warden Crafting Spec which costs a whopping 59,341 Eddies from the Black Market Vendor in the football stadium in Dogtown.
- Type: Smart
- Class: SMG
- Notable Features: The Tier 5 Warden Smart Submachine Gun comes with a single mod slot, offers a +50% headshot damage multiplier, and a swift 1.15-second lock-on time. Additionally, its fire rate escalates with every successive shot, making it a formidable SMG and impressively balanced in terms of statistics.
4. Osprey

Among Phantom Liberty's snipers, Osprey stands out. Its long barrel, ample magazine, and precise scope make it ideal for those favoring strategic long-range combat.
Location: Mission: Birds With Broken Wings. You'll find it in a display case on the left.
- Type: Power
- Class: Sniper Rifle
- Notable Features: This weapon features a 200% boost in headshot damage and 50% more armor penetration, with perks that include firing explosive rounds, heightened hip-firing damage after headshots, and improved reload speed with an increased chance of causing burn after taking down multiple foes.
5. Hercules

Details about Hercules are scanty. Burn marks and hazard symbols hint at its lethal nature, possibly releasing flames or a corrosive agent against adversaries.
Location: Gig: Roads to Redemption - Once you've uploaded the malware to neutralize the bomb, inspect the workbench in the adjacent armory.
- Type: Smart
- Class: Assault Rifle
- Notable Features: Hercules grants 50% additional headshot damage, 25% increased armor penetration, a 1-second lock-on time, and 20% chance of poison, with unique perks that can intensify poison effects, heightening crit vulnerability, and slain enemies combust, releasing an acidic aftermath.
6. Rasetsu

Rasetsu, another sniper rifle, is robust and longer, hinting at its ability to pierce through armor. Manufactured by the elite Tsunami Defense Systems, known for advanced weaponry, Rasetsu might come with targeting aids or Neuralware upgrades, as indicated by its “Neural Link Stable” scope.
Location: Mission You Know My Name - As the mission progresses, you'll operate a sniper turret, eliminating adversaries and traps while Reed navigates the terrain. Following this segment, you'll acquire this iconic weapon from Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.
- Type: Tech
- Class: Sniper Rifle
- Notable Features: Rasetsu offers 300% increased headshot damage, 50% enhanced armor penetration, and a 1.5-second charge time, with the ability for charged shots to pierce enemies and obstacles while curving to target multiple foes at once.
7. Thermal Katana

For melee combat fans, the Thermal Katana offers a fiery blade capable of slicing through even the most robust armors.
Location: Black Market Vendor. It costs 110,638 credits. However, you can also save up since this iconic weapon can be obtained for free. You can learn more in our Errata Thermal Katana guide.
- Type: Power
- Class: Katana
- Description: The Errata Thermal Katana is an iconic variant of the Thermal Katana, known for its ability to inflict the burning status effect upon its targets. It boasts a +25% armor penetration attribute, increasing its effectiveness against armored foes. Additionally, it carries a +30% chance to ignite adversaries upon striking them. This iconic weapon enables a unique combat maneuver, allowing you to gracefully leap towards your enemies with precision. When engaging burning targets, the Errata Thermal Katana guarantees critical damage, making it a formidable choice for close combat enthusiasts looking to scorch their adversaries.
In summary, Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty introduces a formidable range of weapons to enhance gameplay. Dive in, and arm up!
You can also check our other Weapon guide : Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty - Best Weapons List