Following its release last week, CookieRun: Tower of Adventures dropped a new update just today, marking its first update since its release on June 25th.
This update brings new features to the game, such as the introduction of Story Hard Mode, a new Raid Boss, and more.
In this article, we’ll go over the details of the new update, so stay tuned!
Table of Contents
Hard Mode

CookieRun: Tower of Adventures is a game that relies heavily on its Story Mode content to progress players through the game. This story's content is divided into various chapters with different stages. Previously, the game only featured a Normal difficulty that consisted of 7 chapters, but with the new update, the developers added the Hard Mode to the game.

As of writing, the Hard Mode is only available for Chapter 1, but the developers have promised that they will be constantly expanding this feature to bring hard modes to more chapters.
The hard difficulty features tougher enemies, but at the same time, it also brings new rewards.
Similar to the Normal Mode Chapters, the hard mode allows players to earn stars by clearing stages. After gathering enough, you can get up to 20 Basic Cookie Tickets. Additionally, the hard mode also lets players gather even more Bear Jellies, which they can exchange in the Bear Jelly Exchange for more prizes.
New Event

A new event has been added to the game, and its name is Seek Bear Jellies.
This event has players complete the Story Mode chapters and gather Bear Jellies from the stages.
After you have gathered the needed amount of Bear Jellies, you can head over to the event page to get rewards based on how many Bear Jellies you have gathered.
The event aims at rewarding players for fully completing stages in the story, and we speculate that it will give a good boost to players who have been lacking resources.
New Raid Boss

Raid Mode is one of the daily modes that players spend their time doing in the game. In this mode, you fight against a boss enemy and receive gear for completing it.
These boss enemies change at set intervals, and with the new update, players welcomed a new boss to fight for this week.
The new boss is known as Floratz, and it is the boss who also appears in Chapter 5 of the main story.
The recommended elements for this boss are once again Water and Wind, which means that Cream Soda Cookie will still be viable this week.
A good strategy against this boss will be to watch out for its charge attack and coordinate with your teammates so that you can stun him to create a good damage window. Cookies that can be good against this boss include Cream Soda Cookie and Rye Cookie, as both of them fall under the recommended elements and will deal a lot of damage.
That is all the information about this update. We will keep you updated with more CookieRun: Tower of Adventures content when it becomes available.