The action stays hot in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Season 1. The latest Reloaded update ushers in a variety of impactful changes across Warzone and multiplayer, including weapon tuning adjustments, Gulag enhancements, map improvements, and scores of bug fixes.
Call of Duty MW3 Patch Notes Season 1 Reloaded: Warzone Weapon Changes
Extensive buffs and nerfs across multiple weapon categories to shake up the meta. Here are all the weapon changes in Warzone for Call of Duty MW3 Season 1 Reloaded.

Holger 556
- Max Damage increased to 35, up from 32

- Max Damage increased to 28, up from 24
- Near-mid damage increased to 24, up from 20
- 16.5” MCW Cyclone Long Barrel
- Damage range benefits reduced by 6%
- Velocity benefits reduced by 7%
- Hip fire and tac-stance penalty reduced by 5%
- Sprint to Fire penalty increased by 1%
- RB Regal Heavy Stock
- Gun kick benefit reduced by 11%
- Horizontal and vertical benefits reduced by 5%
- Mobility penalties increased by 3%
- Sprint to Fire penalty increased by 1%

MTZ 762
- Max Damage reduced to 42, down from 45
- Near-mid damage was reduced to 38, down from 42
- Min Damage reduced to 34, down from 37

Bruen MK9
- Max Damage reduced to 28, down from 32
- Min Damage reduced to 26, down from 28

- Max Damage reduced to 29, down from 33
- Min Damage reduced to 27, down from 29

Puleymont AMP
- Max Damage reduced to 38, down from 40
- Min Damage reduced to 34, down from 36

TAQ Eradicator
- Max Damage reduced to 28, down from 33
- Min Damage reduced to 24, down from 25

- Max Damage increased to 31, up from 28
- Near-mid damage increased to 27, up from 25
- Min Damage increased to 25, up from 23

ISO 9mm
- Max Damage reduced to 21, down from 24
- Near-mid damage reduced to 17, down from 19
- Mid Damage reduced to 15, down from 16
- Far-mid damage was reduced to 12, down from 13

- Slight reduction in horizontal recoil
- MTZ Marauder Stock
- Fire aim stability benefit reduced by 5%

Striker 9
- Near-Mid Damage increased to 27, up from 25
- Min Damage increased to 23, up from 20

- ZANG-34 Barrel
- Damage Range Benefits reduced by 9%
- Velocity Benefit reduced by 8%
Call of Duty MW3 Patch Notes Season 1 Reloaded: Warzone Attachment Changes
- .50 Cal Spire Point Rounds
- Damage Range Benefit increased by 2%
- Velocity Benefit reduced by 19%
- .410 Gauge Dragon's Breath
- Near-Mid Damage Range reduced by 12%
- Mid Damage Range reduced by 10%
- 12 Gauge Dragon's Breath
- Near-Mid Damage Range reduced by 8%
- Mid Damage Range reduced by 10%
- SL Razorhawk Laser Light
- Increased ADS Speed Benefit by 4.5%
- Increased Sprint to Fire Benefit by 7%
- FSS OLE-V Laser
- Reduced the ADS Speed Benefit by 2%
- Reduced the Sprint to Fire Benefit by 4%
- FTAC Grimline Laser
- Reduced the Sprint to Fire Benefit by 7%
- Verdant Hook Box Laser
- Increased the Sprint to Fire Benefit by 3%
- XRK Nightfall Suppressor
- Damage Range Benefit reduced by 5.5%
- Velocity Benefit reduced by 8%
- Recoil Benefit reduced by 3%
- ADS Penalty increased by 7%
- Sprint to Fire Penalty increased by 3%
Note: Find all QoL and bug fixes in Call of Duty MW3 Season 1 Reloaded patch notes here.